Fang Yun never dreamed that after reading thousands of books, he could enter the spring and autumn world to watch the magnificent history of more than two hundred years. He couldn't help smiling on his face.

Fang Yun felt very tired and wanted to sleep, but as soon as he closed his eyes, a chaotic historical picture appeared in front of him.

At the temple hall of the state of Lu, Cao GUI talked with the Duke of Lu Zhuang. Later, he followed the Duke of Lu Zhuang to fight against the state of Qi. He conquered the state of Qi and became famous in the first World War.

In the state of Wu, Wu Zixu was in charge of politics and Sun Tzu was in charge of the army. Sun Tzu spent six years in the state of Chu by the method of "returning to the other country and returning to the other country". Six years later, the state of Wu won five wars and almost destroyed the state of Chu.

Xiaobai, a simple name, Fang Yun watched him step by step from the childe to the throne of monarch, becoming Duke Huan of Qi. With the assistance of Guan Zhong, a famous prime minister in the spring and Autumn period, he became the head of the five bullies in the spring and Autumn period and became famous for thousands of years.

Childe Chong Er fled all the way. His experience was more tortuous than that of Duke Huan of Qi. He first married the daughter of Duke Huan of Qi, the head of the five bullies of the spring and Autumn period, and was sent by Duke mu of Qin, one of the five bullies of the spring and Autumn period, to the five daughters of the imperial clan. One of them was even the wife of Duke Huai of Jin, and Jin huaizheng was Chong er's nephew.

With the support of Duke mu of Qin, the son Chong'er returned to the state of Jin. After 20 years in exile, he officially succeeded to become Duke Wen of Jin, and then killed his nephew Duke Huai of Jin. Duke Wen of the later Jin Dynasty fought with the state of Chu, kept his word, won the war of Chengpu by "retreating and giving up", and established his position as one of the five hegemonics in the spring and Autumn period.

When Fang Yun looked at the deeds of Duke Wen of Jin, only four words came to his mind. He was a winner in life.

When Duke Wen of Jin fled, he was poor and hungry. Jie Zitui, a famous minister, cut meat and offered to the king. After Duke Wen of Jin ascended the throne, he rewarded the ministers, but not the meritorious minister Jie Zitui. As a result, the ministers competed for rewards, but Jie Zitui retired to Mianshan. Duke Wen of the later Jin Dynasty regretted that he was looking for Jiezi to push out of the mountain. Because the mountain forest was thick, he couldn't find it. Listening to the villain's words, he ordered people to set fire to the mountain on three sides, trying to force Jiezi to push down the mountain, so that Jiezi was burned to death. In order to commemorate Jie Zitui, there was a cold food festival, and there was no fire on that day.

Fang Yun didn't feel it before reading this, but this time he saw Duke Wen of Jin burning Mianshan. He would never think that Duke Wen of Jin would be stupid enough to forget Jie Zi's great contribution to cutting meat and offering the king, and then burn the mountain. He only thought of eight words, rabbit death, dog cooking and killing people.

Another King Zhuang of Chu, one of the five bullies of the spring and Autumn period, succeeded to the throne during the stormy period. At that time, the ministers of the state of Chu were strong and the king was weak. When King Zhuang of Chu was in the most danger, he was even captured by the rebellious ministers, and then successfully rescued by the doctors of the state of Chu.

After many years of silence, King Zhuang of Chu seized the opportunity to dominate the Central Plains. Three years without singing, a blockbuster; Three years without flying, flying into the sky.


The major events of more than 200 years recorded in the spring and autumn passed by Fang Yun's eyes one by one. Every time he saw a picture, Fang Yun felt that he had a deeper understanding of history and could vaguely understand the truth, such as benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faith, loyalty, courage and so on.

No teacher told Fang Yun where benevolence is, who has righteousness and where to keep rites, but Fang Yun understood that everyone is between benevolence, righteousness and rites, and everything is within the holy way.

You can only understand it yourself.

Fang Yun seemed to understand the Tao and smiled happily all the time.

Fang Yun slowly recalled the history recorded in the spring and Autumn Annals, and slowly absorbed the real rewards of the Ten Kingdoms.

Unconsciously, Fang Yun fell asleep.

The next morning, it was bright, and eight Jinshi in white swords stood outside Fang Yun's gate.

"It's time. Why hasn't Fang Yun got up yet? According to the hours in the army, it's seven o'clock in the morning. If you can't get up in the army, you'll have to deal with it by military law, at least forty staff!"

"Fang Yun was too tired yesterday. It doesn't hurt to have a rest. Anyway, there are still two quarters of an hour before the official game. We can wait another quarter of an hour. Eh? Yan zewei?" Qiao juze looked around.

"Last night I heard someone visit him. It should be his friend in kongcheng," you Nian said.

In Qiao juze's eyes, there was a cloud that flashed and died. He said, "go, go to Yan's bedroom and have a look!"

The other Shangshe Jinshi immediately noticed that Qiao juze's tone was different and hurried to follow up.

Qiao juze didn't knock at all. He directly split the bolt and broke the door continuously. Finally, he found that Yan zewei's bed was neat and no one was there.

Eight people stood in Yan zewei's bedroom, silent.

Qiao juze said, "I'll send him an urgent letter first to inquire about the situation!"

Joe juze said and did it, and the people waited silently.

After a long time, Qiao juze said coldly, "he hasn't returned yet. He's either imprisoned or taken away his official seal. He can't receive the urgent letter! I'll report it to the master of the Academy right away! You go to Fang Yun's gate and wake him up in half an hour!"

After Qiao juze said that, he strode out, and the others walked slowly, all looking anxious. Several others were angry in their eyes and wanted to scold.

"Despicable! Don't think about it. It must be the means of the Qingguo people! They don't dare to be tough. I'm afraid they bought Yan zewei's friend. Please go out and use the wine of the demon world to intoxicate him, which can make him sleep day and night! This kind of thing hasn't happened before. I just didn't expect it to happen to us." you Nian was furious.

"The key is that this practice does not hurt people or violate the law. If it is traced out afterwards, the punishment can not be too heavy. The ten National Congress will not change the time. If we can't find Yan zewei within two quarters of an hour, this Congress will be over."

Chen lile glanced at Cui Wang and said, "we've miscalculated. I thought if they really wanted to start, they would take strict care of Cui Wang who finally entered Shangshe. Who knew they found Yan zewei."

"What about that?" Cui Wang asked.

"What else can we do? Wait and lose. Even if the third is worse than us, it can finally be the ninth, at least a step further than last year."

"We can lose, but I'm not willing to lose by this means!" Zhang Chengyu said with his teeth clenched.

Gongyang Yu clenched his fist and said, "after today's competition, I will fight with Qingguo Jinshi! I may not win, but I will let them know that since I do such a thing, I have to pay a price!"

"Alas... Since brother Gongyang is like this, I'll go with him. I'm not good at anything else, but I'm not afraid of Shangshe Jinshi in Qingguo!" Zhang Chengyu said.

"This is an act to protect the reputation of Jingguo, and I also participate." Ye Shoumo said.

The others joined one after another, but two did not answer.

Not long after the seven people came to Fang Yun's door, the door opened. Fang Yun, wearing white civilian clothes, said, "you come in, I'll wash and change my clothes first... What happened?"

The sleepiness on Fang Yun's face dissipated quickly and looked at the seven people carefully.

"Yan zewei went out in private last night and hasn't returned yet. I'm afraid he was dragged down by other people's Yin moves." you Nian said.

Fang Yun subconsciously glanced at Cui Wang. Unexpectedly, it was not the youngest Cui Wang who had the accident, but the very mature Yan zewei. Yan zewei is only the favorite student of Zuo XiangLiu mountain. Zuo XiangLiu mountain colludes with Qing Guo, and Qing Guo's current fund-raising number is lower than that of Jing Guo. Even if you Nian only says "other countries", Fang Yun knows that Qing Guo may have done it.

Fang Yun took a deep breath, glanced at the seven people and said, "what should we do? What should the master say?"

Gongyang Yu said, "brother Qiao has gone to find the master of the Academy. This trip to wantihai is bound to fail, so several of us have discussed. After the big competition, we will find qingguoshangshe Jinshi to fight!"

Fang Yun nodded and said, "if we lose to Qingguo in this big match, I will also participate in the literary fight! We can afford to lose, but we can't be humiliated!"

"OK!" the people were boiling with blood.

"Yes, our students can afford to lose, but they can't be humiliated!"

You Nian nodded: "Although we haven't seen it with our own eyes, we have all heard about your experience of Wendou Xizhou. Your proposal can be blocked by 'only allowed to use Ju Ren war poetry' or 'only allowed to use Jinshi war poetry'. Unless it is a star position Jinshi, any Jinshi will have a 50% chance of winning in front of you at most! Those people in Qingguo are not the masters of the family. They have no stars like us. You have a great chance of winning!"

"Fang Yun can fight even the top Jinshi like Xun long. He's not afraid of them at all! You're a person. The party with low literary position will be closed with a proposal first, and they will never defeat you!" Cui Wang had a happy look in his eyes.

"That's what I want!" Fang Yun said.

"But... I'm still a little unwilling. Fang Yun, I'm afraid you'll become a student of the holy academy before the big match next year. This may be the only chance for Jingguo to enter the top eight. However, it was destroyed by the people of Qingguo by despicable means!" Chen lile's eyes were red.

The rest sighed softly. Jingguo finally had such a chance. Even if it failed in the end, it can let the people of Jingguo know that Jingguo has a chance to surpass Qingguo!

But now even the last chance doesn't exist.

"Forget it. Anyway, we don't have much chance to win Qingguo in the third game. It's good to be the ninth. There's no need to fight Qingguo at one breath." Ke Yuan whispered.

Fang Yun said slowly, "sometimes if you can't fight at one breath, the road of the holy way will be broken."

"I can't swallow it!" Chen lile said.

Fang Yun turned to get dressed and drank some snacks and fruits on the table. As he walked out, he said, "go to the venue first. Maybe Yan Ze can only enter before the big match."

"Even if he can get in, the hangover will affect his mind. I'm afraid it will lead to low fund-raising due to too few answers." Qiao juze came in from the outside.

"What did Mr. Guo say?" Cui Wang asked.

"The old man has gone to negotiate with the Kong family and asked them to find out where Yan zewei is. However, the Kong City was built by Kong Sheng himself, which is of great significance. If we want to use the power of Kong City to search, we need some time to ask for instructions. Bachelor Guo said that we'd better have enough psychological preparation. Time is too tight. It's difficult to find Yan zewei before the third scene."

Fang Yun nodded. Kongcheng was established according to King Wen's gossip the day after tomorrow and connected with the holy courtyard. Although it never showed its power, even the demon family could guess that kongcheng and the holy courtyard had unknown secrets.

Qiao juze clenched his teeth and said, "this matter will never end here. Strict rules must be severely punished and retaliation must be carried out against the relevant people! As for the behind the scenes, once verified, no matter which country can have the best literary war, if not, he will go all out to compare the literature!"

"Let's go. We'll wait until the ten countries meet." Fang Yun said.

"Go!" the crowd followed Fang to the Dabi venue.