The original meaning of the word "confession" is to bear the crime and punishment. Offset is not offset, it should mean undertaking.

I've always mistaken this word for a countervailing crime.

Someone pointed out that I accepted it with an open mind, but someone said that the author's IQ was wrong.

At first, I was very angry. Later, I thought that this person must have something to laugh at or too few people on weekdays, so I was very excited when I met a word and rose to the level of insulting others' IQ.

Most people with a strong sense of superiority usually laugh or correct others' mistakes, rather than abuse or repeated entanglement. Er, the exception is when the sense of superiority is broken, such as the following scene: someone says that if you really want to play with words, the four words of poetry and prose can be interpreted as "poetry and prose replace people to plead guilty". Nothing more than to make up four words and omit the predicate object.

There are too many words that misunderstand or enter the blind spot. Just laugh when you see others making mistakes. Those who are kind can mention it. Those who are angry can teach, but those who come up to laugh at IQ will not expose other people's IQ problems.

Tell me about my wrong understanding when I was a child.

For example, "tiger poison doesn't eat children". I didn't see words when I was a child. I just heard it on TV and misunderstood it as "tiger poison doesn't know children". I always thought it was the tiger who was too bad to know his son. Then I always felt that the context was very strange when others said this. I suddenly realized it when I saw the words later.

There is also the word "Yin wrong Yang difference". I know the original meaning, that is, accidents caused by various accidents. However, I saw a film called "Yin wrong Yang difference" in the TV preview. As soon as I saw the words Yin and Yang, I thought it was a myth film. After a long time of joy, I found that it was an ordinary foreign film.

For example, Cantonese and Austrian bothered me for a long time when I was a child. I didn't fully remember that it was Cantonese until a classmate said "Austrian" in public and was ridiculed. So far, I thank that classmate, but is that good?

By the way, the student who ridiculed others for saying "Austrian language" mistook "tit for" against each other ", and was ridiculed by" Austrian language students "... Now it's fun to think about it. Where else is the meaning of ridicule.

There are too many wrong names, pronunciation, understanding and word order.

Just smile at this kind of thing. I really can't understand how to cross mountains and rivers, spring, summer, autumn and winter to attack others' IQ. At least it takes a great Confucian to do it