Fang Yun seemed to know nothing about it. After he was promoted again, he reported to the court in the history of the code.

"I have seen you at eight feet."

"Yu Dianshi is back. I have already pronounced a verdict on Ni Xian's case." Fang Yun said.

"But after the visit, I found that Ni Xian acted worse than I thought. Not only the students and students of Wenfu academy came to expose it, but also a man who claimed to be uncle LV Ping found me and said he wanted to sue Ni Xian for raping and killing LV ping!"

After hearing that Yu Bachi raised the matter, Tao dingnian, the county magistrate, and Shen Ming, the master bookkeeper, suddenly realized it!

No wonder Fang Yun didn't mention anything about LV Ping when he sentenced Ni Xian!

Before, Ni Xian was not only a minor, but also a child. He had double protection. Even if he joined the crime of rape and murder, he would be dealt with leniently. Twenty years of exile was the upper limit.

But now, Ni Xian is not a child!

In the surprised eyes of the people, Ni Xian and his son were brought to the court again. In the afternoon, Fang Yun continued to try the remaining civil cases. There are four cases that need to be carefully verified and postponed to tomorrow. Until sunset, there were still three cases that had not been handled. Fang Yun announced that he would try the case overnight when he came back from dinner.

The rice in the back yamen was fragrant. Fang Yun left the lobby and walked to the back Yamen with Xia Jingen and others.

Xia Jingen followed Fang Yun closely and looked at the man who was not as tall as himself and not as old as himself, but far exceeded himself in all aspects. A faint feeling of admiration rose in his heart. Poetry depends on talent and classics rely on hard study, but the trial of this case from beginning to end can not be facilitated by talent and hard study. If you don't have the world in mind, you will never make such a judgment.

After taking a few steps, Xia Jingen said: "My Lord, the students probably understand your intention to use Ni Xian's father and son to frighten future generations, establish a fair image of the Terran and reduce internal friction of the Terran. However, even if something similar happens, the punishment in the future can not be so heavy. Is it unfair to Ni Xian's father and son? You don't explain in detail. Would you rather bear the charge of cruel officials? Would you be too wronged?"

Fang Yun said as he walked, "on the two mountains, the souls of hundreds of millions of soldiers, have ever shouted injustice? Thousands of miles of grassland, thousands of heroes who died in war, who has ever complained of injustice?"

"Students understand." Xia Jingen looked at Fang Yun and felt more and more tall in front of him.

"We are neither the beginning nor the end." Fang Yun's tone was a little sad, but firm.

Xia Jingen said in a low voice, "if there is really eighteen layers of hell, if there is reincarnation, the Ni family's father and son will probably thank you in the next life, because you have condemned them and washed away their evil."

"Law is ceremony," Fang Yun said.

Xia Jingen was stunned and thought it over and over again.

Ao Huang couldn't understand it. After holding it for a long time, a vulgar word came out of his mouth.

"Cow force."

After dinner, Fang Yun chatted with Yang Yuhuan and others as usual, and then went to the county government hall to continue the trial.

When the trial was over, Fang Yingwu came over with a smile and said, "Your Excellency, you made a mistake."

"It's better to make a mistake," Fang Yun said with a smile.

Just this morning, after Fang Yun learned that the chief criminal secretary was going to play tricks, he guessed that some people would make trouble, so he asked Fang Yingwu to send someone to observe secretly and arrest whoever made trouble.

As a result, Fang Yun's first trial was very ingenious, and they couldn't find the opportunity. In the second scene, the atmosphere suddenly changed. Fang Yun first captured president Hong of Xiafu academy, then deterred the whole audience with the code, and finally ended with the unprecedented heavy sentence of the human race, completely smashing the arrogance of those people.

As a result, Fang Yingwu sent people to observe for a day and finally got nothing.

Xia Jingen said, "my Lord, the prison has accumulated more than 300 files and documents. Many cases are stumbling blocks set by Ning'an county officials, and some are difficult cases that Ji Zhibai and even the previous county magistrate think have not been handled until now. If the expectation is good, they will force us to solve those difficult cases in a short time, make you make mistakes, and affect the palace test rating."

Fang Yun asked, "Jing en, do you understand my judgment style and means?"

Xia Jingen replied, "I know a little. When you judge more cases, I will find out the law."

"That's good. I'll try the case for another three days. After three days, unless it's a case of great influence, all civil cases will be handed over to the court history! You will be responsible for assisting Yu Bachi in handling all civil cases. As for criminal cases, they will be handed over to the county."