Send Fang Daniel away, but Fang Yun is worried about the future of the Three Character Classic. He was more optimistic about the story of the west chamber, but the story of the pillow came into the limelight.

Although the Three Character Classic is good, it is only a beginner's book after all. There is no wonderful saint's righteousness, and there is not much talent. Ethnology may pay attention to it, but those big people may not pay attention to it, and it may take many years to make a slow start.

"I hope it can be popularized by bachelor Li, otherwise this book is not as easy to spread as popular novels."

Fang Daniu took the warrant given to Fang Yun by master Zhou's book and the Three Character Classic, drove the carriage to the literary academy, and was led outside the master Zhou's book room by small officials.

After entering the door, Fang Daniu said, "I've seen Lord Zhou. According to the order of our young master Fang Yun, I sent you a letter and a three character classic. Please have a look."

"Three Character Classic"? Although master Zhou didn't know what it was, he looked happy. He immediately walked over, grabbed the stack of paper, looked at it carefully and snorted coldly.

"Who copied this?"

"The young master asked the villain to copy it."

Master Zhou looked at Jian Xin again and found that it was not Fang Yun's handwriting. He was angry and laughed.

"Go down and I'll review the book."

"Small leave."

When Daniel Fang left, master Zhou carefully read the Three Character Classic.

The Three Character Classic compiled by Fang Yun had only 1500 words, and master Zhou finished reading it soon.

"It's a monster! I can't think of such a good idea! In three words, it's easy to rhyme, but it's the simplest way. Historical figures, astronomy and geography are all inclusive and not profound, but it's just the most suitable for enlightenment. It's the same as the story of the west chamber and the story of the pillow. Although it may not be popularized in a country, it's not difficult to popularize it in a government or even a state."

After carefully reading the master Zhou's book, he thought, "it is an enlightenment reading after all. Whether it can be spread or unknown, there is little chance to publish Shengdao. Scholars from all over the world have compiled many enlightenment reading materials. Only QianZiWen and Baijiaxing can be published on Shengdao. It is said that they can only be published at the order of half Shengqin."

Master Zhou took Fang Yun's simple letter again and thought to himself, "there's something in the story. I'm far from being respected. I have to bathe in the holy way? He knows the rules. I'm not qualified enough, so I can only let Lord yuan comment. Hum, rob my manuscript of pillow in mind, and I'll leave it to you."

Master Zhou came to Yuanjun hall with the manuscript without knocking. He pushed the door in. He had a long black face and said in a dying tone: "Lord Yuanjun, Fang Yun, a former child student of Shuangjia saint, has compiled a enlightenment book called the Three Character Classic , I want to invite people of high moral standing to spread the glory of the holy way. I think about it from left to right. It's difficult for others to take this important task, so please comment one by one and print it. After printing and distributing it, the Mongolian children of the supplier's clan school will study. "

"Put it here."

The speaker was a middle-aged man in a black robe. He seemed to be in his early thirties, but in fact he was nearly fifty. His eyebrows were dark and dense, like two swords hanging from his eyes, even if his face was expressionless.

This is the king of Jiangzhou Academy of Arts and bachelor Li Wenying. Empress dowager Jingguo once called him "Jianmei Gong", which was very appropriate and spread later.

"Hum!" master Zhou snorted coldly, put down the manuscript, arched his hand and turned away.

Li Wenying flashed a smile on his face, reached for the manuscript paper, looked carefully, and found that the word was neither Fang Yun nor master Zhou's book, and the smile on his face disappeared.

"The heart of man is not ancient." Li Wenying thought to himself and read the Three Character Classic carefully.

After reading it once, Li Wenying remembered more than 1500 words, then closed his eyes and thought quietly.

A moment later, Li Wenying smiled again and thought, "this Fang Yun is really extraordinary. Even master Zhou didn't see his real intention. Anyway, let me make a note and raise my name, then I'll help you promote the Three Character Classic." , it's hard to spread all over the world, and it's not difficult to spread all over the kingdom of Jing. Moreover, although this book is useless for testing children, it is indeed a good enlightenment reading. I'm not sure whether I can go to the holy way, so I recommend it together with the book in the pillow. "

"It's a pity that Fang Yun didn't write it himself. The words in the pillow in mind written by him are very charming and worthy of reference. Maybe it can make my calligraphy a higher level."

Li Wenying just put the manuscript down. Qiu Xuezheng's voice sounded outside the door: "I have something to report."

"Come in," said Li Wenying, looking at the door.

Qiu Xue smiled positively, holding a stack of manuscript paper in both hands, and said, "Lord Yuanjun, your first emphasis on education has strengthened the style of study in Jiangzhou. I have just got a humble post that is at least a Mongolian reading out of the county, called the Three Character Classic, which was written by a scholar in Fucheng. Although the literary talent is limited, it is the most suitable for teaching Mongolian children."

Li Wenying moved his two sword eyebrows slightly, then recovered his calm and said, "bring it to me."

"Yes." Qiu Xuezheng bent over and presented the manuscript paper with both hands.

Li Wenying turned over as like as two peas of three characters before.

"Good! Very good. I want to see the author of this article. Can you bring him?"

Qiu Xuezheng was full of joy and said, "he's in the literary academy. I'll call him now."

"Go quickly. I'll see which talent it is."


Not long ago, Qiu Xuezheng came with Lu Yingnian. After Lu Yingnian entered the door, he immediately bent down and bowed, and said in his mouth, "student Lu Yingnian, I've seen your excellency."

Li Wenying smiled and asked, "did you write the Three Character Classic?"

Lu Yingnian said, "it was really made by students. However, in the process of making the Three Character Classic, I also communicated with the teachers of clan studies and changed their manuscripts. All the teachers of Fang clan studies also contributed to it."

"Fang clan studies? I heard that Fang Dayan invited Fang Shuangjia to teach in clan studies. Is that true?"

Lu Yingnian's heart beat rapidly, and a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes. Then he said, "the first plan is also in ethnology."

Although the two sides were two feet apart, Lu Yingnian's heart beat like a drum in Li Wenying's ear.

"As like as two peas" are written by you, that is no problem. Before you came, Fang Yun posed as a writer of the three character classics and presented a three character classic like yours. "Three words". Don't worry, I'll do justice for you. Now I'll send someone to catch Fang Yun, and then I'll ask the holy judge to tell who the real author is. If Fang Yun confesses in advance, I'll scold him at most. If he never admits his mistake, when the truth comes out, I'll abolish his position and forbid his three families and nine generations from participating in the imperial examination, and then I'll exile him to the land occupied by Cao man Death depends on life. Eh? Why are you pale, sweating and shaking your legs? "

In the process of speaking, Li Wenying's momentum is rising, his talent and strength drive the surrounding air, blowing the paper and pages.

Lu Yingnian felt pain in his ears and his hands could not stop wiping sweat.

Qiu Xuezheng, who had been in officialdom for a long time, only heard half of it and realized what was going on. When Li Wenying finished, he immediately knelt down and shouted: "My Lord, my humble position has something to do with Fang's family, but I really don't know about it. No matter how stupid I am, I dare not conspire to covet Fang Yun's work, nor dare I bring him to see you. My Lord, although my humble position is a little greedy at ordinary times, I dare not participate in such things involving deprivation of literary position."

Qiu Xuezheng burst into tears and scolded Lu Yingnian and Mrs. Fang in his heart. He thought to himself, these fools, don't know that Fang Yun is the focus of the whole state Academy of Arts? Even Liu Zicheng dare not do it openly. How dare these two fools directly rob Fang Yun's article!

Lu Yingnian was frightened and couldn't help kneeling on the ground, kowtowing and begging for mercy.

"The student admits his mistake! When the student saw that the article was too good and was bewitched by his aunt, he moved his heart of possession and borrowed the Three Character Classic they copied from other students to copy it again. I turned myself in and confessed and was willing to be punished. I hope the court gentleman will show mercy and keep my position so as not to affect my three nationalities."

Li Wenying smiled coldly and said, "I only said that Fang Yun confessed and scolded at most. Why did he say what to do with you? Get out, gentle scum!"

As soon as Li Wenying spoke, Lu Yingnian was hit by an invisible sledgehammer, slammed back, fell five feet away and vomited blood.

The scholar's lips moved and hurt others.

"Come on, strip off the scholar's clothes and put them in prison. Wait for someone from the holy courtyard to take his Wen position!"

"Yes!" the soldiers in the yard rushed up like wolves and dragged Lu Yingnian out.

Lu Yingnian was so angry that he hummed a few words and passed out.

"Who is Lu Yingnian's aunt?" Li Wenying asked.

Qiu Xuezheng said, "it's Fang Yuan, the wife of the second young master of the Fang family. She has to be granted an eighth class person. She came to me with Lu Yingnian. Otherwise, how can I believe Lu Yingnian can write such a good article."

Li Wenying thought of the dispute between the two houses of the Fang family, thought briefly and said: "It's a great crime for Mrs. Gao Ming, who was canonized by the imperial court, to encourage the younger generation to seize people's articles, but she wants to make meritorious contributions to the country in the Fang family and punish them lightly as appropriate. The court ordered to find a residence outside the Fang family and ban Fang Yuan's family from leaving the residence for three years. I will ask the imperial court to seize her Gao Ming and will not be canonized again."


Li Wenying glanced at the two manuscripts on the table and whispered, "fool!"

Then Li Wenying wrote a simple letter in person, explaining the process of the matter, and asked the servant to go to master Zhou's book to ask about Fang Yun's residence and send the letter.

After receiving the letter, Fang Yun went back to the house, opened the letter and looked at it. The little fox Nu was on the table.

After reading the letter, Fang Yun threw it in front of the slave and said with a smile, "fool, our slave is smarter than him."

Nu Nu smiled and nodded hard.

"It's called self sin. Don't live. Go, slave. Go to Fang's house with me and tell aunt about it."

"Whining, whining..." Nu jumped and jumped excitedly. This was the first time Fang Yun took her out.

Fang Yun called Yang Yuhuan again, went to visit Fang's house, said the matter and left.

The night scene of Dayuan mansion is very beautiful. Fang Yun holds Yang Yuhuan's hand in his right hand and Nunu in his left hand to go shopping and play together.

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