"And the criminal investigation regulations formulated by him are harsh, but there is no doubt that it will greatly improve the efficiency of handling cases!"

"He also said that in the future, the captors should accumulate experience and prepare to make the investigation independent and form a new knowledge!"

"If new knowledge can be formed in detection and arrest, the status of captains will be greatly improved, which is a good thing for our Legalists."

"It is said that the old friends of the work hall also closed the main door for discussion. I don't know whether it's because of Fang Yun or Lei Shushan or mohshan."

"The old friends of the medical hall have begun to send medical personnel to Ning'an county to hold a large-scale medical literature meeting, which is simply helping Fang transport the first grade of the first medical department."

"It's said that the children of doctors who participated in the palace examination this year don't want to compete for the first grade of medical science at all. I feel sorry for them..."

"Well, let's slightly improve the criminal investigation regulations and extend them to the whole human race. Take some of them into the law to restrict captors and servants. However... Fang Xusheng also increases the remuneration for those captors and sets up a reward system, which must also be complete."

"Naturally, you can't just let the horse run and let the horse not eat grass."

"Judging by the past years, Fang Xusheng is enough to get the first grade of the first section of prison. What should we do?"

"Let's see, there are still several complicated cases to deal with behind him. If he can run them smoothly, it's not too late to ask the three saints examiner to give him the first-class grade."

"God's chosen talent..."

Fang Yun finished the case in the afternoon and handled some political affairs. He found that the grain price in Ning'an county has been increasing, but it has not reached the level of government intervention.

Just the day before, the household Secretary of Mizhou issued a document to let officials of all counties and cities pay attention to the grain price. Once the grain price has doubled, corresponding measures must be taken, and from today on, the government is prohibited from releasing "grain licenses" for a period of five months.

Food is the most important thing for the people. It is common for the government to restrict the grain industry within a certain period of time. Now more than half of the Terrans still restrict grain trading, and most of them are only allowed to sell grain in fixed grain markets. In addition to the capital, all parts of Jingguo strictly abide by this law.

The so-called grain license was originally a license document for the Yamen to allow the operation of grain, but the document was not worth money, so the Yamen carved the wooden card with the document, but the grain merchant had to pay a certain amount of diplomatic expenses, that is, the cost of grain license, and changed it every other year.

Fang Yun once again instructed his private soldiers to inform him immediately once the grain price had increased by 90%. At that time, the county government opened its warehouse and sold grain at a lower price to suppress the grain price.

In addition to food, there are many other affairs in a county. It was not until midnight that Fang Yun handled the government affairs, and then began to write the successive palace examination candidates in the organ design manual. If you want to get a grade, you can't do great work in a certain subject, you must also organize an article and submit it to the editorial and review court of Shengdao. Once the article is listed in Shengdao, It plays a vital role in seizing a family a, etc.

There were several coincidences in that year. Their contributions were similar. One of them even won the first line slightly. However, just because the other's article was on the holy way, the other won the first prize, while the former only got the second prize.

The holy way in March is the first and best opportunity to enter the imperial examination.

Because at this time, many people often have no results. The more in the next few months, the more intense the competition is, and the opportunity to go to the holy way for the last time in the palace examination is extremely fierce, which can even lead to a few supporters or aides of the palace examination to send documents to attack each other.

At noon on February 26, the Mohist family suddenly announced that Moshan had successfully improved the shrapnel mechanism, and a new generation of box shrapnel bow was born!

However, only half a quarter of an hour later, the Lei family urgently announced that Lei Shushan had developed a box type slingshot as early as an hour ago, but was undergoing the final test, and did not want to be said first by Mo Shan.

After these two news appeared on the list, scholars with official seals from all over the ten countries rushed into the list, resulting in the same grand occasion as Ji Zhibai's "Ai Fangyun" on that day. There was a significant delay in the speed of scholars outside Shengyuan mainland entering the list.

A large number of scholars realized that this was a dispute between the Mohist and the Lei family, and came out to see a good play one after another.

Fang Yun looked at the wooden drum playing machine that had just been built for two quarters of an hour, left the playing bow workshop, returned to the teahouse, and entered the discussion list with the official seal in his hand.

Fang Yun smiled. It was too lively, but these scholars did not gloat. They just saw this kind of thing as fun. After all, this kind of competition will intensify the contradictions of a few people at most, so as not to hurt the harmony of the two families.

Fang Yun watched for a while and made a pot of fragrant jasmine tea. Drinking jasmine tea in spring can eliminate the cold evil accumulated in the human body in winter.

After three drinks, Fang Yun remembered that he only knew that Lei Shushan was improving the shrapnel mechanism, but he didn't know that Mo Shan was also improving. Based on his relationship with Mo Shan, it seemed that he should be reminded, so he immediately contacted Mo Shan with an urgent letter.

No response.

Fang Yun waited silently and found that he had not responded for a long time. Then he suddenly figured out something and shook his head.

"They are afraid that they have been absorbed in the official seal and read into Li Shengfa's world."

The legal circle left by Bansheng Li, the arbitration tribunal.

This is a square hall, magnificent, ancient and plain. On the ground of the hall, there are square columns one foot high. Two young people in white Jinshi clothes are separated on the two columns in the center of the hall. On the columns opposite them, there are three whole Legalists in purple robes.

On both sides of Leishu mountain and Moshan stood some Legalists and their witnesses.

Lei Shushan and Mo Shan were silent, but their staff had a fierce argument. The three great Confucians in the punishment hall stood with their hands down, as if they could not hear the quarrel.

"It was our Mohist school who first created the box type slingshot. You Lei family are behind!"

"Funny, Lei Shushan announced a few days ago that he was building a box type slingshot. Why didn't Mo Shan speak at that time? My Lord, it's clearly Mo Shan imitating our Lei family!"

"Imitate the fire of three rites in your Lei family?"

Lei Shushan suddenly turned his head and looked at Mo Shan's staff.