"Don't you dare to talk about his father... He is a bastard he won't accept him ever... and I won't tell him... a crazy bastard as his father I hate that person so much...so much that I can't tell how much..."

She stopped for a while and said "But I can tell you... tell you that I love Sebastian so...."

As she said she fainted on the spot...

But for Sebastian it was a sudden shock ... he was truly shocked to no end

He pinched him self hard so much harder that he can feel a lot of sweet pain.. he was even feeling sweet pain... it was like his world got up side down... every thing is changed now .. The girl whom he loved for so long ... she loved him too... now it doesn't matter about her past .. no matter she had a child or she loved some one else ae long as she said she loved him... he is going to give her all the happiness in the world...

He was still in daze when some one knock on the door...




Sebastian came to his senses and quickly went to open the door

There was the lady from earlier with a doctor He saw Sebastian , he thought he was the patient because he was severely injured

but Sebastian led him to Stella .. She was burning with fever...

He quickly gave her an injection and then put her on a IV drip so that she can gain some strength.. because she drank a lot her body was not well..

Doctor was afraid that she might be suffering from 'inflammation of the brain...'

According to its symptoms the patients started hallucinating, getting confused between dream or reality and they felt a lot of weakness in there body...

He asked a few questions related to her while curing Sebastian who was unwilling to go through treat ment but when they told him that he have to take care of Stella and he have to be strong , so he quickly agreed

Doctor:- "She is burning from fever...Did she talk some thing to you??"

Sebastian was still in joy by her drunk confession and his dad told him that a drunk people never tells a lie... but when he saw her uncouncious on the bed his heart ached "Yes.. she talked a lot."

Doctor..:- " Did she said any thing like she was not talking to you.. or mumbling to her self or any thing related to it..."

Sebastian nodded and said " Yes she did... she said that I am in her dreams and I am being very gentle in her imagination"

After few more questions Doctor asked him to admit her in a good hospital

"Mr. Lee I am afraid that I can't cure her here, because our city don't have any suitable hospital or facilities of her disease..."

Disease?? Sebastian was shocked

He asked "Can you just make it clearer?? Disease??"

"Yes Mr. Lee it's inflammation of the brain... but it's nothing serious she will be fine it's just a kind of fever, she caught fever because she came in contact with some germs..she will be fine after better treatment... but she looked so much drunk you should take care of her and don't let her drink ever in future.."

Sebastian nodded and Doctor further said "I think she has some thing that is troubling her... I hope you will short it out for her..."

Sebastian , then later thanked her and called at capital city to ask for his private chopper and a doctor and also informed them to call their family doctor as soon as they reach there... but as soon as Doctor Ross got to know the situation he brought up his best equipments and arrived there with in an hour...

She was still uncouncious and according to Doctor Ross she was truly suffering with inflammation of the brain... and she is truly shocked by some things and that is making her mentally disturbed