Fang Yun understood that his uncle Fang Shouye was obviously recommending Fang Yingwu.

Fang Yingwu is the son of Fang Shouye's eldest brother, but he has always lived in Fang Shouye's house. They are the same as father and son.

Fang Yingwu is over 20 years old. At present, he is very talented and smart. In those years, someone offended him and was tortured by him. He was extremely treacherous. However, this person is not a bully and has a mixed reputation.

Fang Yingwu has a habit. He is not interested in good family women. He likes sleeping in the Hualou painted boat at night. He is romantic.

Fang Yun asked Fang Shouye about Fang Yingwu and recalled the previous rumors that this person had no other bad deeds except wandering around the flower building and taking revenge. What's more, Fang Yingwu was his cousin and his family, which was far more trustworthy than outsiders. With Fang Shouye's temper, if Fang Ying really has a problem with the nature of goods, he will never give up his old face and send a letter.

"When my cousin arrives in the capital, I will pick him up."

Fang Yun normally went to the "spring hunting class" and "palace examination class" in the morning. After class, he checked the leaflet with his official seal. It was found that many familiar or unfamiliar people recommended themselves or others only for the private soldiers or aides of Fang Yun.

On his way home, Fang Yun thought while walking that it is desirable for someone to be a private soldier or aide, but his team is not stable. Rashly accepting a large number of people will inevitably lead to various contradictions. After all, people's hearts are the most complex and not as easy to control as barbarian private soldiers.

After lunch, Fang Yun didn't go to the literary battlefield to practice swords or war poetry, but sat in his study and thought about his team candidates.

Naturally, scholars who come to help farmers cannot refuse, "farming" is an important subject of the palace exam. Farming gets a or B is the best. If it gets C, it will immediately lose the qualification of the top three of the palace exam. Food and clothing is always the top priority of the Terran.

Mr. Xiang is a veteran of officialdom, and was recommended to Cai he by Wen Xiang Jiang Hechuan. He has been with CAI he for several years, and it can even be said that everything is reliable.

Fang Yingwu is also a candidate for his staff. He travels around Jingguo, but he can not only think about it with his lower body. Fang Yun is lack of meeting all kinds of people and hearing strange things in Hualou painting boats. Fang Yingwu is younger and sharper in some aspects than master Xiang.

As for the private leader of the demon man private soldier, Ao Huang will be very motivated.

The officers, nobles and private soldiers are sent by the military. At present, the general of the officers, nobles and private soldiers is a middle-aged scholar of the Chen Sheng family. He has served in the military for many years, but for the safety of Fang Yun, he will be sent to Fang Yun by the Chen family. The two thousand private soldiers nominally belong to the royal family of Jingguo, but in fact they are brought out by the people of the Chen Sheng family. There is no doubt about their loyalty to Jingguo.

Fang Yun thought clearly. In addition to the people sent by the holy courtyard, the current team is enough. No matter how many, it will appear bloated. After all, he only governs a county, not a state or even a country. If there is a shortage of people, go directly to the Fang family relatives in Dayuan mansion for selection. The same family relationship is extremely reliable. They are both prosperous and lossy with Fang Yun. Even if people of the same family want to take refuge in Fang Yun's enemy, the other party may not be willing to accept it.

Only when the "Fang family" has a firm foothold and has a preliminary scale can we speed up the external recruitment of talents.

In the afternoon, the eunuch in the Imperial Palace came to read out the imperial edict, officially canonized Fang Yun as the "Duke of the town", rewarded the Royal Palace, other courts, gardens, fertile fields, etc., and brought a gift of 90 carriages!

The Fang family can't hold so many gifts at all. All these things will be sent to the famous garden "Spring Garden" on Mingde street. Spring garden is one of the three best royal gardens in Jingguo. One of them was given to Chen Guanhai and two for Royal own use, but now one is given to Fang Yun.

Fang Yun was obviously stunned when he heard the reward. Yesterday's discussion did not involve the "Spring Garden". It seems that it was decided by the Empress Dowager today.

Ordinary people will only think it is the Empress Dowager's reward, but Fang Yun also has an official position after all. He immediately realized that this is a very obvious political signal.

There is a "Chu Jun" in a country as the heir to the monarch, and Fang Yun's treatment is similar to that of Chen Sheng, which means that the Empress Dowager has regarded Fang Yun as a "Chu Sheng".

The award of "Spring Garden" shows the determination of the Empress Dowager and many officials in the court.

The position of the Duke is very high. The canonization ceremony takes some time to prepare. A formal ceremony of heaven worship and canonization will be held on December 25. At that time, not only civil and military officials will participate, but also the people in the capital will go.

In view of the change of Fang Yun's identity, Shangshe was no longer suitable for living. That night, everyone cleaned up everything in the Fang family.

The next morning, the motorcade sent by the palace picked up Fang Yun and others and was responsible for moving. The eldest princess Zhao Hongzhuang also came in person.

The spring garden is located in the southeast corner of the capital. When the capital was built, it was found that there was a natural spring, so it was built into a royal garden and named after the spring.

When the carriage stopped, Fang Yun and the Fang family stepped out of the carriage. On the front was the magnificent and simple front door of the spring garden. The plaque on the front door was written with the word "Spring Garden", which was written by the founder of Jingguo. It was impressively the "ink and bone" of the three areas of calligraphy. Each stroke of the two words stood upright like a sword.

The spring garden consists of the main garden and four sub gardens in the East, West, North and south. The theme of the main garden is water. As soon as you enter the main gate of the spring garden, you first see a lake with a radius of 30 feet. In the lake, there are small islands and waterside pavilions, and there are long corridors or bridges on all sides to connect the rest.

But now it is winter, and the plants on the water surface are slightly dilapidated. If in summer, the lotus leaves are full of the lake and the lotus flowers are in full bloom, it is a rare lotus attraction.

This is the famous "Hetang Lake" in the spring garden. Around the Hetang lake, there are Liuxiang hall, feiye Pavilion and other buildings.

Along the way, Zhao Hongzhuang constantly introduced everything about the spring garden.

Fang Yun and AO Huang were very calm, but Yang Yuhuan, Su Xiaoxiao and Fang Daniu kept exclaiming all the way. Even if the scenery here was not as beautiful as that in summer, they were deeply fascinated.

Fang Yun compared the spring garden with the Suzhou garden in his memory and found that the spring garden is better in both scale and all aspects. After all, with the participation of great Confucianism, it can do things that ordinary people can't do.

Just behind the main gate, the Hetang Lake courtyard is more than 20 mu!

They walked for a long time, bypassed the Hetang lake, and then came to the main garden behind. The main garden is full of ponds and rivers, covering a very wide area. At first glance, people think they have come to the water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

Because it is a royal garden, the main garden is mainly for the monarch to watch and rest. It can also handle government affairs and even hold temporary court meetings. It is not suitable for living. Passing through the main garden to the South Garden is the place where people live.

All the facilities in the South Garden are extremely complete. It is even too complicated for the other family. Many rooms can't be used at all.

Zhao Hongzhuang doesn't know much about this place. The garden official of Quanyuan is responsible for introducing the Fang family one by one.

After that, Fang Yun and others went to visit other gardens.

Time goes by without delay.

Fang Yun quickly adapted to the life in Quanyuan. On December 25, he accepted the official title of "Duke of Zhenguo",

Congratulatory gifts from various countries came one after another, the people needed by Fang Yun's team arrived one after another, and the private soldiers gradually improved. Fang Yun was busy every day without touching the ground until the new year.