31 What time did I go to sleep last night?

Anna grabbed his hair and pulled herself closer, her eyes were closed as she let him bring her pleasure, her hand stroked his back and goose bumps appeared on his skin. Jason released her nipple to claim her lips again and she grabbed the hem of his T shirt and pulled it out of his hands before kissing him again. Her mouth left his to go to his nipple and her tongue stroked it, he closed his eyes and a soft moan escaped through his lips.

His hands stroked her backbone and he tangled her hair in his hands, slowly he pulled her face up and kissed her again, his hand unbuttoned her jean and he unzipped it, he grabbed her by the waist and turned on the bed, putting her beneath him, he pulled the jeans off her legs before reaching for his own button and zip and pulled it off too. Dressed in nothing but his underwear, he climbed into the bed again and started kissing her.

Anna wrapped her legs round his waist and her hands round his neck, she kissed him back and her hands tangled on his hair. Jason placed wet kisses on her neck bone and she shuddered, he pressed himself on her before claiming her nipple yet again in his mouth, making her shiver and moaning softly. His hand reached to her waist and he started pulling off her parties. When it finally got out of her feet, he stared at her naked body with passion and desire in his eyes, he gulped before removing his own underwear.

He approached her again and kissed her "do you really want to do this?" He asked hoarsely.

Anna licked her lips and wrapped her hands on his neck, she looked deeply into his eyes "I have always wanted to" she replied in the same soft voice.

"This will be the highest level of our sin" he chuckled faintly before swallowing "but I don't see us avoiding it."

"And I don't want us to" she replied and then kissed him. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and stroked his, he grabbed her by the waist and slowly parted her legs with his, he was already really hard and erected.

"I heard it will be painful during the first time" he whispered and she nodded "if it's unbearable, you tell me and I will stop, okay?" She nodded again and he kissed her while he slowly joined them. Anna felt a sharp pain and almost wanted to yell at him to stop but then she decided to endure, she had heard and read that the pain will only last for a while so she can endure, she can't stop him now.

Jason's hold on the pillow tightened as the pleasure soured through him, he kissed her again not wanting to let go. Anna bit her lips tightly until she felt a taste like copper and knew she had bit open her lip. The pain finally subsided and in it's stead came a showering pleasure she have not felt before, it enveloped her and her legs tightened on his, her hands on his neck tightened as well but Jason didn't mind as he took them both to bliss.

Jason opened his eyes to see the beautiful face of his sister, A k A his girlfriend, he smiled and wiped away her hair from her face, he pinched her nose and her brows creased before her eyes slowly fluttered open "glad you opened your eyes" he chuckled.

"What now?" She yawned.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"What time did I go to sleep last night?" She retorted and he smiled, he pulled her into his arms and pat her head.

"Okay then, go back to sleep. I will make breakfast" he kissed her hair and got up from the bed, he walked into the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror, he can't believe he made love with his sister last night, it sounds strange in the ear but his heart is really jubilating, he can't contain the happiness in him that finally he got his dream girl. And both of them were still virgin until last night, he had been keeping himself for her and had thought was of no use since he will never be with her.

Watching her have all those boyfriends, he had thought she was no longer a virgin and always forced himself to think otherwise but last night, it turned out that not only was she still a virgin but her heart also belonged to him, Jason couldn't believe his happiness but he also know that now, they have to try really hard to hide their relationship from their parents and also from the rest of the world, they might be comfortable and in love with each other, but to their parents and the outside world, their love is still and forever will remain forbidden.

He sighed and was surprised how that single line of thought had dampened his spirit, he entered the bath and closed the glass door behind him before turning on the shower.

Anna got downstairs later to see Jason busy in the kitchen, she smiled and walked closer to him, hugging him from behind. Jason heard her footsteps when she was coming and was not surprised when he felt her hands encircle his waist "look who decided to get up" he commented.

Anna released him and shift to stand beside him, she took a chicken wing from the bowl and he gave her an angry look "it's just the wing" she laughed.

"Why did you take it" he feigned anger before bending closer and placing a kiss on her lips.

This is going to need some getting used to, Anna thought before smiling to him "I hope you are hungry, breakfast is ready" he said before walking away to set the table.

"So what are we going to do today, stay at home all day?" Anna asked while eating.

Jason cringed his brows in thought "sounds like fun, especially if we engage in some exercise" he raised his brow with a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Anna's cheeks heated when she got a hold of what he meant, she threw her chicken at him and he laughed and caught it before taking a bite from it "how could you say that?"

"What? It will really be good" he insisted, getting Anna to roll her eyes.

"How about we just go out? We can go to the park, spend some time there and then go somewhere else."

"Need I remind you we will have to limit our physical contact outside? Not many people are going to be in support of our relationship and judging by the kind of parents we have, almost everybody knows we are siblings" Jason commented.

Anna sighed, that's true, their going out together will be difficult unless they can forget they are dating once outside "well, we can still be siblings who are close to each other outside" she suggested.

Jason smiled "of course" he took another bite from her chicken "I will be going back to school soon, you know."

Anna's heart stopped when she heard that, she had almost forgotten about it "it's all your fault, why did you have to choose Cambridge?" She accused.

"I wanted to get away from you. You were driving me crazy and I was scared of losing control one day and have you really angry and disappointed in me. I would rather I bury my feelings deep inside than have you angry with me" He explained in the gentlest voice.

Anna took a deep breath and let it out slowly "well, I managed for three years, guess I still can for some months only that, in that three years, I didn't know about how you feel so it made it easier unlike now that you are actually my boyfriend" she looked at him "but I will wait."

Jason grabbed her hand on the table "I will call, I promise and at night while mom and dad will be asleep, we will make video calls. I can also visit you in school, I have made a lot of savings, I use to work after school you know" he smiled "I will try to make you feel like I'm around and again, Christmas is approaching, I will be back for another holiday."

"Mom and dad will be around."

"We will find a way" he smirked and she laughed.

"You will visit me in school?" She inquired.

"Once I have the chance and maybe when you are on break, I can tell mom to let you visit me, then I will show you around London."

"You think she will agree?"

"She never refuse me anything, don't you forget" he smiled.

"That's true, once you say it, she agrees to it" she returned the smile. Jason caressed her face.

"Everything is going to be alright" he promised.

She took his hand and kissed his palm, sending a sudden wave of feelings to his body. Jason got up and leaned closer to her and covered her lips in his. Anna pushed her food away and circled her hands on his neck, pulling him closer. The sound of a plate crashing on the floor jolted them apart.

"Damn, that's mom's favourite plate" Jason announced.

"What are we going to do?"

Jason looked at her with a smirk "you are going to finish what you started."

"What I started?" She asked shocked and he laughed before getting up, he picked her up from the chair and claimed her lips yet again before carrying her to the couch. He placed her there and smiled down at her "what are you trying to do?"

"What does it look like?" He asked before lying on top her and kissing her again. Anna squirmed when she felt his hand unzipping her jeans.


"What?" He looked up at her, seeing the shock in her eyes, he laughed but still pulled her jeans off her legs "I want you" was the last thing Anna heard as he kissed her again and slowly undressed himself and her.