Whenever Fang Yun practices the piano, the fog butterfly will obediently lie on the piano, especially when playing happy music, the fog butterfly must dance.

Fog butterfly at first glance is an ordinary white butterfly, only the size of a palm, but if you look carefully, you will find that its white wings are like translucent white jade, which flows with charming colors, but the charming colors contain a frightening power.

For the sake of fog butterfly, Fang Yun even asked Zhao Hongzhuang to borrow books from the palace. As a result, Zhao Hongzhuang replied that there was no detailed record of fog butterfly in the holy court.

Fang Yun rummaged through the memory of the inheritance of ancient demons and couldn't find the specific matters about fog butterflies, because strange things appeared after the decline of ancient demons, and the debate about strange things has always existed. Some people think that strange things are newly born, while others think that strange things are revived after hundreds of millions of years of gestation, otherwise they can't explain the horror of strange things.

Strange things are naturally stronger than the human race or demon barbarians at the same level, especially their unique nature is immeasurable.

Different from Terrans and demon barbarians, both Terrans and demon barbarians need to grow, and it is impossible to encourage them. Strange things are different. As long as there are gods needed for growth, they will grow rapidly at an incredible speed, which even the dragon clan can't compare.

Since the fog butterfly woke up, fewer and fewer people dared to get close to Fang Yun.

Everyone knows that the fog butterfly is a terrible life that can control strange wind and weak water. However, strong enough strange wind and weak water are forces that the saints can't resist.

On October 15, the bells of literary academies across the ten countries rang in unison. The results of the palace examination were announced, and the final ranking of Jinshi in the ten countries and Kong City was officially determined.

Ji Zhibai was the No. 1 scholar of Jingguo this year. He almost crushed other Jinshi of Jingguo in military strategy, education, government affairs and farming. Even in the top 20 of the whole ten countries, he was a genius not seen in Jingguo for many years.

If there were not Mohist and medical scholars among the scholars on the same list, I knew that Bai Neng would be the best king country in all aspects.

In the past, even if Ji knew Bai was Zuo Xiang's man, with his talent, the students of Jingguo school palace would be elated and spontaneously form a team of 1000 people to meet him at the north gate.

However, the students of Jingguo school palace seem to have forgotten the existence of Ji Zhibai. Except the students of Liufeng society who went to meet Ji Zhibai, the top student of high school, who returned to Beijing, none of the other students went.

None of the ten students went to school.

After Fang Yun won the seventh place for Jingguo, some rumors spread in the capital.

"Jizhi Bai colluded with Qingguo to give up Shangshe Jinshi and refused to participate in the ten country competition, which almost led to Jingguo being suppressed by Qingguo, which was a heinous crime."

Although no one can prove this news, it spread wildly in Jingguo school palace.

Ji Zhibai ranked first in Jingguo's palace exam and the top 17 in the ten countries, which was explosive news in the past. However, after comparing Ji Zhibai with Fang Yun, Jingguo people found that all the achievements of Ji Zhibai over the years were not as great as Fang Yun's in the ten countries' Congress.

Moreover, Fang Yun has more achievements.

On the morning of October 15, Fang Yun read as usual.

Thousands of students stood at the Street Pavilion ten miles outside the north gate of the capital, which was similar to the scene of the return of the No. 1 scholar every year.

Soon, a team of Jiaoma galloped from the north and slowed down slowly.

A tall and straight white Jinshi with sword eyebrows and stars sat on his horse. His face was as warm as the afternoon sun with a warm smile.

Ji knew that Bai glanced at the team to meet him. The smile on his face suddenly faded for three points, and he returned to normal after several interest rates.

Most of them were young students and scholars, and few were scholars. There were very few Jinshi. It seemed that someone had paid students from various academies to fill in.

Ji Zhi Bai got off his horse and looked in the direction of the capital. The towering wall of the capital was clearly visible.

Ji Zhibai seems to want to see a person in the capital.

"If you can leave Denglong platform alive, I'll wait for you in spring hunting! However, the premise is whether you can participate in the Jinshi examination this year!"

Ji Zhibai's eyes flashed an inexplicable light and walked to the welcoming team with a smile behind him.

On October 20, ten countries competed for the head of the country. No one succeeded. The head of the country hung in the air for seven consecutive years.

On October 25th, the dragon clan issued a reminder when the entrance of Denglong platform became loose.

On October 26, Guo Zitong, the master of the Academy, summoned ten Shangshe people to the battlefield of learning Gongwen.

After lunch, Fang Yun walked slowly to the Wen battlefield. It was not an ordinary training ground, but a place for formal Wen war. If he was not a Jinshi, he was not qualified to enter.

Wen battlefield is similar to the polo field in the army. In the middle is an oval grass, surrounded by stone stairs, on which more than 100000 people can sit.

Fang Yun slowly entered the Wen battlefield and saw six Shangshe Jinshi chatting at the edge of the venue.

After Yan zewei, a student in Liushan, left Jingguo school palace, another person entered Shangshe. This person is not from Liufeng society.

So far, none of the ten students in Jingguo school palace is Zuo Xiang's student.

As soon as Cui Wang saw Fang Yun, he hurriedly said, "brother Fang, I don't want to offend you. Don't blame me if I hit hard later!"

Fang Yun didn't receive any news before he came. Seeing Cui Wang say so, he asked, "the master of the Academy asked me to come here to fight with you?"

"Wen Zhan duels, but it's similar to Wen Zhan." Qiao juze said.

Fang Yun looked at the six Shangshe Jinshi. Finally, he looked at Cui Wang and said, "other Shangshe Jinshi have been famous for a long time, and they can suppress me with a sword. As for you, you have just become a Jinshi, and the sword has not been bred for a long time, and you and I have a better chance of winning against you."

Cui Wang stared and said, "don't look down on people! I'm older than you anyway. How can I lose to you!"

"When the master comes, I'll try with you."

"Just try!" Cui Wang refused.

The other Jinshi smiled and watched the two bickering.

Fang Yun ignored Cui Wang and began to run slowly. While running, he did all kinds of actions to make his body comfortable.

Although a scholar is not a soldier, his active body must be better than his rigid body.

"Do you want to beat me with such small moves? I can't compare with him. I don't believe I can't even beat him in civil war now!" Cui Wang said.

"Fang Yun calls this a warm-up. I feel good. Soldiers in the army pay more attention to the movement of muscles and bones, while scholars like me don't pay attention to it by virtue of good health." Qiao juze said.

Not long after, Shangshe ten people came together, and Guo Zitong, the master of the Academy, stepped on the white clouds and fell into the field.

Guo Zitong, dressed in the embroidered cloud green clothes of a university scholar, looks only about 50 years old. In fact, he is an old man over 80.

After Guo Zitong landed, he opened the door to the mountain and said, "the way of literary warfare is very different between the people below and the people above. Next, ten of them will take turns to compete with you to make you familiar with the combat method of Jinshi. After being familiar with it, I will arrange for you to fight with the demon commander. After all, the alien in Denglong platform is the real enemy."

"Thank you, Mr. Guo." Fang Yun replied respectfully.

Guo Zitong glanced at Shangshe Jinshi, pointed to Cui Wang and said, "you enter the literary war with Fang Yun. Fang Yun can use all means. You can only use a sword."

"That's enough! I'm not afraid of him as long as I can use words!"