Many people shook their heads slightly. Indeed, the human race has been in 90 states for thousands of years. There are many madmen and strange people in large numbers, but not many people can be like Fang Yun.

People no longer pay attention to Fang Yun, but carefully read the book in front of them.

A thousand books are difficult and simple. After reading 500, almost everyone's speed began to slow down, not lack of talent. Moreover, it was too tired to fully understand the text and meaning at such a fast speed, and the consumption of courage increased.

No one can understand so much content in such a short time as Fang Yun.

One of the other 99 people is Yan Yukong. Although he is a great scholar, he is already a rare talent in both literature and environment. When he reads the 500th book, he does not slow down.

When reading 700 books, Yan Yukong's reading speed also began to slow down. His talent consumed too much, and his recovery speed was far lower than the consumption.

Yan Yukong sighed gently. He was the same last time. At the beginning, his speed was much faster than all Jinshi, but in the later stage, he was dragged down by talent.

He looked at Fang Yun at random and almost rolled his eyes. Fang Yun was still reading the books on Qiao juze's bookshelf before, but now Fang Yun is actually reading the books on Yan zewei's bookshelf!

This means that Fang Yun has read at least 2000 books!

"Sure enough, there is only the wrong name and no wrong nickname. Fang Wenba is really a bully in ten countries!" Yan Yukong whispered and continued to study carefully.

Fang Yun's reading speed has never decreased. He has three talents. Only the normal talent recovery speed is three times that of ordinary people. Coupled with the role of Wenxin, Wengong star sky and Wenqu star light, the talent consumed by reading is almost the same as his talent recovery, and he can't be consumed for several days.

When Fang Yun finished reading 5700 copies, Kong Deyu of the Confucius Institute finally took a long sigh of relief and closed the last page.

"Kong Deyu has read thousands of books, ranking second and ninth."

"Congratulations to brother Kong!" some people did not lift their heads and congratulated.

Kong Deyu looked at Fang Yun and his mouth twitched slightly. Until now, Fang Yun's reading speed is still unchanged.

Kong Deyu found that the number of books he read at the beginning was a quarter of Fang Yun's, but the proportion of the two has been increasing, and now it is close to six to one.

"Whoever likes to read, I won't read!" Kong Deyu said, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep in his chair, looking tired.

Some Jinshi shook their heads slightly. Many of them were no less talented, talented and courageous than Kong Deyu, but now they have read less than 900 books, and their reading speed is getting slower and slower.

In the ten thousand volumes of books read by the previous ten National Congress, many people had the opportunity to sound the bell, so they would try their best to speed up, even if their understanding of books was very simple. But now Fang Yun has started all the ten times of gall bells. There is no need to work so hard, because a little carelessness may damage the courage or unclear memory, resulting in a decline in the number of big chips in the third game, which is not worth the loss.

Fang Yun continued to read fast, and the more he read, the more happy he was. These books are far inferior to the holy classics and Confucian scriptures. It can even be said that many of them are dross, but there are some bright spots in them occasionally, even if Fang Yun has read a large number of books.

These authors have low literary rank, including Ju Ren, Jin Shi, Hanlin and bachelor. Their understanding of the holy way is very simple, even wrong. Fang Yun thinks that these simple or wrong holy ways are of great significance.

The right way may not be suitable for you, but the wrong way must not be suitable for you.

Unconsciously, Fang Yun felt a little tired after reading 10000 books. He closed the book and Ma Zhengji automatically flew up and was about to return to the bookshelf.

Fang Yun was about to close his eyes and have a rest when an ancient desolate bell suddenly sounded. This time, the bell sounded like the king of the same family and the Lord of the world, which made Fang Yunwen palace buzzing.

Then Fang Yun heard an old voice ringing in his ear.

"In the spring of the first year, Wang Zhengyue. In March, the Duke and Ying Yi's father formed an alliance in MI. In May of summer, Zheng Boke Duan in Yan..."

Fang Yun knew that this was the original spring and autumn edited by Kong Sheng. The spring and autumn recorded major events in various countries from the year of Lu Yin A.D. to the 14th year of Duke AI of Lu, which lasted 242 years.

It was clearly just a voice, but Fang Yun heard not only the grandeur, but also the light, the greatness, and even the power of the holy way.

Fang Yun was in a trance before his eyes. Then he found himself in a colorful light. The light rushed down like sand and water, and he went up the unknown river of light like a fish.

The river of light contains great pressure. Even the sound of reading the spring and autumn is so small in front of the river. Fang Yun only feels pain all over his body. Every part of his body seems to be stabbed by fire, axe and cone, bearing unspeakable pain. He may be impacted into nothingness by the river of light at any time.

Fang Yun can't feel the loss of time, and can't distinguish up, down, left and right. He just feels that it's more and more difficult to breathe and may die at any time.

Fang Yun found that he had lost all contact with courage and talent, and even had a sense of loneliness abandoned by the world. He didn't know what had happened and panicked in his heart.

I don't know how long later, Fang Yun felt that he was discharged from the river by great force. Then there was a hazy fog in front of him, and the voice sounded again.

"In the spring of the first year, Wang Zhengyue. In March, the Duke and Ying Yi's father formed an alliance in MI. In May of summer, Zheng Boke Duan in Yan..."

The voice was as like as two peas before. Fang Yun's reason told him that the voice was repeated again, but the feeling told himself that this sentence and the former sentence were actually a sentence, not repetition.

Fang Yun found his perception extremely absurd. Before he could think, he saw that the fog in front dissipated and a world appeared.

Fang Yun found that he seemed to be in midair. He saw a dignified man sitting on the seat of a hall, with dozens of people kneeling on both sides, discussing the government. Fang yunmingming had never seen this scene, but immediately knew that it was the spring of Lu Yin in AD, the first month of the calendar of the Zhou Dynasty, and the person sitting in front of him was the Duke of the state of Lu.

The first paragraph of the original text of the spring and Autumn Annals only describes the time and does not mention the succession of Duke Lu Yingong, but Fang Yun naturally sees and knows that Duke Lu Huigong is just Honghong at the moment. Duke Lu Yingong is only in charge of the state affairs on behalf of the Regent and has not officially become Duke Lu Yingong, so Confucius did not write in the spring and Autumn Annals.

Fang Yun stood in mid air and watched as Duke Lu Yin took charge of the state of Lu.

Time passed slowly. Fang Yun didn't miss a minute or a second. After watching it for more than two months, he didn't feel the slightest fatigue or helplessness. After entering March of the first year, Fang Yun found this problem. When you think about it carefully, the previous two months seemed to be just a moment's experience.

Not waiting for Fang Yun to be surprised, the world in front of him came to march of Lu Yin A.D. Fang Yun saw that Duke Lu Yin and Ying Yi's father were meeting in contempt. Fang Yun saw the passing of the League carefully and exactly.

Soon in May, the famous "Zheng Burke Duan Yu Yan" incident occurred. Fang Yun even heard Zheng Zhuang Gong say the famous saying "if you do more injustice, you will die".

After that, Fang Yun, like the audience, continued to watch all the history recorded in the history book spring and autumn, and even some events deliberately not mentioned by Confucius.

The war of the east gate, the war of the long spoon and the war of the Hongshui are vivid.

In watching the history of more than two hundred years, Fang Yun completely lost the concept of time, and even had no time to have any thoughts. He just kept watching, observing and thinking about everything and everyone.

"In the spring of four years in ten years, Xishou won the forest..."

It was not until the 14th year of Duke AI of Lu that Confucius met Qilin and canonized him, and the spring and autumn officially ended.

The world in front of Fang Yun gradually blurred. Through the vague fog, Fang Yun saw the back of an old man.

The old man is very thin and small. He silently engraves words on the bamboo slips with a knife and pen in his forehand. His hair is white and very old, but his hand holding the knife and pen is very powerful. He engraved slowly. Fang Yun couldn't see what he was engraving, but he felt that his engraving was flowing smoothly.

Fang Yun looked at the increasingly pale figure. At the moment when the world completely disappeared in front of him, the figure suddenly became larger, penetrated the world and shone on the world.


Fang Yun felt dark and cool in his head. He slowly opened his eyes and found that he was still sitting on the chair of the second match. A book was less than a foot high from the desktop and flew to the bookshelf in mid air.

The cover of the book reads "Ma Zheng minutes".

Fang Yun clearly remembered that the moment he entered the mysterious River, the book "Ma Zhengji Yao" was about to return to the bookshelf!

Fang Yun was confused. Then he tried to recall. He was right. He clearly spent more than 200 years in an unknown place and seriously looked at the spring and autumn history of more than 200 years, but how did he pass a moment in reality?

"Fang Yun, what's the matter with you?" Qiao juze stopped reading and looked at Fang Yun nervously. He didn't care about delaying reading time. Even the National Congress of the ten countries was not as important as Fang Yun's situation.

Many people stopped reading and saw that some people had hidden a look of joy in their eyes, looking forward to Fang Yun's accident.

Fang Yun immediately realized that these people didn't hear the bell just now and didn't know what they had experienced, so he smiled and said, "nothing, just reading too much and a little tired. I won't read and have a rest."

"That's good." Qiao juze carefully observed Fang Yun and was surprised to find that Fang Yun's eyes seemed to flash a glimmer of brilliance, and Fang Yun's eyes became more profound than ever, which made Qiao juze think he was an experienced Bachelor in front of him.

Qiao juze saw Fang Yun close his eyes and didn't ask much. He pressed down his doubts and continued to read.

Students from other countries continue to study happily or disappointedly.

Fang Yun felt that his physical strength had been taken away and lay lazily in his chair. He didn't want to think or do anything. He didn't even want to guess what the river was or why he heard the bell after reading 10000 books.

Fang Yun's breathing became lighter and lighter, and finally fell into a dream safely.

"Hoo..." Fang Yun snored involuntarily, but just made a sound, he was shrouded in invisible power and isolated inside and outside.