Fang Yun replied to his friends while reading the leaflets. After handling most of the leaflets and receiving the reminder from Qiao juze, he remembered that there was a very important cultural meeting today.

Jingguo is located in the north of Shengyuan continent. It is chilly in spring outside the city in the first month. There are no buds and new branches in the forest land, and there are no busy farmers in the farmland, but there is a light green in the city.

For scholars who attach importance to talent and literary names, spring is an excellent season, which represents the germination of all things, the removal of the old and the welcome of the new, and a better start.

On the 15th day of the first month of each year, that is, the day of Jinshi spring hunting, Lantern Festival cultural meetings will be held everywhere.

Every year, on the second day after the end of spring hunting in the ten countries, that is, on the night of the 18th of the first month, early spring cultural meetings will be held everywhere, which will also start the climax of spring cultural meetings. From this day to the beginning of summer, scholars who have been silent for a winter begin to be active.

Because the spring rain affects the harvest of the year, rain praying cultural meetings are held continuously every year, resulting in the proliferation of cultural meetings, which has become a scene of Terran spring and has been uninterrupted for hundreds of years.

Before and after the early spring cultural meeting is the beginning of the "rain" in the 24 solar terms. This solar term affects the precipitation in all parts of the ten countries except the north, which also affects the output of crops in all countries. Therefore, the annual early spring cultural meeting is of great significance. It is often set in the Imperial Palace and presided over by the monarch to pray for rain and pay tribute to the day.

Even if it doesn't rain that day, the ministers of culture of various countries will mobilize the power of the holy temple to make the capital rain, which represents heaven's response to the king's prayer.

The capital is located in the north. There is no rain in the first month. It usually doesn't rain until February, but the early spring cultural meeting will still be held on this day.

Fang Yun didn't want to participate in the early spring cultural meeting, but every year before the early spring cultural meeting, the capitals of various countries will commend the Jinshi who participated in spring hunting, and then let a new Jinshi represent the Jinshi of spring hunting to offer poems.

Fang Yun has long been designated as a poet. If someone else changes, don't say that the selected people dare to go on stage, and tens of thousands of scholars participating in the cultural society can't agree.

Fang Yun didn't start learning until he had a meal at noon and accompanied his family for an hour.

Since Fang Yun was a child student in the exam, he has hardly had a complete rest and is studying all the time.

Towards the evening, Fang Yuncai took his own dragon horse luxury car, took Yang Yuhuan and Su Xiaoxiao, took Nu Nu, led Ao Huang, followed by xiaometeor, and went to the palace together.

As soon as the dragon horse came out, all the carriages on the road stopped. Both ordinary cattle and horses and Jiaoma Jianiu were frightened by the smell of the dragon horse. No matter how the driver drove, they didn't move.

Fang Yun listened to the endless "driving" sound and was very helpless. He couldn't manage this kind of thing, because the Dragon horses themselves couldn't restrain their breath. They weren't real dragons like Ao Huang. Had it not been for such an important occasion as the early spring cultural conference, he would never have taken the Longma luxury car.

In the carriage, Ao Huang looked at Fang Yun eagerly and begged: "Fang Xusheng, give Ben long a poem? Let Ben longniu come back! At the last Spring Festival literature meeting, Ben long was so unlucky. Just after reading your poem, he met the Lei family in the ritual hall. The fire of three rites fell from the sky. No one flattered Ben long and killed him! Let me go for you this time."

"When you arrive at the palace, if you still want to read poetry for me, you can go."

Ao Huang blinked and hesitated when he remembered that he had almost been killed by robbing the night pearl in the imperial palace.

Along the way, the family talked and laughed. Yang Yuhuan occasionally opened the curtain and looked out of the window, but once she was found, she immediately put down the curtain and didn't want to be seen by outsiders.

However, Ao Huang always liked to drill out with a big face against the curtain. He looked at it for a while and saw the shocked expression of the people.

A few days later, the little fox tried his best to stick to Fang Yun and lay in Fang Yun's arms. He didn't leave anyway.

When the bus arrives at the street where the palace is located, the bus line slows down obviously, because there are too many people coming to the palace today, including imperial relatives, civil and military officials, scholars in the capital and so on.

Fortunately, the vehicles transported in the whole capital are drawn by pure blood dragon horses. No horses dare to the road, even in crowded sections.

When he got to the palace, Fang Yun, as usual, held Yang Yuhuan's hand when he got off the carriage. When Yang Yuhuan got off the station, he looked at the palace.

In front of me is the Imperial Palace moat, and then there is a square. Before the time came, the square was full of guests participating in the cultural conference.

The main gate of the palace and the left and right tucked doors were closed.

As soon as Fang Yun appeared, he immediately attracted the eyes of tens of thousands of people present.

"Fang Xusheng is coming!"

"It's really Fang Xusheng!"

The people who had a good conversation shut up and looked at Fang Yun together.

Ninety nine percent of the eyes, more than a trace of unprecedented enthusiasm!

Fang Yun not only made Jingguo the first in the spring hunting list of ten countries, but also broke the records of previous dynasties. One country weighs nine countries, and the list value is more than the sum of all countries. This is a miracle that has never happened in any era.

The seal order of the hunting ground is only to prevent accidents. After the verification of the punishment hall, some things have been lifted one after another. For example, Fang Yun's five wonderful medical books on the hunting ground are well known, but the acquisition of disease classics is kept secret.

For example, Fang Yun and ten Jinshi joined hands to kill the Lord of plague, but the details were not released.

The semi holy King Jinglong spoke in person, and any doubt was pressed down. No one would dare to question what the semi holy said.

If we say that the ten countries' big competition is to compare the literary achievements of young scholars in various countries, the Jinshi spring hunting is to compare the military achievements of the new generation in various countries.

At least in this year, Jingguo will be able to call itself a Terran power!

In the 200 years since the founding of Jingguo, this has never been a moment!

Fang Yun was used to the people's performance, bowed his hands to the people and continued to move forward.

The left is the most important. Therefore, at the early spring cultural meeting in previous years, important people entered from the left gate, and the rest entered from the right gate. The main gate in the middle will never be opened. The early spring cultural meeting can't let the palace open the main gate.

Fang Yun took his family to the left to tuck in the door. People on the road made way one after another and kept greeting.

"Xie Fang Xusheng makes me proud of Dajing!"

"The pillars of the country, the leader of the human race!"

"The casino gambles on the ranking of Jinshi spring hunting in various countries. Although I lost tens of thousands of liang of silver, I lost happily! I really hope to lose every year!"

"Xie Fang Xu Sheng is the Chinese name of my scene!"

Yang Yuhuan and nu Nu were happy, and AO Huang was also very happy. They thought that these people had eyes, unlike those fools who only scolded Fang Yun.

In front of the zuoye gate, a group of people with the highest status in the cultural society gathered.

However, except for the literary ministers, the great scholars did not come, most of them were great scholars and Hanlin.

The 29 people who participated in the Jinshi spring hunting have arrived early and stood in front of the zuoye gate. As the meritorious heroes of Jingguo University, they are comparable to the grand scholars today.

However, among these people, there are four middle-aged Jinshi who are different. Even if they are still wearing Jinshi clothes, their breath is more than all Jinshi!

Because the four of them have been promoted to Hanlin!

This is also one of the main reasons why people are crazy!

Fang Yun can even promote people who have stayed in the Jinshi position for many years. This ability is as holy as God and should be worshipped in Shengyuan mainland!