37 Christmas spiri

The next day, Anna woke up and went to her window, everywhere was so white that it almost blinded her, she can hear the sound of shovel packing something and looked down to see Jason clearing the front yard, it had snowed last night and everywhere was piled up again. She rushed into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, she rinsed her mouth and shivered, the water was freezing cold.

She put on her body warmer, her gloves and head warmer, she grabbed her scarf and wrapped on her neck and put on her boots before walking downstairs, she went to the kitchen and grabbed a shovel before walking outside to join Jason "need a hand?"

He looked up at her at the porch and smiled "it's freezing cold."

Anna looked at herself "I came prepared" she smiled and walked down the porch to join him, they set to work. When they were almost done, she stopped working and stared at Jason's back, a mischievous grin spread on her face and she dipped her gloved hand into the piled up snow, she scooped some in her hands, molded a snowball and threw it at him.

A thud sound was heard as the snowball hit Jason on the back and scattered. Jason stopped what he was doing and without turning, he gave her a side glance before continuing with his work, Anna pouted and and molded another snowball, she threw it at him again but this time, Jason was prepared, he turned quickly and blocked the attack with his shovel, the ball busted when it hit the shovel with a thud sound.

Jason dropped the shovel and looked at her with a grin "you asked for it" he said and bent to scoop some snow, he molded it into a ball and flung it at her, just like that, a snowball fight started.

Veronica was awakened by their laughing voices, she walked to the window and stared down at them, a sweet smile appeared on her face as she watched them, she really love the way her children interacts, if she is to think on it, there had never been any animosity between them, she sighed and walked into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and came out to gear herself, she looked at her sleeping husband as she was wrapping her scarf on her neck, she pinched his toe and he wriggled it "get up there."

Samuel stretched himself on the bed "what will I do you for this morning?"

"Your kids are already up clearing the snow, aren't you going to wake up to join them?"

Samuel stretched himself lazily again "they can help me this one time, after all, when they were still little, I'm the one that always do it" he snuggled deeper into his pillow.

Veronica watched him and slowly shook her head before leaving the room. She walked outside where Anna and Jason were killing each other in a snow fight "kids, need any help clearing the snow?" She asked and they both looked up at her.

"Good morning mom" they greeted and she smiled at them before walking up to them, a crack on the railings grabbed her attention and she went to inspect it. Anna and Jason looked at each other and a glint flashed in their eyes, the reached for the snow at the same time and molded a ball while smiling mischievously, the both threw the balls at Veronica at the same time and a thud thud sound were heard with some of the snows clinging on her hair.

Veronica turned to look at them and they started laughing "so it's like this huh?" She bent and scooped some snows in her hand and molded a ball before throwing it a Jason who dogged it and at the process scooped some snows too.

Samuel was woken up by the additional laughing voice, he got out of the bed lazily and looked through the window to see his wife rolling on the snow as his kids threw snowballs at her. The sight was eye catching and the fun was gripping, he rushed into the bathroom immediately, all drowsiness gone, he brushed his teeth, rushed out of the bathroom, put on his clothes and his warmer, he ran out of the room with his scarf and gloves in his hand and put them on as he jumped down the stairs, it's a rare sight to see his wife playing and he wouldn't miss it for the world.

He rushed outside and while Jason and Anna were not looking, he molded two balls and threw at them each. They both turned to look at him at the same time, surprise crowded their eyes before it was replaced with a mischievous glint "so you came down to help your wife huh?" Jason asked.

"Of course, I can't sit and watch you kill her for me" Samuel admitted. While they were distracted, Veronica threw a ball at Anna.

"Ouch" she shouted and rushed to Jason's side.

"So we have chosen our team" Jason added as he shielded Anna behind him, he threw the ball he has in his hand already at his father who dogged it and scooped some snow to mold his own ball.

They were laughing and so noisy that the whole neighborhood woke up and some watched them from their windows with a huge smile, kids watched them with interest and envy as their eyes showed that they want to join in the fun.

"Hey Sam, you better take it easy there with your family, mine are trying to kill me with their eyes" Donald, their neighbor shouted at them.

"Then why don't you get them to join the fun, it's Christmas season" Samuel shouted back to him.

"You heard him kids, it's Christmas spirit, come out and join them" Donald yelled at his kids inside who leaped up in joy and rushed to their rooms to get their scarfs and gloves before rushing out to join.

Seeing that the family joined, another family came out and joined and like that, the whole neighborhood came out to join in the fun, one man got out his camera to video them, they will share the clip with every body later. Just like that, Anna and Jason's little game turned out to be a fun for the whole neighborhood. Everybody was happy and they all knew they will be remembering this day for a long time.

Christmas day finally arrived, everybody was happy most especially Jason and Anna, this is the first Christmas they are having as lovers. It's amazing almost unbelievable that they are dating but neither their parents nor the world knows. They stole glances from each other when opportune and give eye signals when no one is looking, they blew kisses when everybody is busy and they kiss each other when everybody was asleep.

Yes, it is a secret relationship but they are happy with it like that, to them it is better they date secretly than they don't date at all. They know that one day, it will be out in the open and the world will curse them, their parents will be angry with them and if possible separate them and refuse to forgive them for their sin but they love each other too much to care. One day it's going to happen but if only the world and their parents will know how much they love each other, maybe they won't blame them, maybe they might even support them.

But they know that is nothing but a wishful thinking for who will ever allow two siblings to be together in love? Their love is and forever will remain forbidden but they don't care for they are too busy enjoying which ever moment and time they can spend with each other now before the dreadful day that their love will be exposed. They await the day but it never stop them from telling each other they love each other with every single opportunity they get and also to steal a kiss.

As it is Christmas, they had traveled to their paternal grand parents' home, the house was full. Aunties and uncles came back, their maternal grand parents also came along because last year was in their own home that the Christmas celebration was held but unfortunately, Jason was not at home. The grandparents had been angry why he will miss spending Christmas with his family only to be told that he wasn't even around during the Christmas time the year before and the one before it.

They had lashed out at Veronica and Samuel for allowing him to miss spending Christmas celebration with his family for three consecutive years and they had defended themselves by saying that they asked him to come home but he refused to. Now Jason is around and in the midst of the grandparents, receiving lectures about the importance of spending Christmas time with family.

Jason listened carefully and was tempted times without number to reveal to them that it was because he was avoiding his sister in other for his feelings not to be known that's why he didn't come home during Christmas but he knew the things to say and the things not to. Anna watched him from the sides and made funny faces at him when she could which get Jason wishing he could just announce to the whole family that they are in love, but of course he can't.

"Mom, dad, that's enough. He has been listening to you four for like two hours nows, if you don't want him forgetting every thing you have been saying, you better release him now" Veronica chided her parents and parents in-law.

"But how sure are we that he will keep to it?" Grandma Petunia, Samuel's mother asked.

"Exactly, I wouldn't want to hear that you spent Christmas outside home again" Grandma Edna, Veronica's mother warned Jason who was kneeling before them as a way to atone for his sins.

"Yes Nana Edna, I will not spend Christmas outside home again. I promise" Jason swore.


Check out my new story: Love Hate Relationship.

I hope to hear from you please :)