Lu Zhan said displeased: "He's only quick witted. He's far from forgetting. He can't do it until he's a scholar. Besides, Jiangzhou governs nine prefectures, and Dayuan Prefecture's Academy of Arts is just one of them. If he's really a genius, bachelor Li, the" master of the academy "of the prefecture's Academy of Arts, will make an exception and admit him to the prefecture's Academy of arts to study together with the state's top scholars as a child! Do you think it's possible? Bachelor Li But like the state shepherd, he is a senior official with three grades, and his literary position is even higher. He is responsible for the education of tens of millions of people in a state. Without his approval, no one is worthy to be a child prodigy! "

Everyone laughed at Fang Zhongyong. Last year, Fang Zhongyong went to Lujia town and held a small poetry meeting in Lujia town. As a result, Fang Li asked Fang Zhongyong to write poetry at the poetry meeting, which made the students in Lujia town blush. Lu Zhan was among them. More than once, the other party was never convinced.

Liang Yuan whispered, "what Lu Zhan said is also reasonable. After all, Fang Zhongyong is too young. His best poem is only at the level of 'leaving the county' and has not reached the level of 'reaching the government', but over time, he may have higher achievements."

Lu Zhan added: "yes! At least one of his poems is a child prodigy when he goes beyond Da Fu to 'Mingzhou'. As for the 'Zhenguo' and even higher realm, that's not what we can talk about."

County, government, state and state are larger than each other, which is the general administrative division of Shengyuan continent.

Ge Xiaomao whispered: "in fact, poetry out of the county is also good. Many scholars can't write poetry out of the county all their life. Even if people can write poetry out of the county, it's enough to hold a banquet to celebrate."

Lu Lin, who had not spoken for a long time, said in a deep voice, "if the barbarians make a riot and celebrate the country's tiger vision, they will compete for fame and wealth instead of thinking hard to resist foreign aggression!"

Lu Zhan and Ge Xiaomao showed shame. Liang Yuan smiled and said, "Lu Shitou, we're just talking. Don't be so serious."

"Alas, the war between Bian Bing and Cao man has been defeated many times, Liu... Some people ignore the danger of the country for their own selfish desires! If I can be a scholar in the exam, I will join the army with a pen, not to serve the imperial court, but only for my people!"

Lu Lin's words were impassioned, and there was silence nearby. Except for a few people laughing, most people looked with admiration.

There are three barbarians in the Shengyuan continent, namely grass barbarian, sand barbarian and Lin barbarian. The three barbarians also have various nationalities, such as wolf barbarian and tiger barbarian. It is said that they are the descendants of the hybrid of demon race and human race.

Fang Yun took a closer look at Lu Lin with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He has a square face. He is also the most upright person in the private school. When Fang Yun first entered the private school, someone bullied him. Thanks to Lu Lin's help.

Among the five people, Lu Lin is the most respected, although he doesn't talk much.

However, even he dared not scold Zuo XiangLiu mountain in public.

Lu Lin finished and looked at Fang Yun.

Fang Yun was stunned and realized that he had made a mistake. Although Fang Yun in the past was not as upright as Lu Lin, he was a staunch advocate because he was poor and knew the hardships of the world. He wanted to obtain fame and settle the country.

Fang Yun immediately said, "what Lu Lin said is that a man should aim at the battlefield and wrap up his body!"

Lu Lin showed his approval. Liang Yuan smiled and said, "Fang Yun, your level of flattery is getting higher and higher."

The rest chuckled.

While they were chatting, they moved forward with the team. Fang Yun seldom spoke. He had been digesting his memory.

Walking to the gate of the literary academy, two expressionless soldiers stood there, one of them reaching out to Fang Yun.

"Test card, document."

Liang Yuan handed the bookcase to Fang Yun. Fang Yun opened the bookcase, took out the top wooden test card and identity document and handed it to one soldier, and then handed the bookcase to another soldier.

The soldier on the right took over the bookcase and looked through it. There were brushes, ink ingots, inkstones, pen holders, pen holders, paperweights, water bamboo tubes, sugar cake cloth bags, etc. the soldier nodded and handed the bookcase to Fang Yun.

The soldier on the left looked at the examination card and the identity document, which drew a portrait of Fang Yun when he applied for the examination, and described Fang Yun's posture and appearance in words. He looked at Fang Yun for comparison, and finally his eyes fell on the medicine cloth wrapped around Fang Yun's head.

"What's the matter? Are you the one who came by ox cart?" the soldier asked seriously.

Fang Yun replied, "I was attacked by four criminals with Dayuan accent last night. Fortunately, I found my life. Dr. Li of cishengtang bandaged the wound. He can testify for me."

The soldier nodded and said, "every imperial examination, there are three sages sitting in the holy yard and overlooking the world. No one can hide from the holy eyes. You know the consequences."

"Xiaosheng knows."

The soldier handed Fang Yun the test cards and papers and put Fang Yun in.

Fang Yun's friend knew that Fang Yun had been beaten. He was very angry, but this is the Academy of Arts. He didn't dare to speak, so he could only keep his anger in his heart.

The square behind the main gate of the academy is wide. Fang Yun looks up a little and sees that the sky nearby is blue and cloudless. The blue sky is an irregular circle. Outside the circle, there are dark clouds, and it is still raining. It seems that there is a magnificent force to disperse the nearby dark clouds to ensure the success of the exam.

After all the 2000 candidates entered the holy courtyard, they went to the front of the holy temple together. On both sides of the candidates stood soldiers and government officials. In front of them were local officials. In front of them were three county examiners, including the county magistrate, the king of the county literary academy and the Xuezheng of the government literary academy.

On the Shengyuan continent, the "Academy of Arts" is a very important system. Together with the military and civil servants, it is called the three major systems of various countries. It is responsible for educating all the people and taking the imperial examination. It is also the best school in all places. Once it fights with demons and barbarians, the teachers and students of the Academy of Arts will rush to the battlefield.

At the county or government level, the status of the yuan monarch is slightly lower than that of the county magistrate or magistrate. However, in various states, the official position of the state yuan monarch is the same as that of the state shepherd. The paper position is often higher than that of the state shepherd, and the overall status is also higher than that of the state shepherd.

The Chinese Academy of culture is also known as the "school Palace". The "Wen Xiang", one of the four ministers of the cabinet, must be in charge of the school palace, which is also known as the "acting master", because Confucius is the only person qualified to be called the "master" and is the teacher of the world.

Confucius is the only one in charge of all the academies of literature. Whether it's the king of the academy or the Minister of literature, it's just to manage the Academy of literature on behalf of Confucius.

Wenyuan is the place where saints preach scriptures, and the Yamen are only part of the monarch and court. In the hearts of many scholars, Wenyuan has a higher status.

Before the three examiners stood a half man high copper incense burner, and three thick incense sticks were smoking.

Before the bronze censer was the holy temple, with red walls, black eaves and red pillars.

Inside, there is a standing statue of Confucius. Under the Standing Statue of Confucius, there are six smaller sub saints, namely King Wen of Zhou, Mencius, Xunzi, Zengzi, zisizi and Yanzi.

Under the two holy statues, dozens of semi Holy Holy cards are erected.

Fang Yun looked at the holy temple in surprise. He could clearly feel that the building exuded a real but invisible power, with the power of mountains and the breadth of the blue sea.

"I'm afraid that's the talent contained in the holy temple and the power to disperse the dark clouds." Fang Yun thought to himself.

The county magistrate shouted, "worship the sage!"

Everyone bent down to pay homage.

The king of the county court shouted, "worship Yasheng!"

The crowd bowed again.

"Worship the saints!" the government school is shouting.
