When the round the city run was over, all the three teams gathered together and walked back slowly. Finally, they entered Yishi's barracks together.

In a barracks, there lived a Shifu, with all-round shops on both sides. A Datong shop could sleep eight people.

Thirty or forty people sat in the room together, chatting and chatting, but it was summer. There were many people, and the room was full of sweat. All the soldiers didn't care, and Fang Yun didn't dislike it at all, because he was also one of them.

Fang Yun listened to the soldiers' conversation and understood more why General Yu didn't let him change his name. He was afraid to slip his tongue. Secondly, the main reason was that this army was different from other places. The communication channel was very narrow and the communication circle was very small.

There are frequent exchanges between soldiers in a team. There are ten teams in a battalion, and there are few exchanges between different teams, while most ordinary soldiers in different battalions don't know each other.

Fang Yun estimates that only the people of this battalion will know him more or less soon. It is difficult for other battalions to know his news. As for other guards, let alone the possibility of reaching outside Dinghai army, it is almost zero.

The army is a place where competition prevails, but it is also a place to worship the strong. Now Fang Yun has shown his strength. These people regard him as a descendant of the strategist and soon accept him.

Those Wu changs and Shi changs are not afraid of Fang Yun robbing them. They know that if Fang Yun wants to be an official, he can be a lieutenant from the ninth grade at worst, and there will be no conflict with them in any way.

Fang Yun knows a lot about the art of war, military intelligence, array and other macro aspects, but he has never been a soldier after all, so he listens very carefully and understands the military camp from all aspects, because a small detail may determine the success or failure of a battle.

These soldiers talk about everything. Sea demons, dragons, women, training, Shangguan and so on are just like launching a hundred forms in the army in front of Fang Yun. Some of the details are very important to the art of war and military unification.

As a rule, everyone had to practice after three o'clock, but because of the round the city run, the three teams didn't train and kept chatting. After dinner, they got together to gossip.

The veterans are very happy because of Fang Yun, a powerful recruit. Fang Yun often asks some things he doesn't know, which makes these veterans talk, and some even argue because of different opinions.

Until more than nine o'clock at night, no one went to bed one after another.

At 5:30 the next day, the morning bell rang, and all the soldiers in Yuhai mansion got up one after another.

A group of men wearing only underwear began to wash, all of them were strong, and the spirit of individual children was stronger than that of ordinary demon soldiers.

After that, the three teams talked and laughed together and went to the canteen of the first battalion for dinner.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the barracks of Dinghai Navy were all empty. Tens of thousands of people lined up in a long line to run outside the barracks. Jogging for an hour is a common practice in the army. It is the best military training method summarized by a semi saint who was good at military training 300 years ago.

After jogging, the Navy's 20 battalions began training in different subjects.

The first battalion of the second guard where Fang Yun is located began to practice weapons. Fang Yun practiced bows and arrows first.

Fang Yun's control over the body is far better than those soldiers. Every arrow can hit the bull's-eye. There is no difference between shooting a moving target and shooting a fixed target. He has mastered the shooting skills in the six skills of a gentleman.

"Marksman!" everyone could not help but stretch out their thumbs, and even the people of other teams were secretly surprised.

Although the archer had to shoot all the time, he also took his knife with him. Fang Yun practiced his knife for another quarter of an hour. His knife technique was average, but after four times of talent, his strength and reaction exceeded all children and attracted many people's applause.

After training weapons, start training the military array. There are ten teams in the first battalion. Under the command of the battalion school, they begin to set up formation, either charge with conical array or defend with circular array. They are constantly changing to deal with different situations and test the soldiers' abilities.

Half an hour later, Fang Yun's battalion and five battalions formed a guard and practiced the array together. The array of 3000 people was more complex. Soldiers often made small mistakes, but their comrades in arms kept reminding them so that the array could continue.

Finally, the people of the Third Battalion cooperated with the people raising camp school to attack, which was close to the exercise. Every time the camp school used a wide range of war poems, it would command the team to take action.

Although Fang Yun became a soldier for the first time, he was more familiar with the formation and orders in the army than these veterans. He was not wrong once. Sometimes he even corrected the mistakes of the veterans next to him and told him how to understand the military formation. Fang Yun's words were easy to understand, and the veterans around him understood them as soon as they heard them.

"It is worthy of being a descendant of the military family!" the people admired it very much.

Now no one doubts that he is the scholar's model.

After the drill, all teams summarized, and someone reported Fang Yun's teaching of veterans to captain Shi. Captain Shi praised Fang Yun, and then let everyone have lunch.

The lunch break was very long. After a short nap, there were more and more people in Yishi barracks where Fang Yun was located. It soon became a place for nearly 50 people of the whole team, which was rare before.

Different from yesterday's chat, many veterans today asked Fang Yun questions about the military array. Fang Yun answered them one by one in the most popular and simple language, but Fang Yun didn't know some questions. After all, he hadn't encountered many situations. He wrote it down and said he would think about it in the future. Once he had the results, he would tell the person.

Some people ask not only about the military array, but also about the use of weapons and the means of facing the enemy. Occasionally, discussions will be triggered, and Fang Yun will also hear useful things.

At the end of the break at 3 p.m., Fang Yun had accumulated more than 20 problems. Some of these problems were really not at all, while others needed some time to think.

From 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. is the second * * practice. Fang Yun thinks about those problems while participating in it.

Fang Yun found a problem in the army. The so-called art of war and military books are all mastered by intermediate generals. For example, the captain, chief Shi or chief Wu can read some art of war by themselves at most. Many times, he doesn't know the usefulness of art of war, mainly because no one explains it to them in detail.

"Now I don't know much about military training. When I have enough experience, I have to find a way to write a military training manual for grass-roots officers and soldiers, and tell them in the simplest and most straightforward language how to do it, why to do it, the consequences of not doing so, and so on."

Fang Yun shook his head and thought that it was not those higher-level soldiers who didn't understand, but they knew too much. Because all kinds of methods were clearly written in the military book, everyone could read it, and the more powerful soldiers could even control the formation of soldiers, so they didn't care about the ideas of the basic soldiers.

"There is a lack of grass-roots military education. If we strengthen military education in the military, there may be more military strategists."

Taking advantage of the rest at night, Fang Yun went to the military library to look for military training books. He could not only remember, but also form new books in the world of strange books.

The book of war has a wide range of functions, such as the "ten arrays volume" in Sun Bin's art of war. Once the power is released, it can control the formation of millions of troops and make every soldier appear in the right place, which is enough to increase the strength of the whole team by 20% to 30%.

Formation is the highest level of art of war, and there are few books on formation.

Near midnight, Fang Yun left the library and rushed back to the barracks. Nearly 50 people from the three teams were already standing in front of the door. After a while, Captain Shi appeared and led everyone away. Finally, he met with others in the first battalion at the gate of the barracks and received the blessing of a Jinshi's heroic poem "Changwu".

At night, 500 people of the first battalion left the Dinghai barracks, went out of the East Vice City and began patrolling.

The Yuhai port in the East vice city is an important place of Jingguo. Yuhai mansion is too big. The port has left the shrouded area of the holy temple of Yuhai mansion. Although the port is guarded by the great Ru Zhenwen, the great Ru Zhenwen will not attack the small demons in the distance, so there are often River demons and sea demons near the port.

The demon general level demon clan still has reason and will consider the gains and losses before action, but those demon people and demon soldiers have low intelligence and always want to eat people, which makes the human race a headache.

The existence of the patrol team is to avoid the demon clan from invading people by mistake or discovering potential dangers. After all, the demon clan has many ways to deceive the great Confucian Zhenwen in a short time.

The battalion of 500 people was divided into ten teams. Before they separated, Jinying school made everyone cheer up, because Li Wenying went to the Yangtze River to kill demons a few days ago. According to practice, Jiang demons will retaliate against Yuhai mansion. This attack on the State Army rather than civilians will not trigger Li Wenying's personal retaliation.

Ten teams are scattered, each half a mile apart, so that any team that has a problem can be found by the nearest team.

The night by the sea is dark and quiet. Occasionally, there is the sound of waves beating the shore or scouring the beach. Ordinary soldiers hold torches, while the children have bright eyes and night vision, and they can clearly see everything around them.

To the east of Yuhai city is the East China Sea, and to the south is the Yangtze River. A patrol battalion of 500 people patrols the shore between the East China Sea, the Yangtze River and Yuhai mansion.

According to the order of Jinying school, everyone pays more attention to the side of the Yangtze River. After all, it is the river demon revenge rather than the sea demon revenge.

The night was dark. After two hours, in the increasingly cool sea breeze, the soldiers' spirit was consumed and their initial vigilance was lost.

Hong Cheng on one side was no longer as serious as before. He smiled and said, "why, are you still used to patrolling in the middle of the night?"

"Not bad."

"Have you killed the sea demon?" Hong Cheng asked.

"I've killed the river demon, but I haven't killed the sea demon. Generally, the sea demon is more powerful than the river demon?" Fang Yun asked.

"Of course. We know you're powerful, but the sea demon is different. Don't be frightened. The sea demon comes in two or three hundred. Our third battalion has a hard time dealing with it. Can you do it?" Hong Cheng said.

Fang Yun knew that Hong Cheng was using a fierce method. He smiled and looked at the sea surface of the East China Sea and said, "the sea demon is also a demon. There's nothing terrible. Eh? Is that the sea demon there? No!"

When they looked around together, they saw three layers of huge waves rising from the sea and rushing towards the shore, one layer higher than the other, and each layer of huge waves was tens of feet wide and tens of miles long. There were dense river demons standing on the huge waves, not sea demons.

In the center of the group of demons, a huge dragon head was exposed. Only the head was about the size of a room.

"Not good!" Hong Cheng and many people went to get the red text of the official seal for the first time to tear up the warning.

However, an invisible force isolated the inside and outside of Yuhai city. Then everyone found that the world had changed and they even stood in Yuhai City, but the buildings in the city were translucent.

"Mirage!" many veterans cried involuntarily, all pale.

"It's over. We're dead! It should be Jiao Wang."