Fang Yun bought all the detailed information about the fog butterfly from the dragon head spirit bone, which is almost impossible for the Terran to know.

The fog butterfly was still lying on the ground and frightened, but when she saw the holy fruit, she immediately fluttered away, danced around the holy fruit in front of Fang Yun, and kept making a "faint" sound, as if begging for something.

Fang Yun asked in demon language, "would you like to follow me?"

The fog butterfly gently chirped, and then the wings fluttered violently. Fang Yun immediately found that the eyebrows were slightly cool. Then shennian entered the Wen palace and found a fog butterfly formed by shennian falling on the shoulder of his statue and sleeping quietly.

Fang Yun left Wen palace and saw that the fog butterfly had fallen on the holy fruit and ate it slowly.

"What is this?" Yan Yukong asked.

Li Fanming said first, "this is the holy fruit! I didn't expect it to attract fog butterflies."

"I see. The fierce king tried his best to get Liu Zizhi to show up for the fog butterfly. However, although you killed Liu Zizhi for a reason, you were afraid that others would take the opportunity to make waves, especially the Liu family."

Fang Yun said slowly, "I didn't want to kill Liu Zizhi, but sometimes I'd rather take it straight than ask for it from the song! Qing literati deceived our country too much, and I swear to fight a state! Liu Zizhi dares to collude with a fierce king to harm me, and I will kill him!"

"It's better to take straight than to ask for music. At the moment, it sounds sonorous and powerful." Zong Wude said.

Fangyun Road: "Since it is known that Liu Zizhi conspired with the fierce king to harm me, I must kill him by thunder, and then get the fog butterfly, so that others can know my means. If I use the same holy fruit to lure the fog butterfly, it is a request in the song, which is inferior! My way of children and scholar is a request in the song, but my way of raising people and the way after that, if necessary, should be taken in the straight!"

"Fang Yun is really a model for our generation of scholars, but... Alas, I won't say more." Zong Wude was embarrassed and shut up.

Everyone was curious and didn't understand what he said, but Fang Yun and Yan Yukong understood.

The miscellaneous sect saint's attempt to join hands with the barbarians to deal with the demon clan is a typical "seeking in music", while Fang Yun says "it's better to take in straight". If Zong Wude praises too much, it's tantamount to attacking his own holy way.

"What's more, I'm afraid the fierce king will take risks." Fang Yun said the main reason why he didn't use holy fruit to attract fog butterflies.

"You also have holy fruit?" Li Fanming asked suspiciously.

Fang Yun took out the old pen and secretly gave him the holy fruit.

I saw the fog butterfly who had been eating another holy fruit suddenly looked up, looked left and right, grabbed the first holy fruit, placed it on the other holy fruit, and then ate it slowly, obviously to eat it all.

Everyone smiled.

Sun naiyong nodded and said, "from the military point of view, it's the best policy for you to cite your surprise. If you are seen by the fierce king, or you attract the fog butterfly with holy fruit, use the fierce king's temperament, or rob the fog butterfly to escape, or sneak attack and kill you, the gain is not worth the loss. If you don't mention it, I may take a moment to figure it out. If you see things so thoroughly, your achievements must be far ahead of me."

People suddenly realized that Fang Yun why he killed Liu Zizhi first and then drove away the fierce king in order to eliminate all potential factors.

"I'm afraid I'd use the holy fruit to lure the fog butterfly. With more moonlight, I'm sure to win Liu Zizhi. However, if I forget that the fierce king is on the side, I will lose the fog butterfly in the end. If the fierce king gets the fog butterfly, we can't control it."

Mo Shan suddenly said, "wait, add wings like a tiger? Do you think the fierce king wants to distract the fog butterfly? If there is a fog butterfly distracted, the fierce king is more than adding wings like a tiger. He is like a fish into a dragon!"

Fang Yun was also stunned. He really didn't expect this possibility, but Moshan is a legitimate descendant of the Mohist family. I'm afraid he guessed this only after he knew some secret.

Sun naiyong couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on his forehead and said: "Thanks to Fang Yun, if Fang Yun is too pedantic and keeps Liu Zizhi, the consequences will be unimaginable. Once the fog butterfly is distracted and occupied by the fierce monarch, who can defeat the fierce monarch? If he gets the fog butterfly and can enter the demon ancestor's court, the fierce monarch will converge and choose another holy way again. In case he becomes a semi saint, those families who have been harmed by him can only lose their teeth and go to their stomach Li Tun. "

"Even if the fierce king converges, his ferocity is still there. Don't forget that his enemies are everywhere. If he is sanctified, it will be a blessing, but it will be a great disaster."

"If the fierce king is just taking things by surprise, I'm not worried about his wanton killing after he becomes a saint, but he poisons Fang Yun. If we hinder him a little, I'm afraid he will kill him."

"That's true! If it's Fang Yun, it's not true. Even if we conflict with Fang Yun's ideas, he will tolerate us as long as it doesn't harm Fang Yun. The gratitude and resentment between Wu De and Fang Yun are still above the Liu family, but they still treat each other with courtesy."

Zong Wude glanced at the man and said, "I'm not as good as Fang Yun as poetry. It seems that I don't have a good chance of winning if I really want to fight. I'm stupid to be the enemy with Fang Yun! I'd like to watch the lively debate between him and the students of the old ancestor. I'm too lazy to intervene."

Everyone laughed. If everyone was like Zong Wude, the world would be peaceful, but people's hearts and temperament were the most complex.

"The gate is about to close. We can enter together."


Fang Yun said to the demon kings: "thank you, demon kings."

The tiger demon king snorted coldly and said, "if I'm in trouble in the future, I'll help you."

Fang Yun was puzzled. It was almost impossible to come back to the holy ruins in the future. He didn't understand what the tiger demon king meant.

"If we meet, we will help each other," Fang Yun said.

The tiger demon king nodded and didn't speak again.

People walked into the bronze door one after another.

"No! Be careful! Yes..."

As soon as Fang Yun entered the bronze door, he heard Li Fanming's voice in front of him. Then the voice was covered by the roar of the wind, and his body and wheelchair fell down in mid air.

In front of him, there was a faint yellow and sand flying around. Fang Yun had to squint, and the gravel and fine sand kept hitting him.

From behind came the roar of Niushan: "Your Majesty, I'll hold on to the wheelchair. Don't be afraid!"

"OK!" Fang Yun shouted, releasing the power of mountain Fu, forming a translucent protective force to wrap himself and Niushan.

The strange wind without hindrance crosses the power of mountain Fu and infiltrates into the literary palace. Although the strange wind is very weak, it is enough to kill ordinary scholars. It must be resisted with the power of courage. If it goes on like this, it will always be exhausted.

"It's time to land!" Niu Shan shouted. His Qi and blood surged. He held Fang Yun's wheelchair and landed steadily on the ground. Fang Yun jumped out of his wheelchair in advance and landed in the sand, and then put away the protection of mountain Fu.

When the strong wind blows, the sand and stones blow on his face. Fang Yun has to cover his face with his arms and bend down to avoid being blown away by the wind. If ordinary people are in such a big wind and sand, even if there is no strange wind, they will be killed by a steady stream of sand and stones.

Fang Yun doesn't have much talent. Since the wind can't hurt him, it can't be solved with war poems. Moreover, there are strange winds all over the world. Even if war poems at the level of people can be avoided for a while, they can't be avoided all the time.

After observing carefully for a moment, Fang Yun determined that he was in the desert.

Niushan roared, "Your Majesty, do you want me to carry you?"

"No, remember here and look around slowly. If they are not stupid, they will certainly wait for everyone." Fang Yun shouted. He looked at the fog butterfly and found that all the wind avoided it. It has been eating the holy fruit and has eaten half of it.

"OK! I'll go ahead and you'll go back and search together." Niushan astringes his Qi and blood. This level of sand and stone doesn't hurt or itch him. Only the most basic Qi and blood is reserved to stop those subtle strange winds.

The two men walked for a while. The other two niuman generals and the dog demon hurried over. Then the three Manyi demon formed a high wall in front of them, and Fang Yun followed. The pressure was greatly reduced. After another moment, the four barbarians caught up with them, and the pace of the team accelerated. They soon met Li Fanming and several others. Li Fanming was struggling to move forward with the rabbit on his back.

"Fanming!" Fang Yun shouted.

Li Fanming looked back. It was like seeing his relatives. He hurried over, bypassed the demon man and stood beside Fang Yun.

"It's good to have a lot of moons, and demons can block the wind and sand. People are more angry than people!" Li Fanming said, and the big rabbit nodded hard on his back.

Fang Yun and others took the location as the center to search for others, and soon met one after another. Here are all people, so they won't be trapped by dust storms, even if the dust storms here are dozens of times more violent than those in Shengyuan continent.

They couldn't tell the direction, but several people proficient in the book of changes took turns in divination. The result was very chaotic, but finally decided to move in the direction of vertical wind direction.

There is a demon man standing in the upwind. Everyone can go at ease, but Qifeng keeps talking. They are becoming more and more pessimistic.

"My courage will be exhausted in two hours at most!"

"I may be a quarter of an hour earlier than you."

"We don't even know where we are now."

"Can't fog butterflies control strange wind and weak water?"

The crowd looked at Fang Yun, but Fang Yun was helpless and said, "the fog butterfly is eating the holy fruit, wait."

A quarter of an hour later, after the fog butterfly ate the holy fruit, youyou called twice, got into Fang Yun's chest and never came out again.

Fang Yun was stunned. Then he found that the strange wind was gone. There was no more strange wind impacting his Wen palace. He vaguely felt that the fog butterfly seemed to be absorbing the strange wind around him.

"Eh? Where's the fog butterfly?" one shouted.

"Sleeping, seems to be digesting the power of the holy fruit." Fang Yun said helplessly.

Everyone also knew that the strange thing was special. After a few laments, they continued to go on their way.

After walking for more than an hour, the wind and sand are still raging, the color of the sky is deeper, and the people in the team are more and more silent.

"Alas, who could have thought that we were alive in the holy ruins, but we were blown to death by the wind when we arrived at the demon ancestor's court. It was so unjust." Li Fanming was complaining, and suddenly there was a snoring voice behind him. Fang Yun turned his head and saw that the rabbit was asleep.

"I protect you with my courage, you're sleeping!" Li Fanming said angrily.

The rabbit couldn't hear it and went on sleeping.

Suddenly, the dog demon will turn around, roar and say, "no, what's coming from one side!"

"Get ready to fight!"

They immediately looked at the direction the dog demon would face, put down their board clothes and prepared for the battle. Even Fang Yun was slightly nervous. This is the demon ancestral clan. No one can say how powerful it is.

A dark shadow appeared in front, and then a huge centipede appeared from the dust storm. A large number of demon families stood on the centipede beast. The first one was a demon Marquis, still above the demon handsome, and Niushan was just a demon general, the same as everyone else.