21 Her brother's complimen

She had been crushing on Jason since fifth grade but he never noticed her and Courtney came along and he was all over her. She couldn't count how many times she had dreamt herself being the one that will sit in his car during prom time and now, everything went to her cousin sister. She sighed and left the room to hers while waiting for Tony, her date to come pick her up.

Jason parked the car and helped Courtney out in time to see Josh pulling over. He stood waiting for him to come out. People around might think he was waiting for his friend but truth be told, he was waiting for the girl in his car to step out. He wasn't chanced to see her before leaving the house and couldn't wait to see what she looked like. He had agreed for her to be Josh's date but that's because he will prefer to have her in the care of his best friend than any other guy.

Not that it doesn't hurt him to not be the one standing beside her but with Josh around, he will get to be with her, cause it's a must that Josh will be wherever he is. Josh stepped out of his car and waved at his friend before walking to the passenger's door and opening the door. Anna stepped out dressed in a light pink gown with split and open back. Her hair was packed in a bun, her lips pink and her light brown eyes looked so alive. The gown wrapped on her body enhancing every curve there, it doesn't help with the fact that she was already naturally curvey, the gown pronounced everything and her full bosom.

Jason froze looking at his sister, he had to caution himself to not stare that much but he just couldn't help himself, he swallowed and licked his lips, trying his best to take his eyes off her. He didn't even react like that when he saw his supposed girlfriend. Josh walked to his friend with Anna's hand looped around his. He smiled when he got closer to him "looks like your sister got you too dude" he laughed.

Jason averted his eyes awkwardly and pretended to glare at his friend in order to free up the tension in his body "thank your stars you get to stand beside her."

"I know, I know, thank you for agreeing to let her be my date. I'm pretty sure the guys are as surprised as I am."

Jason rolled his eyes before looking at Anna again "you look beautiful" he smiled and Anna actually blushed.

"Thank you" she replied and tried her best not to show the effect his words had on her body. When Josh had complimented on her beauty, she didn't even blush and hoped he wouldn't notice her reaction to her brother's compliment.

Courtney stood beside Jason, trying her best not to walk away, he hasn't even complimented on her looks, even with the fifteen minutes drive from her home to the school, he hadn't even glanced at her and here he is, drooling over his sister. She tried to hide the hurt in her eyes and smiled to their new company "hi Anna."

"Hey Courtney" she replied.

"Whoa Courtney, you look exquisite" Josh complimented and she smiled with a thank you and glanced at Jason. Getting that look from her, Jason remembered what he hadn't done and cursed inwardly, truth be told, he hadn't even noticed how she looked and if he is to compliment her now, it's really going to feel awkward, so it's better if he just drop it.

"Let's go in" he said and they walked inside the hall only to wow when they looked around. Everywhere looked beautiful like a Disney land. James, Tom and Peirce walked up to them then with their dates and they all marveled at Anna's beauty before Courtney's. Jason saw the way his friends eyes were scanning his sister and he felt like plucking all their eyes out.

They approached their table and sat while they looked around and watched the dancing students and teachers "you want to dance?" Josh asked Anna.

"I don't know how to dance fast music" she replied.

"Then we will wait for a slow one" he concluded. Jason sat there and tried his best to not look at his sister and it's taking all the strength in him.

The party continued progressing beautifully and Jason finally decided to ask Courtney to a dance which she accepted immediately. He took the dancefloor and wrapped his hand on her waist, holding her left hand hand in his right on and her right hand on his shoulder, they glided around the floor like every one else.

Anna watched them dance and sighed, she wished to be the one in his arms right now, although since it's prom, it won't be an abominable act to dance with him, but will he ask her? She really hope he will. Jason danced with Courtney but his mind was playing the scene of when his sister was getting out of the car, her full bosom, her curves, her thigh that gets exposed from the split in her gown with each step she took. Her honey eyes that always seem to look dreamily at him, her lips that was shiny due to the pink lip gloss. The urge to kiss those full lips was unbearable.

"Urgh" he groaned to stopped his thought.

Courtney looked up at him "what's the matter?" She asked.

Jason swallowed and forced himself to hide the desire in his voice "nothing."

Courtney nodded and placed her head on his chest. Jason heaved a sigh and tried to ignore her physical contact, his eyes swarmed around the room in time to see Josh getting up from his seat and offering his hand to Anna, who took it. They made their way to the dancefloor and she smiled to him when their eyes met, he smiled back and shut his eyes to prevent his brain storing the way her sexy lips parted to reveal her pretty set of teeth in his memory. It didn't look like it worked because immediately he closed his eyes, that was the scene he saw.

Why is heaven punishing him like this? He wondered, is there a very big sin he committed in his past life that warrant such torture for him in this one? Just why with all the girls that swarm around him, trying to get close to him, he has to fall for his sister? His very own blood? Why grant him such a forbidden love? He looked up to the ceiling and pray to God to please forgive him of all his sins and deliver him from this torture before he succumbs to it.

He fear that he might not be able to control himself anymore because with each passing day, his feelings for her seem to increase rather than depreciate. He tells himself every single time that they can't be together but tell that to his heart that seems to have a mind of it's own. He find himself looking forward to leave for college. He had always wanted to go to Harvard but now to get away from his fast growing feelings for his sister, he had chosen Cambridge and pray he will be accepted.

The first time he had noticed about his feelings for his sister was when he was twelve, when he saw a boy in her class hugging her, she was just nine years old then but he held felt this strong jealousy over that simple act. No other boy has the right to touch her but him and ever since then, he started to take notice of her interactions with boys. Calculate from then till now, he has been hiding his true feelings for his sister for six years now. Oh heaven help him for the feelings is becoming too difficult to hide now as he watch her grow into a woman.

The music ended and they all returned to their table. The em cee, which happened to be the school president opened the time to vote for the prom queen and king. The paper that contains the name of the students was distributed and everybody buried their head to the paper while trying to make their choice. Anna sighed when she saw her brother name and ticked it without thinking twice, she then paused, thinking of who to choose to be his queen, her hand hovered above her name for some seconds before finally ticking Melody White.

Jason on the other hand ticked his name and secretly tick that of his sister before folding the paper quickly when Courtney tried to see who he chose as his queen. She looked at him suspiciously and he offered her his killer smile. Mercy and her friends walked around with the boxes and collected the papers again. The party continued again while they wait for the final score.

"Dance with me sis" Jason finally said the words hanging at the tip of his tongue and he couldn't conceal the joy he felt when her eyes brightened and she nodded almost immediately. She hadn't accepted that fast when Josh asked her and she had turned down Tom, James and Pierce when they asked her.