People talked about what had just happened. They didn't expect to encounter such a thing during their visit to Shengyuan mainland.

Fang Yun no longer participated in the chat, which sounded an alarm for him.

Before, the demon man would not be willing to assassinate him at an excessive price, but now it is different. Even if he sacrificed a demon saint, there will be endless assassins in the future.

Fortunately, the holy courtyard is obviously on guard. I'm afraid this trip is to lead snakes out of the cave. Instead of day and night defense, it's better to fight back when it is determined that the other party will assassinate.

"If the demon world sends demon barbarians under the holy throne to assassinate, the success rate is very low. After all, the holy court is secretly protecting me. The demon saint can only use all kinds of split bodies. However, split bodies belong to the holy power after all. Once used, they will be detected by the holy court."

"However, there will be a mistake in guarding against thieves for thousands of days. Now I should strengthen my strength. Once I become a great scholar or even a great Confucian, as long as I don't go to the demon world, I won't die of assassination at all. At the level of a great Confucian, unless I have few enemies and fight hard, it's impossible for the great demon king to leave any great Confucian."

"Before I became a great Confucian, I was in the holy temple most of the time, and there should be no problem. The only worry is that they suddenly trapped us, cut off our connection with the holy courtyard, and mobilize the power under the holy throne to attack and kill. In that case, without the fluctuation of the power of the holy throne, the holy courtyard cannot be found at the first time."

Fang Yun became more and more worried, but now his strength is insufficient, and worrying is useless.

"As long as Cheng Daru, we can figure out these accounts one by one!"

Fang Yun stood on the empty building ship and looked at the night sky. His thoughts didn't know where to fly.

Wenqu star is still bright. No matter in spring, summer, autumn and winter, as long as it is at night, it will always hang directly above Shengyuan continent.

Fang Yun stared at Wenqu star and was curious.

"Every time I am promoted to Wenqu position, Wenqu star will change. I don't know how Wenqu star will change after I am promoted to Hanlin."

After Fang Yun was granted the virtual saint, the official seal was still the seal of the Duke of Zhenguo on the surface, but its actual function was equivalent to the jade seal of the monarch. It had more functions, and it could receive letters outside the scope of the holy temple.

Friends made by the military of Jingguo and Fang Yun and opposing aristocratic families such as Qingguo or Zong family successively sent letters to Fang Yun.

Most of the contents of the biography involve ten people who participated in the literary war in Qingguo. All of them are over 60 and are the peak of Jinshi. There are even two star Jinshi. They are all poetry maniacs and bloody people, which can be said to be the embodiment of Qingguo's national strength.

The strongest one is one of the ten old Jinshi and one of the strongest old Jinshi of the Terran.

Ten old scholars means crushing any genius with the same level of literature, whether it is the four talents of the great bachelor or the eight talents of the Imperial Academy, there is no doubt that they will lose in the face of the ten old scholars with the same level of literature.

The most involved person in these biographies is Qu Han Ge, one of the ten senior scholars of the Terran family.

There are countless legends about Qu Han's song.

He has four excellencies in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Chess, piano and calligraphy have entered the three realms, and painting is also at the peak of the two realms.

Qu Hange was the first in the county examination, the first in the government examination, the first in the state examination and the second in the conference examination, but he won the first prize in the palace examination and became the No. 1.

As for why Qu Hange failed to be promoted to the Imperial Academy for a long time, there have been different opinions. Some people say that he vowed to practice piano, chess, calligraphy and painting at the same time and then promote to the Imperial Academy. Some say that he was trapped by love and did not promote all his life. Some say that he was cursed by the demon saint, and others say that his literary palace was damaged and his mind was greatly hit. It is difficult to promote after the literary palace recovers.

Even if Jingguo is an enemy of Qingguo, many people sigh for it.

In people's opinion, with Qu Hange's intelligence, he must become a great scholar, even a great Confucian.

No matter how Qu Han Ge is, he has indisputable strength among the Jinshi.

His military skills are higher than many imperial academies. He killed more demon hous than many people have seen in their lives. In those years, he was ambushed by the demon family and finally escaped from the demon king. So far, he is the talk of Qingguo people after dinner.

Among the ten civil war people, there are not only Qu Hange, one of the ten senior scholars, but also two very strange talents. In a few years, both of them are qualified to compete with Qu Hange for the position of the ten senior of the Terran. Because they are young, the odds of winning are more than 50%!

One is a Jinshi with both Zongsheng blood and Bing family blood. His name is Zongji Bing. He is the son of the fourth son of Zongsheng and the descendant of a mixed race woman in heshihan ancient land.

Zong Jibing is just an illegitimate child and does not enter the family spectrum. Moreover, because the human family is impure, it is the limit to be promoted to Jinshi by the imperial examination. In any case, he cannot be promoted to Hanlin.

However, there are pros and cons. Although he could not be promoted to Hanlin, he stimulated the blood power of the ice family not long ago, so that all his war poems have additional ICE family power, especially the war poems involving ice, snow and rain, and the power can be greatly improved.

Zong Jibing's real strength lies in that he once entered the ancestral land of the ice family and obtained the inheritance of the ice family. He accidentally obtained the inheritance of a dead ICE family saint and turned his strength into a second holy star!

Even the legitimate son of the Zong family can only obtain the semi holy star, because the Zong saint is only semi holy.

The other is the legend of Jinshi. Qiu Chongshan, who is known as the first shot of Jinshi in Qingguo, does not practice tongue sword, but lip gun. Generally speaking, Jinshi's lip gun and tongue sword should not have his real name, but his lip gun has obtained his real name, which is called "Jiaoya ancient gun".

So far, no one knows the origin of Jiaoya ancient gun, only that in an ancient place, Qiu Chongshan's team was trapped in the mountains for many years. Five years later, only Qiu Chongshan came out alone.

No one knows what happened in the past five years, but his lip gun has the real name of "Jiaoya ancient gun".

Moreover, the shape of Jiaoya ancient gun has changed greatly, and the surface is covered with Jiaolong scale carvings. Every shot must be accompanied by a sharp tooth shaped dragon horn virtual shadow.

Some people speculate that Qiu Chongshan obtained a jiaosheng dragon horn in the deep mountains, sharpened his lip gun with it, and finally formed a Jiaoya ancient gun.

All three of them have the record of killing the son demon Hou!

Ordinary demon Marquis, Royal demon Marquis, holy demon Marquis, Holy Son demon Marquis, great saint's son demon Marquis, double saint's son until the last ancestral God family, the blood level of the demon family is more strict than that of the human race, and its strength is difficult to cross.

Ordinary Hanlin can only kill ordinary demon marquis. If you encounter the saint son demon Marquis, 99% of the Hanlin will lose or not win.

But these three people are clearly just Jinshi, one literary position lower than Hanlin, but they can kill the Holy Son demon Hou. This is the embodiment of strength.

At present, Fang Yun's strongest record is to use the weakness of the Lord of plague to win, but he did not kill the Holy Son demon Hou.

Therefore, neither Jingguo's military nor his friends are optimistic about Fang Yun. They keep sending books to introduce the characteristics of ten people to him, hoping to help him.

The air liner continued to fly in the sky. When the sky in the East changed from black to blue, the air liner crossed the Yangtze River and was close to a city standing by the Yangtze River, the capital of Xiangzhou and baling city of Baling Prefecture.

It was supposed to be dark in Baling in the early morning, but the road from three miles outside the city to the most prosperous Inn in the city was brightly lit.

Outside the Street Pavilion three miles outside baling City, there were many carriages, large and small, and countless officials and scholars were waiting.