Chapter 178: Creating a Local Legend part 1

Name:Rioneed: VRMMORPG Author:ranmaro
"Why are you looking at me like this? Are you not satisfied by being a crippled? If you dare let's put you to the soul shard test then and see your worth," that viper man tried to instigate Ibro by these words.

Before fire peak lady could say anything that viper man looked towards the rest of peak masters and said:

"What do you all think? It's fair to assess this kid potential.

If he had any worth then I agree with his stay. If he had no worth at all then we must expel him."- That man pointed to each one of the other peak masters with his fist then he stopped at the fire peak lady while saying in a threat-

"If you don't agree then don't blame me for disposing of him personally. I believe sect masters won't be displeased from killing such a crippled person."

His threat was real and he was crazy to do it. Ibro stood there feeling more humiliation from this distasteful person, but he couldn't do anything to him.

He was way higher than him and stronger. The fire peak lady was also feeling the same. She could barely stop that mad man from killing Ibro.

But what if he had already made alliances with one more peak master? She couldn't hold two peak masters at all. She gave Ibro a meaningful glance which he understood at once.

She was waiting for his decision. Ibro knew there was no way out of this except following this man scheme, so he said:

"I agree to be tested, but after this test, there are no more tests."

Ibro's firm tone was weird for everyone there. They believed he would be so nervous for such a test. The fire peak lady volunteered to explain:

"This test is to assess your affinity towards different spiritual powers and also assesses your power to control it. I suggest you rethink your choice."

"He has already decided to take the test, why then all this hassle about?" that distasteful man didn't want to let this chance slip off his hands so he intervened at once before Ibro could say anything.

"That's because he lost his memories so he doesn't know what this test is," one of the peak masters interfered with finally in this debate. The other masters nodded in unison. They also thought Ibro deserved to have this chance.

"Fine, let's hear the kid's final decision then," that distasteful man retreated one step forcibly under everyone's united opinion. Everyone looked at Ibro and waited for his answer.

Ibro wasn't nervous at all. He knew he had an affinity to some powers from before. He knew he was no cripple at all.

"I agree to take this test, but in return, there will be no more tests."

The firm tone Ibro spoke with made these peak masters look in astonishment towards Ibro. Even that distasteful peak master looked in doubt towards him.

Any crippled cultivator would hesitate to take this test, not to agree two times in a row. Though he felt some doubt, he trusted his own evaluation. That man was a crippled cultivator. He smiled evilly while addressing the rest peak masters:

"See? He agreed. Now let's move to the test area and commence this test right now."

No one had any opinion on the matter. The one related to this test had already made it clear.

They moved towards the north and Ibro followed in the lead. In a few minutes, this entire huge crowd had reached a cast plaza. This was the first time Ibro witnessed the sign of a civilization in this world.

There were neatly arranged trees surrounding a smooth stony ground. Ibro noticed the presence of a staged plaza with three levels. The first one had a huge crystal that was even bigger than himself.

That crystal reminded him of the one he experienced before when he reached the Hilonar civilization test ground. The second level had a similar crystal but it was smaller in size and had a faint red color in it.

The final level had so many small crystals hanging in the air. Ibro noticed they kept moving at a very slow pace that he even missed. When everyone reached there, that distasteful man took the responsibility to explain the nature of the test to Ibro with a mocking looks and humiliating tone:

"This test is the standard test in the whole sect. No one is in control of this test so there is no bias or injustice to it. The first level is to assess your affinity.

The second test is to assess your degree of control over the powers you have affinity with. The third level is for elites. You don't need to know about it as you will fail the first two tests."

That shameless peak master had even laughed when he said his last words. Ibro looked at him silently and didn't even bother to reply to him. He then looked towards the fire peak lady and totally ignored that distasteful peak master and asked in a loud strong tone:

"How can I be tested?"

"You only need to put your hand over each crystal and the assessment will start immediately," the fire peak lady answered him with a smile over her face.

She was glad about his silent response to that distasteful peak master provocation. Ibro then started to move. He climbed the first level towards the biggest crystal.

Once he reached it he put his hands over it and closed his eyes. At first, he didn't feel anything, but with time passing by he started to feel different specks of heats that touched his hand gently.

These specks began to agglomerate at a pace that became faster each second. When they reached a certain level they started to invade his body. He felt different wisps of energy gently entering his body.

Each wisp targeted different areas of his body. Some wisps went towards his bones. Some went to his muscles. Others went to his blood. The final two groups, one went to his skin and the final one went to his blood.

Once each group of wisps touched its targeted area, it engulfed this area and began to shine. At first, it was a weak light that was hardly noticed but it increased in intensity over time till it shone with intense lights.

Ibro was closing his eyes and didn't realize what was happening outside. These wisps were like huge energy snakes that emerged from that crystal ball and invaded Ibro's body.

These snakes were twisting and enlarging in length and thickness second after second. Eventually, they turned into dragons. Each dragon started to shine brightly with different colors.

In front of the entire sect, these dragons left the crystal ball and started to rotate around Ibro's body in harmony. They then totally entered his body and disappeared into it.

"The dragon phenomenon… this crippled boy has caused the dragon phenomenon," one of the peak masters muttered in disbelief while he was watching all this process.

"Don't put high hopes on him. It's really a miracle he can stimulate such a rare phenomenon, but the most important part is to control them.

He is a crippled, what is the use of his high affinity if his dantian is broken and his meridians are severed?" the distasteful man replied to that fellow peak master.

Although he was very shocked by the appearance of that phenomenon, he still believed in his previous assumption. This crippled boy would fail eventually, that was that he thought in himself.

Ibro sensed the disappearance of these energies inside his body parts with the stoppage of any new energy coming from the ball through his hand. He opened his eyes and turned to look over the peak masters behind him. He noticed their different expressions so he felt he had succeeded.

"What should I do next?"

"You should test your control over all these powers inside you crippled boy," the distasteful man smirked.

He was trying to shake this young boy's confidence, but he failed. Ibro ignored him again and looked towards the fire peak lady waiting for her response.

"You will go to the second level and put your hand over the crystal to test your control over your powers now."

Ibro nodded to her and moved without even giving that distasteful peak master a glance. He climbed to the next level and put his hand again over that crystal. He closed his eyes and began to observe the changes inside his body.