"Can you really do it?" shopkeeper Tang Da stared, not to mention the position of the romance of the west chamber in literature. In terms of sales for decades, it may not be comparable to a popular novel.

"We can sign a contract. What if I can't compensate you?"

"OK!" shopkeeper Tang said happily.

Fangyun Road: "As far as I know, if a book is priced at ten articles, then the literary academy and the imperial court account for four articles, and the author, bookstore and book store account for two articles respectively. If I want to open a book store, I don't know how long it will take to achieve the degree of xuanting. The spread of text names will slow down, and may even delay my position, so I will choose to cooperate with your bank. However, can I adjust the share ratio?"

"I can decide. We'll give you half and you'll get 25." shopkeeper Tang said.

Fang Yun said with a smile, "shopkeeper Tang, you didn't say anything clever. The sales volume of this book must be good. Your share of each bookstore will be reduced from 20% to 15%, which is equal to your own share unchanged. I don't want much, as long as 28%, how about it?"

Shopkeeper Tang Da lowered his head and seemed to be calculating carefully. After a long time, he looked up and said, "OK, that's settled. I'll contact the chief shopkeeper immediately to finalize the contract details and come back to you tomorrow. If other bookstores find you, I hope you can abide by the gentleman's agreement."

"That's natural. Unless you xuanting give up first, I won't discuss popular novels with any other book firm."

"Fang Shuangjia is a happy man. Goodbye!"

Not long after shopkeeper Tang Da left, the servants of Li Wenying's family came with Dang demon pen. In addition to two strong servants, Wen Bao was escorted by a Niu ManJiang at the level of raising people.

Fang Yun noticed that something was staring at him. Subconsciously, he looked up and saw a huge eagle demon flying in the sky. The eagle demon chirped and fluttered away.

"I'm worthy of being a great scholar. Let two monsters come to send something. I'm afraid his private soldiers alone can kill a county." Fang Yun thought to himself.

After the servant gave Fang Yun the brocade box with Dang demon pen, he handed out two small boxes and said that there were two Tian Huangshi in it for Fang Yun to use as a seal. Finally, he said that Li Wenying asked Fang Yun to carry Dang demon pen with him, especially in the city.

Fang Yun doesn't know Li Wenying's intention, but he knows he won't hurt himself, otherwise his courage will inevitably go wrong.

Several people in the family counted the things given by the Empress Dowager and began to make a fire to cook.

Mrs. Jiang and Fang Daniu are much more excited than Yang Yuhuan. They have been talking about the Empress Dowager's reward and praising Fang Yun. Mrs. Jiang volunteered to make cloth bags to wrap up the Empress Dowager's Yizhi, and said that it was the Shangfang sword.

Yang Yuhuan took a thin piece of Longgong blood ginseng, washed it once, soaked it in water, took out half of the water soaked in blood ginseng and boiled a small casserole porridge for Fang Yun alone.

After the porridge is prepared, the fragrance overflows. The whole room is full of strange fragrance with a slightly sea smell. Just smelling it makes people feel comfortable.

Yang Yuhuan put the porridge in front of Fang Yun's table and said, "the gift giver told me that ordinary people can't eat Dragon Palace blood ginseng directly. They can only drink it in water for about ten days before they can eat it bit by bit. After all, this thing is eaten by dragons. A little dragon is ten feet long. Our Terrans can't stand it."

"You're weak. We're half a person." Fang Yun said.

Yang Yuhuan quickly refused and said, "you are a child and can stand it. I'm afraid my body can't stand this great tonic."

"Well, you can drink it later."

Nu Nu looked at Fang Yun's porridge and gently licked her lips with her pink tongue.

Seeing his greedy appearance, Fang Yun smiled and asked, "do you want to drink?"

Nu Nu's eyes really struggled for a while, then firmly shook his head and pointed to Fang Yun with his furry little white claws.

"You let me drink?" Fang Yun asked.

Nu Nu nodded, put his two small claws to his mouth to eat, then raised his arms, stood up upright with his two legs, and the white fox hair stood up, becoming fluffy and bigger.

"You let me eat by myself so that I can be strong?"

Nu Nu nodded hard.

Fang Yun smiled, touched Nu's head and said, "it seems that you are a little fox with only conscience."

Nu Nu immediately grinned and jumped happily.

After dinner, Fang Yun returned to the house, picked up the demon pen and observed it carefully.

This is an ordinary small regular script brush with a light brown pen holder and a gray white pen head. The pen holder of this brush is obviously ordinary bamboo, but it feels like jade in your hand, and it weighs a kilogram.

Fang Yun took a deep breath and stuck to the ink to write. He found that writing was awkward because the brush was too heavy. However, he might often write with a Wenbao pen in the future. He decided to practice calligraphy with a dangyao pen.

Unfortunately, he is still a child and can't use words on paper to stimulate the power of demon pen.

As Fang Yun wrote, he thought, "after what happened today, Liu Zicheng is bound to attack me by other means. I must pay attention to that he will never leave the city until he knows how to talk on paper. As long as he is covered by the holy temple, he will not dare to kill me. I will try to keep a low profile in the enrollment report on the 10th of this month, otherwise he will inevitably use it."

"Now my foundation in the mansion is still weak and there is no effective support. When I become a former scholar, even if you Liu Zicheng don't come to me, I will take the initiative to find you and solve your big problem!"

After practicing the characters, Fang Yun picked up a book called "explanation of the meaning of scriptures", which is a book that teaches children how to write scriptures and test scholars.

Fang Yun found a sutra title "seek and get it" from above. Without using the world of strange books, he wrote an article in the way taught by county magistrate Cai he, and then judged it with the method in the book.

Fang Yun analyzed it carefully.

"The order of my Sutra should not be D, at least C, or even C. the disadvantage of my Sutra is that I don't have enough depth, I can't fully explain Mencius's sentence, and I don't have enough strength to solve the problem. But the advantage is that as a modern person, I accept the baptism of a large amount of information, and I exceed the level of ordinary scholars in 'intention' and 'enumeration', and the intention is exactly the Sutra One of the important aspects of game theory. "

"To put it simply, Jingyi is to explain the topic first, then use your own examples or views to confirm the previous explanation, then quote the views of some famous experts to support it, and finally conclude." The meaning of this topic is to seek and work hard to get it. I demonstrate it through the quest of innocent children, reckless youth and wise old people, and then quote the semi holy words learned a few days ago to prove my point. There is no problem in the basic structure. "

"Next, I want to exercise my ability to solve questions, learn to brighten the examiner's eyes with the most sharp sentences at the beginning, then attract the examiner with novel ideas, and then touch the examiner's ideas to write the examiner's favorite quotations."

"However, even if you want to cater to the examiner, you can't go against my own ideas! I do Scriptures for my holy way, not for the imperial examination!"

When Fang Yun thought of this, he immediately noticed that Wen Gong trembled slightly. His talent was more concise and more effective than studying hard for three consecutive days.

Fang Yun is more convinced of his choice.

Fang Yun continued to read the Sutra interpretation. After reading it for three hours, he saw the way.

"The author of Jingyi Shujie was originally an ordinary scholar in Jingguo. He knew the model of Jingyi very well, which was very helpful to me, but the defect was that his thinking was too fixed, he paid too much attention to 'technology', and it was a little bad when it came to 'technology', let alone 'Tao'."

"The structure and transition of a sutra are all skills, and how to make it profound and innovative is the category of skills. As for Tao, it is an idea comparable to all saints, which I dare not expect at present. According to my inference, as long as you master the skills, you can be a scholar, and to be a successful candidate, you must have your own skills. If you are a scholar, you need to practice both skills and skills at the same time Degree. "

"As for Tao, at least it takes Hanlin to touch the threshold. No wonder the imperial examination only reaches Jinshi, because Tao can't be distinguished from others in the exam."

"I understand that 'skill' can be clearly explained, but 'Tao' and 'art' are difficult to be learned in a fixed mode, so I find the defects of this book. If you want to learn real art and Tao, others can't teach you, and there is no shortcut."

"Look more. Read a lot of the scriptures of famous scholars and even saints, even if their scriptures are not suitable for the imperial examination. Their scriptures are like seeds. They may not be useful at ordinary times, but they will certainly take root and form inspiration at the critical moment."

"Think more. Think about the merits of others' scriptures, think about your own shortcomings, think about how to correct them, and think about how to strengthen your strengths."

"Write more. Both seeing and thinking are 'receiving' rather than 'releasing'. Only by constantly writing can you master how to correctly express your ideas and thoughts and achieve ease of receiving and releasing."

"This is the interpretation of the meaning of the Sutra. Read it all."

Fang Yun did not hesitate to receive this book from the world of rare books. Even if he read it again, he would only read extensively but not intensively.

Fang Yun continued to read other relevant Scripture guidance books. With experience, he no longer read word by word, but jumped to read.

At the beginning of the month, the moonlight was dim, and the room was dark without lights and candles, but it did not affect Fang Yun's reading.

Not long ago, Fang Yun turned to the works of Zhu Hongzhi, a great Confucian scholar, in his early years, and even mentioned related ideas such as reading, thinking and writing more. If he found a treasure, he immediately decided to buy Zhu Hongzhi's anthology tomorrow.

"He is worthy of being a great Confucian. He can not only write but also teach people. His scriptures can be called a model. His structure is strict, his organization is clear, and his intention is novel. It is completely equal to teaching people with his hands. This collection of stars It's really a must read for examinees. But those who are reluctant to say goodbye are not as good as me. I can't read quickly. I can't identify them quickly, or I'm unlucky. I can't see them, or I can't understand their meaning. It's a pity. If I can understand this book, supplemented by other studies, it's more than enough to test a scholar. "

Fang Yun solemnly included the collection of stars into the world of rare books, and then closed his eyes and read it again and again.

As soon as I opened my eyes, it was four o'clock in the morning.

"The Dragon Palace blood ginseng is really a good thing. I'm still in high spirits. If the Dragon Palace blood ginseng keeps going, it's enough to sleep only two hours a day! In this way, my chances of becoming a scholar this year will greatly increase."

Fang Yun left his desk and went to bed on the Kang.