Shen Ming touched his goatee and said with a smile, "everyone is sitting. The records of court examination are unprecedented. If so, I'm afraid someone will gossip."

Fang Yun nodded and said, "thank you, master Shen. The trial is suspended. I will report to the Ministry of punishment of Jingguo and the punishment Hall of the holy court as a county magistrate, and take Ning'an County as a pilot to reform the law!"

Fang Yun said and began to write a letter from the goose.

Whether Xia Jingen and Yu Bachi, who supported Fang Yun, or the other officials who opposed Fang Yun, were stunned and wondered if Fang Yun was crazy?

Fang Yun is now in the palace examination!

What is the concept of palace examination? That is the best scholar of the Terran this year to compete for the top ten subjects and the first place in the examination. There is no room for carelessness. No one can change the law at this time. It is also necessary to change some marginal things.

Because if the reform fails, it will have huge consequences and will be disqualified from the palace examination, let alone compete for the first prize.

Shen Ming looked happy. Fang Yun made a big mistake!

Yu Bachi, a scholar in blue, hurried up and said, "Lord Xu Sheng, please think twice."

Fang Yun stopped and looked up at Yu Bachi. His eyes were like water and jade.

"The county has been brewing for a long time and has its own discretion."

Yu Bachi looked at Fang Yun's eyes and was stunned, because he saw a great power from those eyes. It seemed that the power could stand still in the collapse of the earth, and could be calm in the undercurrent magma.

Sit down silently at eight feet.

Holding the official seal, Fang Yun wrote two identical documents, the book of prison proceedings.

Criminal cases are called prisons and civil cases are called lawsuits.

Long before the palace examination, Fang Yun had figured out how to compete for the first grade in the "criminal prison" section.

The full use of the laws of later generations is not only encouraging, but also inconsistent with the law of development. Therefore, Fang Yun decided to do two things step by step during the palace examination, one is to rationalize the trial and promote the de torture, the other is to clarify criminal cases and civil cases, and hand over the trial of civil cases to the code history rather than the county magistrate.

These are the general trend of history. As long as these two points are well done, the rating of the first section of punishment and prison must be very high!

As for other changes, Fang Yun is ready to take them step by step and should not be too rash.

Fang Yun quickly wrote the book of punishment and prison with his ideas, explained his views and the direction of change, asked the Ministry of punishment and the temple of punishment to set Ning'an County as a pilot, and asked to send someone to monitor the records to escort the reform of the law.

Fang Yun raised his head when he sent the letter from the wild geese. At this time, the servants had moved tables and chairs. Xia Jingen and other two legalist masters sat on Fang Yun's right hand side and prepared pen, ink, paper and inkstone for court review.


Fang Yun took a startling picture and said, "take the plaintiff and the defendant!"

Fang Yun has read books all over the world. The word "plaintiff" appeared in the Yuan Dynasty of ancient China, and it was also put forward in some legalist books in Shengyuan continent.

These two words are easy to understand. People were stunned at first and understood them quickly. In particular, the two Legalists nodded instinctively. These two titles are more neutral than words such as "bitter Lord" and "human offender", and they feel that Fang Xusheng is extraordinary.

In Shengyuan, civilians do not kneel when they see officials.

Two middle-aged men in silk clothes entered the lobby, bowed respectfully together, and then said in unison, "Xiao Min has seen Lord Xu Sheng!"

"Who's the plaintiff? Give me your name." Fang Yun looked calm. Even if this was his first trial, he didn't have any stage fright.

"Xiao Min, Zhang Youde has seen Lord Xu Sheng!"

Fang Yun followed his reputation. He was talking about a middle-aged man over 30. His neat silk clothes were better than ordinary cotton clothes, but his clothes were not bright, but they were half new. Fang Yun's eyes fell on the man's belt and fingers. Only a jade pendant was hung on the belt. In addition, he had no accessories and was not luxurious.

Fang Yun also observed the man's face, breath and eyes. This is the famous five listening prison sentence method, that is, to observe the people's words, expression, breath, hearing and eyes under the hall.

In the Zhou Dynasty, this was the method of judging a case, but later it was only the basic skill of judging a case and could not be used as the basis for judging a case.

Fang Yun nodded and said, "plaintiff, please explain the reason."

"Yes, sir! This man's name is Liu Quan. He borrowed 50 liang of silver from me and promised to pay it back in three months, but now it has been half a year and there is no silver! Xiao Min didn't want to force too much, but recently, with the rise of food prices, the business of Xiao Ren's pasta shop is not good and he is in urgent need of money. He had to sue him to the county government. Please be the Lord and let him pay me back."

Fang Yun nodded. Every spring and summer, grain prices will rise by different ranges, and will not fall back until after the autumn harvest. In addition, grain prices will rise even more sharply this year because of the use of troops in the north.

"What do you want to say?" Fang yunwang asked another person.

Liu Quan frowned and said: "My Lord, I can't help it. I borrowed 50 Liang silver from Zhang Youde because I lost a lot of money due to poor management. In addition to paying off the debt, there are still 30 Liang left. I heard that fans sell well in spring and summer, so I ordered 100 refined folding fans with those silver money and prepared to sell them. Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected situation. Due to poor storage, those 100 folding fans were sold The fan is damp and stained. I can't sell it unless I change it again. But now where can I have money? "

Fang Yun nodded again. After observation, Liu Quan's clothes were shabby and his care was not clean. He was obviously in trouble. Besides, he had no color except sadness. There was nothing special about his heartbeat or breathing. What he said was the truth.

In addition to Fang Yun's confession and the description of the two people in the prison, it is basically concluded that Liu Quan was hit by the disaster and did not want to pay back the money.

Fang Yun looked at Zhang Youde and said, "can you believe what Liu Quan said?"

Zhang Youde said reluctantly, "I naturally believe what Liu Quan said, otherwise I won't sue him until half a year."

"I think in the lawsuit, Liu Quan is willing to give you twenty liang of the fan and collect ten Liang in six months. Do you agree?" Fang Yun asked.

Zhang Youde said bitterly, "I don't know how much this fan is worth. Even if it's worth, I don't know how long it will be sold. Xiao Min went to the pawnshop and asked, these fans can only pawn five Liang silver at most. How can they be worth twenty liang? Xiao Min is really short of cash!"

Fang Yun looked at Liu Quan and said, "do you have anything else to compensate?"

"My Lord, after I lost money in business last year, all those who should have pawned have gone out, and my family is in vain. I can't mortgage my children and house?" Liu Quan said bitterly.

In Shengyuan mainland, parents can sell their children to big families as servant girls for several years, or even to Hualou.

Hearing this, Fang Yun understood the sinister intentions of the Zuo Xiang party.

This case is very typical. Fang YunRuo sentenced Liu Quan to forcibly use his house or children to compensate Zhang Youde and let the Liu family break down and die. Although it makes sense in the law, it is a good county magistrate of the Legalists, it is definitely not a good county magistrate of Confucianism, let alone a good county magistrate of the human race.

If he favors Liu Quan and makes Zhang Youde lose, Fang Yun has a reputation for "benevolence" on the surface, but it is not allowed by the law and must be accused by the Legalists. Moreover, if Zhang Youde has an accident at home because of the lack of the money, Fang Yun's reputation for "benevolence" will disappear.

"These bastards." Ao Huang scolded in a low voice.