Night falls, the lights are on, and the full moon hangs in the sky.

There are many dragon palace night pearls in the Xuegong square. The largest one is over the high platform of the Cultural Association, which lights everything in a three mile radius like day.

All the streets leading to the school palace were blocked by dense people, and even the roof was crowded with people.

For kongcheng people, coming to the cultural fair with their family is the biggest reunion.

The high platform of the cultural conference is very simple. It is a six foot high platform. The tables and chairs in front of the platform are full of guests. The front round table is either a great Confucian, a great bachelor, children of a noble family, or royal relatives and relatives.

There was only four people sitting at one table, but it was one of the focus of the whole audience, because the four talents of this generation gathered together.

In addition to the four talents, the tables belonging to the holy families also attracted the attention of many people.

On the contrary, few people pay attention to those great Confucians, because they are introverted. If they are not carefully observed, they can't see their particularity at all.

Those scholars with higher literary status pay more attention to these great Confucianism, and some people stare at the table belonging to Meng's family.

A luxurious Wuhou car stood there, and the fierce king Menglin hall sat on it.

The umbrella on the Wuhou car was replaced with a black canopy, and the original pure solid wood shape was painted, which looked more elegant, ignoring the fierce reputation of Wuhou car in the army.

Fang Yun looked at the Wuhou car. For hundreds of years, the Shengyuan mainland has been preaching the story of Zhuge Liang. His image of riding in the Wuhou car, with a feather fan and a scarf, and talking and laughing freely has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even the great scholars who do not admire the false name also like the Wuhou car, not to mention the powerful ability of Wenbao Wuhou car.

Fang Yun is also watching the people in Wuhou's car.

The fierce king has a wide face, thick eyebrows, deep sockets, and a huge hooked nose. His eyes are like a lion and his momentum is like a tiger. Just sitting there at will makes everyone around breathless, and even a few ordinary college students feel depressed.

Unlike most scholars who like to wear scholar robes, he wears a light golden dragon scale armor. The armor is not as bright as the honor guard gold armor, but everyone who sees the armor will feel a surging power, as if a giant dragon rushes out at any time.

Fang Yun saw at a glance that it was the real dragon scale at the level of the big demon king. A piece of armor can be exchanged for a city.

Fang Yun's eyes fell on the carved bamboo pen holder on the table of the Wuhou car. There were four pens in the pen holder. Each pen was full of talent. One pen was no less than the dragon scale of the big demon king. It was a great Confucian literary treasure.

There are three pieces of literary treasures on the table and table, one Paperweight, one penholder and one ink inkstone, which are all great Confucian literary treasures.

Two words came out of Fang Yun's mind, local tyrant.

Although the fierce king's eyes were facing the high platform, they were slightly upward, glanced over the high platform and looked at the sky. In fact, he didn't put anything in his eyes.

The Mongolian family, who were at the same table with him, were all very nervous, whether they were younger, peers or elders. Some even secretly looked into his eyes, full of envy and awe.

Every time he blinked, his eyes crossed a bloody meteor, and the light of the meteor was unpredictable. It was composed of countless battlefield fighting scenes, which was extraordinary.

From beginning to end, the fierce king kept the posture of looking at the top of the cultural conference platform. He turned a blind eye and was arrogant, whether it was the four talents of this generation, the four talents of the previous generation or the great Confucianism.

Under the bright moon, there is no one worth talking to.

A wolf demon Hou was lying at the feet of the fierce king. From time to time, he wagged his tail like a watchdog and looked at the fierce king.

Fang Yun saw it with his own eyes that day. The wolf demon Hou scared a demon in the street with only one look.

Fang Yun looked away and thought of the bloody meteor in the fierce gentleman's eyes. He had to admit that the fierce gentleman had fierce spirit.

The eye contains stars. It is Kong Sheng and King Wen. Although there are meteors in the eye, it can be said that the fierce king has a road to them. Even if the chance of completing the road is very small, it is much higher than those who don't.

Before the conference started, many people visited each other, which was very lively.

Although Fang Yunwen has a big name, he is a younger generation after all. He needs to do enough etiquette and meet relevant people one by one, such as the grand Bachelor of Jingguo, the aristocratic families and giants of Jingguo, including the Jisheng aristocratic family with friends, etc.

After the visit, Fang Yuncai returned to the side of the high platform of the cultural conference, and at this time, others came back one after another.

Li Fanming sits next to Fang Yun, and the big rabbit lies under the chair and sleeps.

Li Fanming's classmates were more than a dozen, and he was the only one who finally came here.

At the beginning, they just talked about the holy ruins, and then they began to talk about the people present. Li Fanming identified the celebrities one by one, including the painting king among the four talents of the previous generation, the famous scholar living in seclusion in Kong City, and the great scholar in the key position in the holy courtyard.

Fang Yun had read the famous works of those great scholars and wanted to communicate, but because there was no introduction, he didn't even have an excuse to visit, so he had to find an opportunity to talk again.

As they were talking, Fang Yun was surprised when two people in University robes came near. Li Fanming had also introduced them before, because they were two senior editors and reviewers of Shengdao. Shengdao has a very high status, and the hidden power of the editor and reviewer is frightening, so it is often rotated.

Almost all the people around were well-informed. They recognized Bachelor Meng and bachelor an at a glance. Even the children of the semi holy family did not dare to ask him to come up and got up one after another.

The old bachelor Meng smiled and said, "it doesn't matter. We're just here to see Fang Yun. Can you take a step?"

Those people immediately looked at Fang Yun with great envy. It was not easy for the two ordinary college students to get to know each other on their own initiative. However, the two did not need to be introduced directly. It was almost close to "seeking advice", which was the limit between the peers. The two elders could do it. It can be seen that they not only relaxed, but also paid special attention to Fang Yun.

These two people "carry sedan chairs". In the future, no one under the great Confucianism can hold a sedan chair in front of Fang Yun.

"It's a shame that the postgraduates didn't go to visit, but let the two come." Fang Yun said, followed the two undergraduates to leave and came to the place where there was no one on the side of the high platform.

Meng said with a smile, "I review your poems every month. I thought I knew you well, but you can surprise me every month. I don't say it on the front page of the holy way. You actually passed the holy ruins road as a scholar. I really can't help but come to see you with a thick old face."

"You are a famous scholar when you are old, and the students are ashamed." Fang Yun said politely.

The Bachelor of ANN University smiled and said, "you don't have to be polite with old man Meng. He praised you even more when you were away. In fact, we both wanted to see you many times, but we really didn't have time. We didn't want to be seen by Luo Wenzong first. After Luo Wenzong came back from Yuhai City, he praised you again and again. Our hearts are unfair. We both wrote the holy way for your poetry." While arguing, he was still asleep. "

Meng joked, "be careful, sir Wenzong."

Fang Yun joked: "even if Wenzong adult hears it, after careful consideration, he must feel that it is too troublesome to manage it. Just ignore it, otherwise he will not be lazy Wenzong."

The three laughed together.

From time to time, those people not far away secretly glanced over to know what the three were talking about.

Meng said, "your three poems of the Mid Autumn Festival yesterday must be connected with the holy way. I have kept them. Don't let us down today. I have threatened that you will have the same four words in the holy way next month."

"The students should try their best to write a good poem and make old Meng look bright." Fang Yun was very grateful to them. He had heard about them from Feng Yuanjun and Li Wenying for a long time. If Meng University didn't argue and Ann University didn't secretly help, his poems would have many twists and turns.

There are some things that the two bachelors can say, but he can't say, so he doesn't mention anything like reward.

Meng is a straight-minded scholar and said with a smile, "your poems not only make my face shine. I should have left the editing and review institute a few days ago, but Lord Dongsheng said that I have a good eye and know beads. The editing and review Institute lacks an editing and review bachelor like me, so I can stay for another year. I have no hope of becoming a great scholar. I can spend more energy on editing and review, thanks to you."

The Bachelor of ANN University smiled and said, "I have other things to do here. What is the sigh of the sentence 'how many flowers fall' in Chunxiao?"

Then, the three began to talk about poetry, mainly about some doubts in poetry.

It was not until the full moon rose that the two college students were reluctant to leave. After an appointment, they found a chance to talk about wine together.

Fang Yungang sat back in his chair. Before he could talk to Li Fanming, the meeting began.

Dozens of students from the Confucius Piano Academy came up with the piano and played the famous piano song "the night of flowers and full moon".

After a song, a young Jinshi walked onto the platform with a smile, first said a few words of blessing, and then introduced the significance, guests and related matters of the cultural meeting of the holy ruins. Finally, the master of ceremonies of Jinshi announced the results of Shengxu Road, and specially pointed out that Fang Yun not only broke the natural shortage of Jingguo, but also became the only scholar passing through Shengxu road.

The master of ceremonies of Jinshi selected the last five scholars among the 100 people who could enter the holy ruins and asked them to write a poem on the Mid Autumn Festival. At that time, the people of the Wenwang family will control the moon and give them the moon.

When the emcee finished, the five scholars went to the table prepared on the high platform and wrote poems, while Fang Yun looked at the huge moon in the sky.

There is an ancient land on the moon, which is nominally owned by the Yasheng family, but actually controlled by the King Wen family. Even the Kong family can't intervene, because it is a fief given by Kong Sheng to the King Wen family.

Soon, the five scholars finished writing their prepared poems. Even if the five scholars were the best in the world, only two poems came out of the county. The poetic talents of the other three were less than one foot out of the county, ranging from seven inches to nine inches.

"The five scholars have finished writing. Please fall on the moon and strengthen our people!" the master of ceremonies of the Jinshi respectfully said.

The five scholars also arched their hands to the bright moon in the sky and said, "please fall on the moon and strengthen my people!"

At the same time, the light of the brightest night pearl disappeared, and the platform immediately darkened.

Then, a bright moonlight shone on the high platform. One was divided into five, forming five light columns to cover the five scholars. The brightness of the five moonlight was different and soon dispersed.

Fang Yun saw the eyes of the five people shining slightly, and then faded away, which was no different from before.

The five scholars showed their joy. With the shelter of Yuehua, it was much safer to enter the holy ruins.