At the first sight of the falling star bridge, Fang Yun had an impulse to run when he saw the more than ten meteors falling together. Because he was different from these people, he knew the power of meteor falling.

The fourth corridor is only more than 20 miles long and one mile wide. More than a dozen meteors fell together, enough to turn this place into ruins, but the meteors here failed to do so.

In order to determine the power of meteors and meteorites, Fang Yun entered the world of strange books and searched for relevant books. He soon had the answer.

When the meteor in the fourth corridor flies in the sky, its power is the same as that of a normal meteor, but once it approaches the bridge deck, its power will obviously weaken. Whether it is the range and strength of the shock wave or the flame of the meteor, it is not as good as in mid air.

Fang Yun thought of the tiger demon saint's way to deal with the meteor. It was obvious that the meteor was weakened by the power of the ice bridge, and the demon elephant was interrupted by a blow because the meteor was not close to the ice at that time, and its power was not weakened at all.

Therefore, Fang Yun carefully observed the changes of meteors and soon found that as long as the meteors reached a place three feet above the ground, their strength began to weaken. At the moment of collision with the ice, their strength weakened more.

Fang Yun immediately stepped onto the bridge and felt it carefully. He found that the chill was strongest when it was three feet high, and became very weak when it was more than three feet high.

"Like avalanches, meteors are not natural forces. They are controlled by the power of the comet corridor. Moreover, the power of cold has obvious restraint against meteors. If you can control the cold in the ice bridge, you are very likely to pass through the falling star bridge."

"In addition, it's best to understand the purpose of the demon ancestor test."

Fang Yun thought hard.

"Avalanche slopes and floating glaciers have tested strength, reaction, flexibility and endurance. The meteor of the falling star bridge is so strong that everyone can't resist it directly, so it's impossible to test strength. The way for the tiger demon son to cross the bridge is to weaken his opponent first, which is more like human military strategy than the mainstream fighting method of the demon clan. If you expect it to be good, this is a test, and the demon ancestor is instructing the demon barbarian and teaching him When the demon man is absolutely invincible, he should know to use other forces! "

Fang Yun figured this out and suddenly realized it.

"Most of the demon barbarians are dead headed. Even the genius is mostly reflected in strength, not wisdom. They prefer to use strength only to solve all contradictions. This way of testing their minds is a piece of cake for the Terran, but it is particularly different for the demon barbarians."

"The demon ancestor can't teach the demon man to think more with his mind, so he just set up this falling star bridge. First let all the demon men 'avoid' meteors, and finally find a way to 'weaken' meteors before they can pass. That is to let those demon men know that sometimes things that can't be solved by brute force can be solved by thinking with their mind."

Fang Yun thought of this and suddenly showed a sad expression.

"The test of demon ancestor is good for the genius demon man, but it is very difficult for our Terran to participate in this test, because the speed and response can't keep up! It can be said that the whole comet corridor is like this. People can make proud poems, but not in the face of meteors. Meteors have too strong power. Even if we can make poems to resist meteors, people's talent is not enough. Therefore, we can't You have to hide from meteors like the demon man. As for resisting and tracking meteors in the end, you must rely on the power of the ice bridge. "

"One of them is to control the cold of the ice bridge, and it is equally important to find the law of the falling of meteors, and the safety points without meteors must also be mastered. Only by taking into account the three can we cross the bridge. Combined with the fast walking poetry, we will have a chance."

Fang Yun figured it out. When he looked around, he found that those people were also talking. He began to summarize with Fang Yun's ice separation method, but it was not particularly easy to use.

Fang Yun raised his head and observed the meteors in the sky.

From time to time, there will be some silver bright spots at high altitude. After a breath, the bright spots will turn into meteors. The meteors do not fall naturally, but have a very high speed at the beginning. They often fall to the ground after two or three breaths.

Fang Yun tried to remember the location of meteors in the sky by recording floating glaciers. He soon found a little law. His complexion relaxed. After a while, the law became more clear. Fang Yun was slightly relieved.

However, after only a moment, Fang Yun's face returned to a dignified color.

"The law is changing! Or there is no long-term law at all! The height, size and speed of meteors can be followed within a certain period of time, but will change immediately in the near future. Moreover, those stars are too far away and it is too troublesome to locate in space. It is better to observe the landing point of meteors. Since there are no meteors at the place where the tiger demon Saint once stood, maybe there are more types of ice bridges Like a place. "

Fang Yun began to stare at the ground. This time, instead of looking for the law of meteors, he looked for "safety points" and where meteors would not directly hit.

However, Fang Yun soon found that no place was not hit by meteors.

Fang Yun was unwilling. In his mind, he regarded the twenty mile long ice bridge as a rectangular plane, and then divided it into many vertical and horizontal lines with an interval of ten feet. He divided the ice bridge plane into ten foot square grids, and then recorded the falling position of the meteor.

After half an hour, eight ice bridge plans appeared in Fang Yun's mind. During this period, meteors changed eight times. At the same time, Fang Yun found an amazing phenomenon that no matter how the law of meteors changed, several places were very special.

Every time the falling law of meteors changes, the falling position of the first batch of meteors will not have the falling of the second batch of meteors until the falling law of meteors changes again.

Fang Yun suddenly realized.

"There are safety points on the falling star bridge, but the positions of these safety points are changing!"

Fang Yun didn't immediately express his own opinions, but began to look at the bridge deck and quote his own method: use the time when meteors appear to judge the time point of changing laws, and then determine when meteors are the first batch of new laws, so as to determine the safety point.

After verification, Fang Yun was sure that he had got the right way. He was about to tell others to make everyone work together, but he suddenly closed his mouth reluctantly.

Because in the process of looking for the law of meteors, a lot of mathematical and physical knowledge is involved. Without those formulas, only fuzzy results are obtained, who uses who dies.

Fang Yun reluctantly walked to the places where the people were and listened to their views.

As a result, Fang Yun found that they have no clear method up to now, because they can't grasp the law of meteors, so they can't find the location of safety points, and they don't know how powerful the real meteors and meteorites are, and they don't know the changes in strength. Naturally, they can't find that cold can weaken the power of meteors.

After a while, Han Shoulu asked, "did you find anything?"

"There are already some eyebrows, and specific operations are needed next. How much do you know about the ubiquitous chill in the comet corridor?" Fang Yun asked.

The crowd was dazed.

"There are other secrets besides cold?" Zong Wude asked.

"The cold in the ice bridge can weaken the power of meteors. The power of meteors is actually very strong, but after contacting the cold, the power will drop greatly. If we want to pass through the fourth corridor, we must learn to control the cold." Fang Yun said.

"Alas, we don't have a chance. You can ask us, even if we return to the first corridor, how many of us dare to feel the cold? If we don't succeed, our limbs will be frozen and disabled, or we will die completely."

Fang Yun said with a smile, "I didn't think so much at that time."

"That's why you can succeed, and we have fear and greed in our hearts. Now even returning to the first corridor is not enough to be 'upright'. If you can be so, it's almost upright. It's much easier to see the eight laws of Dali in the future."

Fang Yun knows that the book of rites puts forward the eight points of the three cardinal principles and eight points, namely "learning things, knowing knowledge, sincerity, integrity, self-cultivation, family harmony, governing the country and calming the world". In Shengyuan continent, he believes that these eight methods are an important part of Rites, especially the "integrity" is particularly helpful to the cultivation of noble righteousness. Therefore, as long as he reaches a bachelor, no one will not study the eight methods of great rites.

Fang Yun said, "those who have the right mind are invincible, and their courage is like pure gold. Their courage will last forever. I can't reach the right mind at the moment, but I'm just focused."

"The book of rites says: if you have fear, you will not be right. If you have no fear at that time, you will be right. You should be our mentor." Han Shoulu said respectfully.

Fang Yun said with a smile, "the book of rites also says: if there is a worry, it cannot be right. I am still 'born of worry', thousands of miles away from the right heart. If I say to concentrate, I can admit it."

"If master Fang is worried and fearless, he can lead me over the avalanche. If he can lead me over the falling star bridge, he will not only have the ability of righteousness, but also the ability of 'grid things'." Han ShouLv said.

They called it good again and again.

Fang Yun smiled and said nothing. Grid objects originally meant to explore the truth of things. Workers even listed mechanisms, gears or levers as grid objects. Using later generations' knowledge to solve the falling star bridge is indeed equal to the ability of grid objects.

Zong Wude said with a smile, "don't boast about each other! Talk about business! How to control the cold? Who has a way? Yu Kong, you have the highest talent for practice among us. Can you feel the power of the cold?"

Yan Yukong shook his head and said, "I missed the first corridor. Now I've lost the best chance to feel the cold. Don't consider me. However, the cold appears everywhere. It must come from the comet and have the power of the demon ancestor. We can't do anything, but Fang Yun can control the cold through the comet or the power of the demon ancestor."

One side of the Moshan suddenly said, "on virtue, is it the power of the comet or the thing of the demon ancestor that the dragon of the Kong family can cross the comet corridor?"

Everyone laughed at Kong De's theory, and Fang Yun couldn't help laughing. The top people in these ten countries were really smart. Yan Yukong inferred the nature of the cold after listening, and Mo Shan connected to the way through the comet corridor.

Kong De smiled bitterly and finally said, "I really don't know, but I guess it's the latter."

Fang Yun said slowly, "I guess the latter."

The crowd was silent. I'm afraid Fang yunguess's person is not the dragon of the Kong family.