Tong Luan opened his eyes and the situation was completely reversed by Jiang Hechuan.

This is Jiang Hechuan's practice. He doesn't quarrel with anyone, nor does he use any tricks. He just announces one thing openly.

Next, no matter what Zuo Xiang wants to do, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Tong Luan finally looked to Fang Yun. No matter how wonderful the timing of Jiang Hechuan's chess, he needed chess pieces, and Fang Yun was the person who created chess pieces.

The hall was silent for a moment. Yu Xingshu, the Dinghai General of the fourth grade, said, "I'd like to throw a brick to attract jade."

"Yu Aiqing, but it doesn't hurt to say it." the Empress Dowager's voice came from the gauze curtain.

Fang Yun looks at Yu Xingshu. This is an old acquaintance of Yuhai city. He took good care of him that day.

Different from the three armed forces in the north, yuhaicheng's military ostensibly aims to prevent the dragon clan from invading, but in fact it is to prevent the Jiao clan. At the moment, the dragon clan has no intention of war, and the Jiao Dragon Palace must not dare to make a mistake, so the senior members of the army can go to Beijing without scruples.

"I believe that with the strength of Jingguo, it is impossible to fight against Cao man. The most important strategy to fight against Cao man is to unite the Terran countries. For the sake of Jingguo, special envoys should be sent to visit various countries in exchange for rescue," Yu Xingshu said.

Fang Yun nodded with all the officials. No country can fight Cao man alone. The strength of the United Nations is the top priority. If other countries do not contribute, King will lose.

"I agree with general Yu's words. At the same time, I believe that a strategist from the Ministry of rites should be sent to the holy courtyard to lobby various families and the Kong family. If the Kong family is willing to send a 'fixed demon army', the other countries will certainly increase their efforts to help."

As soon as the word "Dingyao army" came out, all officials were respectful, and even Ao Huang became serious.

Each half of the holy family keeps at least a thousand troops, the Yasheng family has at least 10000 troops, and the most famous of the Kongsheng family is the Dingyao army.

There are three armies of heaven, earth and man in the demon army of the Kong family. The heavenly army guards the unique ancient land of the Kong family. Few people know the name of the ancient land. The earthly army guards the Shihan ancient land, while the human army constantly comes and goes to Liangjie mountain, zhenprison sea or barren ancient land, and occasionally returns to the Shengyuan continent to fight with the three barbarians.

The Dingyao army is famous for its fierce reputation. Whenever the Terran encounters great difficulties, the Dingyao army is bound to fight and achieve fruitful results.

The Dingyao army is an army built by the Kong family. The lowest literate is also a boy student. There are a large number of people and Jinshi. It is a strong army second only to the defenders.

"It's very kind of you to say that. I immediately went to the Ministry of rites to find someone available to lobby the Kong family." the Minister of rites said.

"In addition to foreign aid, Jingguo should also change its inherent armies. Transfer the two armies opposed to Wu and Qing to the north. At the same time, ask the holy courtyard to take over Huangyao mountain and transfer the army guarding Huangyao mountain to the north. In this way, there can be three more armies in the north of Jingguo."

"General Huang is an old saying. In addition, we should mobilize the whole country to expand the new army, with at least one million people!"

There was a brief calm in the chaotang hall, which meant that the number of soldiers in Jingguo doubled. Even if the Terran food was abundant every year, it was also a considerable burden for Jingguo.

"The forces Nouvelles can practice, but they seem to use insufficient ordnance."

"If you negotiate directly with the workers, the holy courtyard will help you. If the holy courtyard doesn't help you, I will knock down the peak mountain in anger! If you can borrow a sea shell, it's best."

Ao Huang smiled, and there was a swallow Seashell in his hand.

"If we can borrow better heaven and earth shells, our Terran will never worry about food and grass transportation. Unfortunately, we can't borrow them."

Ao Huang couldn't help interrupting: "don't think about Tiandi Bei. Swallow the sea Bei can exchange the startling Saint article and give a drink River Bei as a gift."

Fang Yun turned his head and looked at Ao Huang. Ao Huang quickly shut up.

A humanitarian: "Prince Huang, I don't know if the dragon family will lend a helping hand."

Ao Huang looked at Fang Yun and found that Fang Yun had not been stopped. He immediately said firmly, "no! Our Donghai Dragon Palace strictly abides by the agreement with the demon family and will never help at this time. However, your Terrans are treacherous and cunning. If we think of any conspiracy to rob weapons from our Donghai Dragon Palace, we have nothing to do. You can ask Fang Yun about this. He is full of bad water."

Fang Yun Bai glanced at Ao Huang and said, "if the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea fails to attack Yuhai City, leaving countless swords, guns and shields, it should be regarded as the booty of our country."

"What you think is really beautiful. Ben long doesn't believe you can defeat our Dadonghai dragon clan! When Ben long goes back to discuss with his sister," Ao Huang said seriously.

Hearing that Donghai Dragon Palace was willing to help, the officials breathed a sigh of relief. The weapons of Donghai Dragon Palace are extremely durable and firm. They can be used for Terrans as long as they are slightly modified.

The strategists and scholars continued to discuss, but the Minister of the Ministry of officials looked to kaogong Si Zhengzhuang Lu.

As soon as Zhuang Lu's look changed, he said loudly, "I have one thing to ask. Even if my grand view layout is perfect and everything goes well, how many chances are there to win?"


Zhuang Lu's remark is to the point, and no one dares to answer it.

Because everyone knows that even in the best case, Jingguo has less than a 10% chance of winning.

The reason why officials can discuss is that they do not consider winning.

The Fengtian hall is as cold as winter.

After a moment of silence, Zhuang Lu continued: "You can't do your best to rescue all countries. At most, each of the nine countries has a large army, which can fight no more than 500000. With the help of soldiers and civilians, there are only one million and a half million soldiers available. Even with the new recruits of Jingguo, there are only three million soldiers, even if the help of soldiers and civilians are included. And the barbarians have at least 50 million soldiers to fight! Why don't you mention such a great disparity? "

The hall was silent.

Yu Xingshu said in a dry voice, "he attacked me and defended me. With the help of the sharp weapon of guarding the city, you can drag the grass man. When his supply is insufficient, you can force him back."

"Ridiculous! Even if the city guarding weapons are equivalent to tens of millions of people, how can we fight the barbarian 50 million?"

Yu Xingshu is silent. He doesn't want to argue in the court. He is a strategist, not a miscellaneous scholar.

"The demon holy order, the demon man will destroy one city and kill another city! Our king country can retreat step by step, but it is stepping on the corpse of the people of King country!"

"Does Lord Zhuang have a good plan to retreat from the enemy?" said a general.


"Please make it clear, Lord Zhuang."

All the officials of the Manchu Dynasty kept their eyes on Zhuang Lu, and many people had expectations in their eyes.

"My official's method is very simple. For the sake of the human family and the people, the royal family of Jingguo should abdicate and give the land abroad to Qingguo and Wuguo. The two countries will go all out and help other countries, so they will force the barbarians to retreat..."

"Shut up! The thief dares to say another word, which would have made your blood splash in the Jinluan hall!" the senior general Zhou Junhu shouted angrily. His murderous spirit overflowed, and clouds rose out of thin air on the imperial palace.

Zhuang Lu's clothes were blown by the strong wind, making a hissing sound and cracking into rags.

Zhuang Lu is just a scholar, while Zhou Junhu is a great scholar. His ability to kill is still above Zuo Xiang.

Zhuang Lu glanced at the Minister of officials and dared not speak.

Zhou Junhu once threatened Zuo Xiang face to face. If there is no one, he will cut Zuo Xiang under the lip gun. Zhuang Luzhen is not worth mentioning.

Ou Meng, the minister in charge of the Ministry of officials, coughed softly and said, "general Zhou's army is motivated. What Zhuang Sizheng said may not be unreasonable."

"Listen to your words and want to surrender to the enemy and betray the country?" Zhou Junhu said. A large number of weapons and virtual shadows slowly appeared over the hall. There were a lot of knives and guns, filled with murderous spirit and the war intention rushed into the sky.

Fang Yun shook his head secretly. Although great Confucianism and great scholars are no different from ordinary people on weekdays, once they mobilize their strength, it is extremely terrible, which is definitely not comparable to Jinshi.