"Shi Tang is right. Others may not know it, but we who are familiar with the inside know it best. The human race has been growing, but we can't compare with the demon race. After all, the demon world is vast, and those demon barbarians can live more than insects. The dragon race is already the last ally of our human race. Once something happens that causes the dragon race to let go, the two boundary mountains will be broken and there At that time, my Terran was in danger. "

"The dragon clan is an ally, not our Terran clan. Once the demon world is really desperate and threatens the survival of the dragon clan, the dragon clan may not help our Terran clan. Therefore, now the Terran clan needs too much power to defeat the demon barbarian. That time, the demon world attacked Liangjie mountain, and only one great saint, that is, the second Saint equivalent to our Terran clan, was sent out. While the other great saints did not come forward. It is said that they were stumbling by more important things and could not attack Beating people. At that time, when I heard the news, I was not happy but worried, "Conde said.

Li Fanming said, "yes, for the demon man, what's more important than killing the human race? Once those great saints finish that thing and go back to attack Liangjie mountain, the dragon race may not be willing to stop. Just thinking about it makes people shudder!"

Fang Yun thought of the ancient books of the demon clan he had seen in the demon ancestral clan, which recorded many things about the demon barbarians. Although there were only a few words about the great saint of the demon clan, it was shocking.

"That's why our Terran should strive harder! Unfortunately, since Kong Shengsheng meteorite, no big man of the Terran can control hundreds of families, and it's difficult to achieve perfect integration due to different ideas. It's not accusing each family of internal struggle. After all, this kind of contention is also promoting the growth of our Terran. It can only be said that it's helpless, but it's better than the demon world. The demon world has been in constant battle, and the demon emperor attacked this year "Liangjie mountain. At last, I'm afraid the demon emperor broke his mouth, and can only let the three demon saints sit on Liangjie mountain." sun naiyong said.

"We're just raising people to talk about things so far. Come on, continue to talk about the collection of works of the holy ruins, and strive to publish them as soon as possible to publicize our names."

Therefore, the people successively wrote their poems in the Mid Autumn Festival cultural meeting and the holy ruins, and then each selected several of their most proud works, evaluated and appreciated each other, so as to prepare for the future anthology.

At the beginning, they said their own things, but while talking, everyone began to discuss Fang Yun's poems together, because those poems were so excellent that once someone talked about them, others didn't have the heart to appreciate other poems.

The setting sun slanted to the West. The people in the main hall were not tired at all. They continued to talk about literature and poetry. The scene was very lively. It was completely a private cultural meeting.

Fang Yun occasionally glanced at the gate. Li Wenying said yesterday that he would take him to the holy courtyard today, but he hasn't come back until now. Is there something wrong?

While the people were discussing, Kong De said with a smile, "happy event, great happy event!"

Fang Yun found Kong De Lun looking at himself and looked at him strangely.

"The Xun family has announced that Xun ye did not control his original heart in the holy ruins and made a big mistake. The saints can not be investigated, but the Xun family can't tolerate this kind of children. They will be sent to the Shihan ancient land and can't leave forever."

"In this way, I'm relieved. I'm afraid the Xun family will not plead guilty and finally jump over the wall."

"The Xun family, after all, is a second sage family. Even if they respect etiquette and despise others, they won't go too far."

Mo Shan snorted softly and said, "why not go to zhenguhai? Zhenguhai is a real death place, with almost nothing. If he goes to the Shihan ancient land, he may be more comfortable than in the ten countries, and he can be rich all his life. Moreover, there are also holy temples in the Shihan ancient land, and he can also participate in the imperial examination."

"After all, he is a disciple of the Yasheng aristocratic family. After he went to the Shihan ancient land, Xun ye only improved his literary position and lost his future in the holy courtyard."

"That's because you don't know about the Shihan ancient land. In fact, it's more leisurely there than in the Shengyuan continent," said Moshan.

"What can we do? It's better to punish him than not. Since the Xun family punished Xun ye, Fang Yun will be safe."

Most people were very happy, but some people bowed their heads and wondered what they were thinking.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Li Wenying pushed the door in, and the noisy main hall quickly quieted down.

Fang Yun looked at Li Wenying and saw his face as usual. At first glance, there was no emotion at all, but if you look carefully, you will find that Li Wenying's eyebrows are a little gloomy.

"Bachelor Li!"

"Jianmei male!"

The crowd greeted one after another.

Li Wenying nodded and said, "Fang Yun, come to my study and have a detailed talk with you." then he went to the study.

Fang Yun's heart suddenly jumped. Then he forbeared and calmly walked to Li Wenying's study.

The people present were puzzled.

"It seems a little bad."

"Don't guess. Maybe it's Jianmei's business."

"Then you don't know the man of Jianmei Gong. If it's a private matter, he will cover it up very well. It's obviously something else."

"Let's wait here. It shouldn't be a big problem."

"Hum, if the demon world is a saint, it will not give up. The saints are busy. Maybe someone will take the opportunity to make waves!"

In the study.

Li Wenying carried each other on his back, slightly raised his head and looked at a pair of big characters hanging on the wall. There was only one "benevolence" on it.

"Alas..." not long after, Li Wenying sighed and turned around, showing fatigue and helplessness between his eyebrows and eyes. Only at this time did Fang Yun realize that Li Wenying was not young and usually only regarded him as a strong man in his thirties.

"Why does Jianmei male sigh?" Fang Yun asked.

"I didn't bring the shield back," said Li Wenying.

Fang Yun said, "in other words, I can't take refuge in the sanctuary?"


Fang Yun took a deep breath, suppressed his negative emotion and said, "please tell me why, who is so deceptive!"

Li Wenying said, "do you know that the four rooms of the Xun family are fighting now?"

"A little knowledge. It's reasonable to say that the eldest son of the master of the Xun family inherits the position of master of the family, but the ten countries also pay attention to talent. The eldest son of the Xun family is only a scholar, while the other three sons are all senior scholars, so the three people also want to compete for the position of master of the Xun family. The eldest son of the Xun family has a sincere temperament and is not as talented as the three younger brothers, so they can't hold down the three people, so the struggle of the Xun family becomes more and more serious Intense. "

"The fourth of the Xun family quit," said Li Wenying.

"If I remember correctly, the fourth son of the Xun family is Xun Ye's father." Fang Yun said.


"Is this about Xun ye?"

Li Wenying said slowly, "Xun Ye ignored his tongpao and lived a miserable life. Even in the holy ruins, he also made a big taboo, affecting his father."

"No, the saints said they didn't investigate what happened in the holy ruins. Why did the Xun family care?" Fang Yun asked.

Li Wenying said: "Confused! Do you think the saints are so stupid that they really don't care about the affairs in the holy ruins? Although the saints never speak, and even their direct blood relatives may not know, I have carefully checked that those who have great bad deeds in the holy ruins, such as dying at the sight of death, such as killing people for treasures, are finally distributed everywhere, even if their talent is amazing. Except for a few people, they are established for the human race Great feat, reform, and everyone else disappeared. It has never appeared in official history. Guess why? "

"I see. After leaving the holy ruins, the saints will not punish their sins, but they will also hinder their holy way. The reason why they say that the holy ruins do not investigate responsibility is nothing more than a word trap. Only in the lawless place of the holy ruins can a person be really tested. However, the saints can't cover everything. They can only judge by the experience of other people in the holy ruins?" Fang Yun asked.

Li Wenying said: "What do you do when you are a legalist? When you leave the holy ruins, you have long been visited by the holy treasures of the Legalists. Whether you kill innocent people indiscriminately or whether you kill people for evil intentions can't hide all the semi holy treasures. In the future, you will be asked to write an experience about the holy ruins and hand it over to the holy courtyard to identify the authenticity. Combined with the holy treasures of the Legalists, the saints can judge who is a great traitor and evil 。”

Fang Yun had to nod. Although the semi holy Wen Bao of the Dharma school could not clearly point out whether one person killed another and could not be "convicted", it was enough to be able to "distinguish evil". Moreover, the people who came out of the holy ruins were scholars, Ju Ren or Jinshi. No matter how powerful they were, they could not hide the semi holy Wen Bao.

"Is that your guess?"

"Although it's just a guess, I'm 90% sure." Li Wenying said.

"He deserves to be the sword eyebrow master." Fang Yun vaguely understood that Li Wenying had touched the edge of "the way of utmost sincerity". As the book of rites · the golden mean said, "the way of utmost sincerity can be known before" is a very high realm.

Li Wenying continued: "the old four of the Xun family are slim to compete for the position of home owner, so they took the initiative to withdraw from competing for home owner, but put forward two conditions to his three brothers."

Fang Yun listened.

"The first condition is that their family moved into the ancient cold land, and the owner of the house will not interfere. The second condition is to prevent you from entering the holy courtyard!"

Li Wenying finished and looked at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun was silent and then said: "Mr. four of the Xun family, however, is so angry with me because he can't fight for the master of the family. This is also in line with the identity of the Yasheng family. They are saying that the Xun family is wrong, but there is no outsider in the Xun family. Broken courage! Identity is identity, status is status, and talent is talent. It seems that the Xun family has a clear share. A poor disciple broken the courage of the disciples of the Yasheng family, It's the following crimes. Cheap makes expensive. Am I right? "

"Of course," said Li Wenying.

"What reason did the Xun family prevent me from entering the holy courtyard?"

"You hurt Xun Ye. Maybe you have selfish intentions. You can't enter the holy courtyard until you find out that there is nothing wrong. The Yasheng family has this right." Li Wenying said.

Fang Yun suddenly showed a faint sarcastic color and said, "isn't this unnecessary?"

"Unnecessary? Alas, it is indeed unnecessary." Li Wenying felt Fang Yun's look a little strange.

What is unnecessary is that it may mean something. It is an excuse for Qin Hui and song Gaozong to kill Yue Fei in another world. Fang Yun didn't expect that there was no Qin Hui Yue Fei in Shengyuan mainland, but it has already appeared.

"What did the people in the holy courtyard say?" Fang Yun asked.

"The influence of the Yasheng aristocratic family on the holy courtyard is far greater than you think. The key is that the Xun family did not convict you, but said they were investigating. Even if they knew that the Xun family deliberately dragged you out of the holy courtyard, there was nothing they could do."