4 Chapter 4

A few days later, at the mansion,

"Grandmother, isn't it about time I have my own temple where people can worship me?" I casually asked Goddess Chea.

"Oh, heavens I almost forgot! Your temple needs to be something that can empower you. Take my temple for example. Since I need people to be healthy for my healing powers to grow, everyone that visits has to do a special mix of yoga that strengthens them as a whole. You, on the other hand, are powered up by carbon dioxide. How about a fire temple?" the goddess of health excitedly suggested.

"I was thinking of a tree planting tree sanctuary. I know that will weaken me, but the atmosphere already has more than enough carbon dioxide to last me for centuries. It gets to a point where it is overwhelming," I explained nervously as I reached out and held on to her hands.

"Alright, we'll start with the preparations immediately," she sighed disappointedly. "I need to head out now, time for the human's prayers for me. Farewell, my dear."

I smiled at her as she exited the room, and as she was out of sight, I sat back and relaxed. Grandmother Chea was always a kind person in my perspective, but when things don't go her way, her inner "devil" is unleashed. I feared that she would not accept my proposal, but seeing that she agreed without a second thought, she must have gone soft because of my twenty-two-year-long disappearance.

Planning a place where people would worship a god for all of eternity requires uttermost focus. I had examined the area in the past few days and I came to the conclusion that my tree sanctuary will be neighbouring the meme house my father managed.

A girl's laughter erupted out of the blue from behind the wooden door that separated the corridor from the living room. It was rather odd, considering that only my two grandfathers were home and all the servants were well trained and taught to not make a sound outside of their private quarters. The wooden door flew open just as two figures stepped in as though they owned the place.

"Oh, remember when that girl tripped and fell on her face? It was such a waste of time. I gave her a golden opportunity to talk to her crush and she just blew it! Can you believe-" the girl that seemed to be in her early twenties recalled a story to the blond boy who stood alongside her. She stopped mid-way through her sentence as she caught a glimpse of me. She stared at her companion, then glared at me, who happened to be doing the same.

"Who are you? How dare you sit so casually in the living room of the four gods of Canada! Do you know who we are? This is a capital offence! You never even greeted us accordingly! I am the goddess of chance and opportunities, and together with my brother, the god of truth and lies, we will end you! " the newly introduced goddess announced with disgust, and the god nodded.

"You two must be the twins' everyone talked about…Delictum and Fraus?" I stated the obvious, hoping the two would backtrack everything they assumed after my comment.

"THE TWINS? FIRST NAMES WITH NO TITLE? IS THAT HOW COMMINORS TREAT HOLY GODS THESE DAYS?" Delictum yelled at the top of her lungs. About to smack me in the face, I grabbed her hand and swung her across the room with the help of the wind.

CRASH! There she went, hitting her head with the vase that stood in the way between the wall and her skull.

Fed up with all the ruckus in the room, both my grandfathers waltz into the room, resembling a titan who was about to kill everyone that stood between them and peace and quiet. "Taes, what the heck are you doing that you're making so much noise?" god Lefu frowned. I presumed that the hurt sister was enough to answer his question. He caressed his granddaughter's head as he worriedly asked,"Delictum! What happened here? Why are you hurt?"

"This witch threw me after trespassing into our house!" although hurt, Delictum was anything but inaudible.

"Witch? You mean Taes? Oh, dear! Taes is your sister and the goddess of climate change. She controls the four elements. She is anything but a witch!" Proelium corrected.

"Are you saying that father had a child before us?" Fraus speculated.

"No, I am saying your mother had a child before the two of you. Taes is the daughter of your mother and your uncle," Proelium cleared up the misunderstanding.

"She's our older sister? We go on a trip and come back to find ourselves with a sister?" Fraus flared up in anger. "I am the god of truth, yet none of you said anything? Why do my powers only go as far as controlling what people say? I need some time alone," Fraus charged out of the room with a red, angry, face.

"Wait… so the person I was about to hit was my sister? I have a sister? I have a sister!" Delictum exclaimed at my fascinating existence. Who would have thought that she would be angry one second, and happy the next. "I can't wait to spend time with you! All my brother does is listen to humans being humans and lying. I can never do anything amusing with him. What a workaholic!"

"Don't you work too?" I wondered.

"I do, but all the human's most valuable items they give me for an opportunity are just garbage. I almost can never activate my powers with them," she complained. "I hear you control the four elements. That's so cool! All I can do is give people opportunities. How do people worship you by the way?"

"Oh, my powers run on carbon dioxide, so I'm planning on creating a tree sanctuary where people plant trees when they come to worship me," I explained.

"Trees will absorb the carbon dioxide, so why are you building it? A sanctuary will not be how humans worship you!" Proelium declared.