The crowd was shocked by Fang Yun's behavior. All the etiquette in the Shang ceremony hall represent the etiquette of the Shang Dynasty. Even if they know that the cups are placed incorrectly, they can be placed in the right position at most. It's too scary to throw them away directly. It's an insult to the sages and the great ceremony.

"Is Fang Yun going to abandon himself?" a man whispered.

Fang Yun turned to leave the hall of Shang Li and found some white robed Jinshi and black robed Ju people looking at him with strange eyes.

Fang Yun is helpless. The "Qiang" on the cup means a slave, but even if a slave has a cup, it is impossible to engrave words, which means that the cup is either demoted as a slave's sinner or a sacrificial object. It is better to throw it in any corner than to officially put it on the wine table.

A cup is not important, but placing this kind of cup in the Shang Li hall is the biggest stain on the "ceremony", so Fang Yun believes that this simple cup can add at least two chips to himself.

Fang Yun turned and walked forward, passed through the etiquette halls of the four dynasties and entered a door. Many people followed, but two people from kangshe whispered a few times. One stayed where he was and the other hurried to the fourth Pavilion.

Through the gate, Fang Yun saw a pavilion again. The plaque on the pavilion read "elastic wave".

Fang Yun did not hesitate to enter it, and the Ju people and Jinshi behind him hurried to keep up.

In the etiquette Pavilion of the third Pavilion, xiaoguogong went out of the Zhou Li hall and looked around. He saw a Jinshi hurried over and whispered, "Your Highness, Fang Yun didn't know what he was doing. He went to the Shang Li hall and threw away a cup. It seems that his Zhou Li went wrong, so he wanted to gamble in the Shang Li hall."

The Duke frowned, shook his head and said, "it's possible, but it's too unlikely. I doubt he has read any ancient books and has a certain understanding of Shang rites. Now I know that since he dares to participate in the Lingyan Pavilion and expel Wei Yu out of the Wen palace, he must be sure. Now the only way to defeat him is to use his talents indiscriminately!"

"Indeed, among the seven pavilions, the distribution of talent is also very important. If a person is careless, he will fail ahead of time because of the depletion of talent. The fourth Pavilion is just the bullet Wave Pavilion. I'm afraid his ability to transport can pass, but the fifth pavilion's' mountain moving Pavilion 'is different. Only those who reach the limit of talent calculation can win. In our country, new people who can reach the fifth pavilion every year , there are only more than ten people together. "

"Let's go. I want to see the power of Fang Yun's bullet wave and the power of moving mountains!"

Fang Yun stepped into the bullet Wave Pavilion and then found himself in a lake. The water in the lake didn't reach his chest and abdomen. It was very clear. He could even see the fish fleeing at the bottom of the water. This water is different from ordinary water. Fang Yun's body can't avoid it. The power of the pseudo dragon ball has failed.

Fang Yun immediately rolled up his sleeves and revealed two white arms. The arms were symmetrical and powerful, which were very different from the bamboo arm half a year ago.

Because in the water, ripples spread in all directions. At the same time, ten small fish jumped out of the water around Fang Yun. When the small fish came out of the water, they formed circles of ripples, which spread in all directions. Different ripples met and staggered constantly.

Then, the small fish fell into the water and formed a second ripple. Soon, small fish jumped out of the water and formed ripples.

Fang Yun stared at these ripples with cold eyes.

The so-called playing wave is to use the ripples on the water surface as the strings and play the ripples on the water surface in the way of playing the piano to make a sound, ranging from silence to interruption of the ripples, which is extremely harsh to the test of finger force and piano track.

These ripples are as gentle as ordinary water patterns. They can't be played without talent.

This fourth Pavilion alone is difficult for countless talented people. Even if many people who don't know how to play the piano go to study, they can't play a complete song with water waves.

Fang Yun carefully observed the crisscross water waves. The sound of water waves was only the beginning, and the collision of water lines behind was fatal.

Although Fang Yun has read the books given to him by Zhao Hongzhuang and has reached the realm of piano and Taoism, he has never played water waves after all.

Fortunately, there is a quarter of an hour to practice here, but those who have been here once do not need to practice and can directly start playing water waves.

Fang Yun took a deep breath, then his Qi surged, controlled the vitality of heaven and earth to gather at his fingertips, and then tried to move the water lines.

At the moment when his finger fell on the water grain, the water grain suddenly broke, making a harsh sound of broken strings, which forced Fang Yun to frown.

At the same time, one person after another appeared in the lake, and their appearance also formed ripples, making it more difficult to play the Wave Pavilion.

Fang Yun looked calm. He didn't seem to see these people. He tried to play ripple again.

This time, the ripple trembled gently without interruption, but there was no sound, and the strength was too small.

Fang Yun kept trying and soon made all the ripples sound.

Playing the wave is only the first step, and the second step is to distinguish the sound. Each ripple corresponds to one of the seven strings. Only by making correct judgment can we play an accurate sound.

After distinguishing the sound, it is "changing the finger". The seven strings of the Yao Qin are fixed, but the water waves come from all directions, dense and endless. The previous fingering needs to be changed accordingly.

Fang Yun began to consume his talent when he practiced.

The rest shook their heads one after another. Fang Yuncheng raised people for less than two months. Even if he had more talent than ordinary people, he should not exceed five inches. According to his way of consumption, his talent was definitely not enough to support him through the fourth Pavilion.

Soon, Fang Yun found another huge obstacle, that is, there are people playing waves. The other party's ripples and piano sound have an impact on him. If he is careless, he will play wrong. This is the biggest problem in Lingyan Pavilion.

Therefore, even if countries consume more talents, they are not willing to go to Lingyan Pavilion together to avoid affecting their students.

During Fang Yun's practice of playing, more and more people entered the playing Pavilion.

Fang Yun didn't listen to external affairs and kept practicing. He not only consumed his talent to play, but also his talent to think. He made rapid progress. Those who had been observing him were secretly surprised.

After a while, Wei Yu came in. He turned his head, laughed and said, "Fang Zhenguo, today is the day when your string is broken!" after that, he didn't have to practice and began to play the wave directly.

Wei Yu first closed his eyes, then opened his eyes and took a long breath. His hands were as soft as snowflakes. When his index finger fell on the first ripple, the water surface within a mile suddenly trembled and sank an inch.

Fang Yun immediately felt that his hands seemed to be surrounded by invisible forces and became more dull.

"The piano way is suppressed!" some people whispered, simply gave up playing the wave, did not touch the water, and carefully observed Wei Yu.

"After all, it's the second realm of piano and Taoism, but it's different! Look at his fingers, like butterflies flying, it's a kind of enjoyment."

"People like them have been specially trained since childhood. In order to enter Shangshe, Wei Yu specializes in riding and shooting, piano, chess and calligraphy. Except for painting, they are all leaders of their peers."

"If Fang Yun were given another three years, Wei Yu would be pressured by Fang Yun, but now..."

When they looked at Fang Yun, they saw that the water wave in front of Fang Yun was either broken or silent. After more than ten breath, they didn't play successfully at all, and were suppressed too much by the two realms of Qin Dao.