Subsequently, the important officials of Yuhai City successively sent letters to Fang Yun, all about the demon family envoy.

Lu Hongyi, the governor of the State Army, also sent a special letter to take care of him, saying that Li Wenying had just gone to the holy courtyard to report on his work. He didn't know when to come back. He would be responsible for protecting Fang Yun.

Fang Yun took his family to the door to wait for Lu Hongyi.

There are still gifts outside the door. A permanent tea shed has been built at the door for visitors to rest.

Fang Yun feels helpless. In fact, the number of people has decreased since yesterday morning. After all, everyone knows about the city banquet Festival. Everyone has celebrated it, but just yesterday evening, a news spread wildly in Yuhai city.

More than 100 students of Mingxing academy once collectively went to the gate of Fang's house to thank Fang Yun. Coincidentally, 70% of the students improved in the imitation imperial examination of the Academy yesterday. The teachers and students of the Academy found the reason for it for a long time and couldn't find a clue. Later, a teacher casually said that Fang Yun was blessed.

Then, the rumor of "going to the exam to worship Fang Yun" began to spread wildly. Starting today, parents came to give gifts one after another. Although they were all small objects or vegetables, they still made Fang's house very lively.

After Fang Yun knew the details, he guessed that maybe the students of that day were infected by the people of Yuhai City, which stimulated Xiang Xue's heart. Although it was related to himself, it was definitely not as magical as others said.

Just this morning, Fang Yun also heard many parents talking at the door about whether to take their children to participate in the emerging study tour project in Jiangzhou, the three-day tour of Wudao river.

Fang Yun stood at the door talking and laughing with the visitors until a luxury vehicle pulled by ten Jiao horses stopped in front of the door.

Du Du Lu Hongyi came out of it.

The Hanlin has gray temples and rough skin. Every wrinkle on his face has been weathered. He looks resolute. His eyes seem to contain power that no one can shake.

This is the senior official of zhengsanpin. Fang Yun is from the Wenhou of Sanpin, so he took the initiative to salute and said, "I've seen the governor under the official transportation."

Lu Hongyi nodded and said, "get on the bus with me. Don't leave me three steps away. The other party is the leader of a snake demon king."

Fang Yun knew Lu Hongyi's military style and said, "yes."

They got on the bus one after another and sat quietly.

After a while, Fang Yun said, "how was the grass man before the governor came?"

"We are consolidating the army and accumulating food and grass. No accident, after the Three Valley lien war this year, Cao man will go south."

"What is the odds of our army winning?"

"If the barbarians don't use the power of the semi saint, our Terran will lose some soldiers at most. If the semi Saint helps, our country will be worried. I'm afraid it will be defeated as much as last year."

"Where are the people of the sanctuary?"

"Last year, the holy courtyard also sent people, but the left army of the four armies in the north of Jingguo was surrounded by demons and barbarians. Finally, it was defeated, and the people in the holy courtyard were also killed and injured."

"If the demon man goes south this year, the first one to bear the brunt is the former army of the four sides army. How sure is the former army?"

"If the soldier is a saint, our army is not sure. But when the soldier is a saint falls, the barbarians lose the semi saint who is proficient in the Terran art of war, and the layout will be lacking. And general Zhang poyue... Has a unique command style and... Never gets angry. Unless the strength of the barbarians is doubled, general Zhang can deal with it calmly."

"Indeed, general Zhang's style and means are different. I hope the barbarians can carry it." Fang Yun smiled.

"The frontier army needs a talent like General Zhang, which can give full play to his strengths better than staying in Yuhai City," Lu Hongyi said.

"That's right. How about the descendants of the barbarians?" Fang Yun said what he really cared about.

Lu Hongyi turned to look at Fang Yun, then looked back at the front and said, "barbarians, keep the courage of the demon family and steal the wisdom of the human family. If the saints have no strategy, the king country will be defeated in ten years. Thirty years later, the Wu country will be defeated. Fifty years later, the human family can only guard the danger of the Yangtze River, and the barbarians will return to the north of the Yangtze River."

"Alas... I wonder if the progress of our Terran can catch up with the barbarians. What do you think of the strategy of uniting with barbarians and resisting demons?" Fang Yun asked.


Fang Yun didn't answer, and the car fell silent again.

When they got to the Fuwen academy, they got off, and a large number of officials waited at the door.

"I've seen governor Lu and Marquis Fang."

Lu Hongyi just nodded seriously, while Fang Yun smiled and bowed his hands to you.

Fang Shouye quickly walked over and said, "my good nephew, I went to the other place to level the demon a few days ago. I didn't catch up with the city banquet Festival. My intestines are green with regret! Fortunately, I caught up with the human demon gambling, which can be an eye opener."

Fang Yun thought the word "human demon" was particularly harsh and said with a smile: "killing demons is more important. There will be a city banquet Festival next year."

Fang Shouye said positively, "are you really determined to gamble with the demon? There's no other secret?"

Lu Hongyi scolded, "if there is a secret, how can you say it in public? Go back and stand up. This is not your place to talk about the past!"

Fang Shouye smiled awkwardly and was not angry. He winked at Fang Yun and returned to the ranks of officials. “

Fang Yun secretly laughed that this is the difference between the military and civil servants. Officers can drink and scold at any time, but once civil servants scold, they have turned their faces.

"Go in together and wait for the demon family envoy. With the power of the holy temple, even the demon king can't help you." Lu Hongyi said without humility and strode inside.

Fang Yun followed the tall old Hanlin into the literary academy, followed by others.

After the people entered the literary academy, Feng Zimo, the king of the Academy, threw out the official seal of the king of the mansion to Fang Yun. The official seal flew over Fang Yun and disappeared. Then a white light fell from the sky and fell on Fang Yun, and then disappeared.

On the autumn afternoon in Yuhai City, the sky is clear, cloudless, and a little hot sunshine shines in the literary academy.

There is a large red sandalwood table in the middle of the square of the Academy of Arts. Comfortable Taishi chairs are placed on the South and East and west sides of the table, while there are hundreds of ordinary chairs besides Taishi chairs on the east side.

"Let's sit first. Fang Yun will take you to the head of the Terran negotiation table." Lu Dudu said.

Fang Yun did not refuse. He sat in the middle of the east side of the negotiation table. Lu Hongyi sat down on his left side, while governor Dong Wencong, Yuan Jun Feng Zimo and others sat on the left side one after another, leaving the right side empty, while other officials sat in ordinary chairs in the back.

"Fang Yun, don't be afraid. People in quanyuhai city support you! The soldiers who came back with me said they would give you gifts tomorrow." Fang Shouye said.

Fang Yun is used to giving gifts to visitors. His family chooses some fresh food every day and sends some to the neighbors. The rest of the vegetables, melons and fruits are sent to Shantang and the four treasures of study to the students of various academies.

Fang Yun asked Dong Wencong, "governor Dong, is this the demon king of the snake family?"

Dong Wencong said, "yes, and it's the famous demon king in Liangjie mountain. His name is snake Li. The great scholars of the human race have worked together to kill him for many times without success. This snake has an extraordinary status and is the son of the snake saint."

"It's the Holy Son demon family. No wonder even the great scholars can't help him." Fang Yun thought of the snake demon Holy Son in the sixth corridor. If it weren't for the snake demon Holy Son who underestimated Fang Yun's people and wanted the snake to swallow the elephant and kill everyone, it would lead to a mistake. Its poison magic alone could reduce the number of employees by at least half.

Governor Lu said, "this demon is well-known and very fierce. Some demon families are listed in Liangjie mountain. It is strictly ordered to escape immediately if there is insufficient literary position, and will not be dealt with by military law. This snake is among them."

Fang Yun asked, "the snake is so fierce that the two boundary mountains allow the imperial forest or under the imperial forest to escape immediately?"

Governor Lu said, "if a scholar meets him alone, he can also run away directly."

The people were surprised. They didn't expect the snake to be so fierce.

Dong Wencong said, "snake Li once defeated the sixth Bachelor in the top-down battle, and even fought with Jianmei Gong for more than half an hour. Of course, Jianmei Gong must be above him now."

Fang Yun and others were even more surprised. The snake clan was not good at face-to-face confrontation but good at sneak attack. Snake Li was so strong in face-to-face battle. If it sneaked attack, it would be enough to kill the top three figures in the list.

The people were talking, and suddenly there was a shrill cry of an eagle in the sky.

Fang Yun only felt his eardrum hurt and his face showed anger. Even he, who has experienced five baptisms of talent, felt his eardrum hurt. Those scholars, children and even those without literary positions are bound to be hurt.

Fang Yun immediately glanced at the nearby yamen, and several people were dizzy. Fortunately, there is the power of the holy temple. Without the power of the holy temple, these people may lose their hearing immediately.

"Beast, don't dare to be presumptuous!" Lu Hongyi opened his mouth and fired a talent gun at the giant eagle flying in the sky.

A dark shadow collided with Lu Hongyi's words, and a soft and sharp voice sounded in the sky and spread throughout the literary academy.

"The human race is really cheap. Is this your 'etiquette' and hospitality?"

Fang Yun immediately burst into tears and said, "it's said that the demon family likes to find equal opponents. In this war, the demon king of the demon family greatly won. Our human race is not even a child. The snake fierce demon king can boast for several years."

"Hum, the king is too lazy to argue with you people!"

A giant eagle with a length of more than ten feet came down from the sky. Behind the giant eagle sat a giant snake.

The body of the giant snake is covered with red and black rings, and two people hold each other thick. Each scale reflects metallic luster. The triangular snake head is larger than a dinner table for ten people. A pair of snake eyes about the size of the head exude the coldness of predators and glance at the people with a touch of contempt.

An evil and cold breath emanates from the demon king. If there is no protection from the power of the holy temple, except Lu Hongyi, everyone's courage and palace will be damaged.

The fall of the giant eagle set off gusts of wind. Feng Yuanjun shouted rudely, and the power formed by the giant eagle dissipated immediately.

When the giant eagle landed and the giant snake ran down, Fang Yun calculated that the snake was more than ten feet long.

The snake spits out its bright red tongue core, and its eyes twinkle and look at the people.

Fang Yun only felt that there was a dark wind blowing behind him. He had met the demon king before, but they were all star demon barbarians. Even if he had kindness to himself, it was shocking. The snake's fierce malice spread out, which was equivalent to a great scholar who constantly released a little courage. Even the Jinshi couldn't last long.