Chapter 705 - God

The morphblight virus had caused true fear to fill the hearts of the immortals.

It was highly contagious and would change one’s genetic structure, turning them into something beastly. Furthermore, the effects were said to be as irreversible as the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

Once someone was infected and turned into a morphling, they were essentially doomed to die. Even low-level Godmyths were defenseless against it. Only those in the fifth division or higher could block it, and even then the slightest mistake could lead to infection. At that point, some could manage to expel it, but would sustain severe damage to their vital energy in the process.

Worse, the future world had recently developed a special version of morphblight to use on higher-level cultivators.

“Elder, don't worry,” said the burly disciple. “Our boss here can actually reverse the effects of morphblight! He can save immortals who have been turned into morphlings! It’s something he learned from a Chaos God of the Dragonfolk. This is going to be a blessing for the Nine Yangs God Sect! As the war drags on, it's impossible to say how many experts will come here for treatment!”

The elder’s eyes went wide. “What? Y-y-you… you can save people from morphblight? How is that even possible?”

But then he thought about how mysterious and unpredictable the Dragonfolk were, and how powerful a Chaos God would be. After a moment, he realized it wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility.

“This is big! Men, lock down this hall and make sure no one comes in. I'm going to report this matter to the patriarchs. This is a great opportunity for the Nine Yangs God Sect!”

This Godmyth elder was no fool, and had instantly realized how much the sect could profit. Not only would they be able to provide a huge service to the alliance, they would also gain an incredible boost in reputation.

He quickly lit a stick of incense and closed his eyes to issue prayers.


A moment later, an immense aura filled the entire hall and Yang Qi caught sight of an elder who was clearly a fourth division Shattered God.

Right now, Yang Qi was strong enough to defeat a person like this with his own power. And if he used the Cruiser of Civilization, then even a fifth division Nirvanic God would be within the scope of his ability to handle. In fact, it might even be possible for him to take on sixth division Revisionist Gods.

Many of the disciples in the hall recognized this newcomer and immediately dropped to their knees.

“Greetings, Paragon Elder!”

“Paragon Elder Yang Cauldron!”