Jingguo Jinshi fought three times in a row. His talent, physical strength and spirit were overdrawn. He was not suitable for fierce fighting at night, so he began to rest. Fang Yun, who was full of talent, took turns to watch the night with several middle-aged Jinshi.

In the early morning, Fang Yun finished his vigil with one person and changed shifts with two middle-aged scholars, but he didn't sleep immediately. Instead, he practiced his talent ancient sword a little far from the camp. After only half of his talent was left, he recited the holy classics silently and didn't sleep until 4 a.m. St. yuan continental time.

The two scholars on the night watch looked at each other and sincerely admired each other. Only then did they understand that there is no empty scholar under the reputation. A person can settle down to study and study at this time. Even if his talent is not good, this quality alone is enough to make him a leader of the human race.

Early in the morning, many Jinshi got up. The first thing in the morning was to open the ranking of spring hunting list. As a result, many Jinshi were ashamed.

It turned out that Jinshi in many countries didn't sleep or slept less.

Jingguo fell directly to eighth place. The ranking values of old powerful and medium-sized countries have exceeded 100000, while Jingguo has destroyed three tribes in a row, but only more than 90000. As for the long-standing weak Gu state and Shen state, the list value is more than 50000. Obviously, it is difficult to sustain only by destroying the two tribes.

The gap between countries has been completely widened. If King had not been lucky, I'm afraid it would be the same as Gu and Shen, with a list value of about 50000 or 60000.

At present, the first place on the list is neither the best martial state, nor the most united cloud state, nor the longest established Shu state, but Qingguo!

Qingguo's list value has exceeded 120000, and it is obvious that it has slaughtered at least four major tribes. At present, the number is still changing, and it is likely to fight the fifth tribe.

Jiaguo also surpassed Yunguo, a steady power, and ranked fifth.

Looking at Qingguo ranking first, Zhang Zhixing couldn't help muttering: "they are crazy. Without the fog butterflies in Fangzhen country, we only have the level of 60000 list value, and the four major powers should also maintain the value of 100000 list value. Qingguo directly killed 120000, which must pay a lot of price!"

"Let's not be angry with them and fight steadily."

"Qingguo either has something to rely on, or he really does whatever it takes."

"Of course they have to work hard. The top ten countries are so miserable that they were pressed by Fang Xusheng. If they lose again this time, it's really a national shame. It's really gratifying to see our king country win the seventh place that day."

"Fang Xusheng, your" arrow in stone "has long had a poetic soul, and has experienced Tianyan poetry. Has" arrow in stone "reached three realms?"

Fang Yun knew that there was no need to hide the matter and replied, "it has indeed entered the three realms, but he has never had a chance to use it."

"Your second realm, arrow in stone, has the ability to crack stones, and the third realm may be able to open mountains. Even the handsome turtle demon of the Dragon species may be pierced through the shell by an arrow. The power of war poetry will increase qualitatively with each realm, but I don't know what about your third realm, arrow in stone."

Fang Yun had already tested the power of arrow in stone, and said with a smile, "I'll know then."

"At that time, compare it with brother Chao Ming's Yuanmen arrow. One is the arrow saint of the Han Dynasty and the other is the God of war of the Three Kingdoms. I don't know which of them has a powerful arrow technique."

Ma chaoming said modestly, "the evil spirit is at the bottom. Fang Xusheng's arrow in the stone has both handed down treasure light and got the marrow of Li Guang. He himself is the ancestor of poetry. The power of poetry must be much stronger than us. Today you have also seen his strength."

Fang Yun didn't say anything. After the Tianyan war poetry, he did get a "poem tripod" because of Xu Sheng.

At the beginning, only a part of the word "poetry" on the tripod glowed, but the whole word had already glowed many days ago. Fang Yun naturally felt that he could use the power of the poem tripod to enhance his war poetry. However, it takes many days to recover after the tripod is used up once, and Fang Yun can't grasp the specific time, so he was not willing to experiment before, so he can use it again in case of danger.

When they see Fang Yun, they don't say anything and don't ask any more. After all, it's related to Fang Yun's strength at the bottom of the box. Once it leaks out, it's very dangerous if it is targeted by the demon.

After dinner, they took a rest, released several mechanism birds to explore the demon man, and then ran towards the demon mountain.

The organ bird never found the trace of the demon man. After an hour, the people found that there was a huge tribe ahead!

There are 30000 demons there!

There are no demon and barbarian tribes in the surrounding areas.

This is a hunting ground, so there are no demon princes in this huge tribe. If in the grass barbarian or demon world, there will be many demon princes in the demon barbarian of 30000 tribes, and there may even be a demon king or Barbarian King.

"Damn it. Why did the demon man suddenly become so cunning? There are faint traces of my Terran art of war. I didn't expect that other than the soldier man saint, the demon man can do it."

Fang Yun said: "fortunately, the demon man's organizational ability is poor. If we completely follow the mysterious demon man's plan, we're afraid it will be more dangerous."

"Organizational ability?" a Jinshi wondered.

Fang Yun quietly remedied and said, "organize a word to publish the book of songs * ganzhuo." As we all know, in this poem, there are three kinds of flags represented by ganzhuo, all of which have white silk threads to participate in weaving, and the original meaning of organization refers to weaving. The extended meaning of the so-called organization ability is the ability and efficiency of a collective to do things. Any group should be like weaving, organized into cloth silk and satin by orderly silk threads. The book of songs Later, Gao Yi, a great Confucian of the Han Dynasty, and Liu Xie, a semi saint of the state, also mentioned it in the literary heart and Carving Dragons. "

Fang Yun was relieved when he finished. Fortunately, he was proficient in the holy classics, otherwise he didn't even have the ability to explain words.

"That's wonderful. Organizational ability and weaving ability are very appropriate to describe political affairs, military or commercial affairs."

Fang Yun immediately brought the topic back and said, "even if this 30000 demon barbarian tribe is formed in a hurry, the demon barbarian military flag should not be underestimated. Once we get close, we will be found. If we don't fight, the Jinshi of other countries are likely to take the lead. What should we do?"

"If we can kill all the demons, no amount of demons will be afraid. However, we can't do it now. We can only attack hard. If we are surrounded by demons, at least three or four new Jinshi will be sent out of the hunting ground by the semi holy force of the hunting ground because of serious injuries..."

At this time, a sad voice of spring thunder suddenly flashed from everyone's ears.

"Be careful, literary friends! I'm Xun Cong of Qingguo. A new scholar of Qingguo was accidentally killed by a demon man just now! There's a big problem with this spring hunting. You must be careful!"

Thirty scholars of Jingguo looked at each other, and then their faces sank like water.

"It's dead! It's dead! Spring hunting hasn't killed anyone for many years?"

"No one has ever died outside the demon mountain!"

"There's something strange about this. Don't mention the semi saint. Even the great scholar can easily rescue him! Doesn't the semi Saint know what's going on here? Does the semi Saint force protecting the hunting ground lose its function?"

"There must be a big change in the outside world, so that semi saints have no time to take care of us or even can't take care of us at all! If the saints knew that even outside the demon mountain could die, they would tell us in advance!"

"Today's event, the change of the hunting ground, is by no means a semi holy test!"

"No wonder Ji Shouyu said there was a disaster in the spring hunting!"

"How should I wait?"

Thirty Jinshi fell silent again.