Ning Tiantian can only nod now in addition to nodding.

If at first she was afraid, she was afraid.

But when lying on the operating table, thinking about the baby that will appear in her stomach and her brother ink with her, she seems to be less afraid than before.

"It's going to start anesthesia." The anesthesiologist is ready.

"Well!" Take a deep breath and nod.

Caesarean section anesthesia is the waist, sweet head or sober.

But because her head was blocked by something, she couldn't see how the doctor opened her belly with a knife.

But I can feel

The cool, sharp thing cut her stomach.

But it doesn't hurt.

There was no pain at all.

Ning Tiantian slightly curls her head and looks at Li Yanmo.

At the same time, Li Yanmo is also looking at her.

This is a sacred moment.

It's the crystallization of love.

They are lucky to have been together since childhood, although they have experienced setbacks, tribulations and separation for more than 20 years.

But in the end they were together again.

Waiting together

The birth of babies.

Outside the operating room.

Tian Tian's parents, Li Yanmo's parents and cookies are all waiting anxiously outside.

"I'm a little scared." Said cookie.

Su Yihui: "it's not you who gave birth to a child."

Cookie:.... "

"It's been a long time, but I haven't come out yet." The most urgent thing in this should be Ning PA Ning ma.

As biological parents, they feel more anxious and worried than anyone else present.

"Calm down." The Ning dad who said this on the mouth, but already around the surgery, around countless circles, the eyes of people are fast around the flower.

In the operating room.

The first baby has been born.

The very small one.

It feels like it's bigger than an adult's.

The doctor took it out and washed it for the nurse.

"It's a boy, three pounds." After the nurse washed, she took a look at Tian Tian and said, "the weight is not up to standard and needs to be sent to the incubator."

Tian Tian looked at the little guy and immediately froze.

What the hell?

Black and ugly.

Slap big.

It's crumpled, like pickled vegetables for a long time.

"Send it, send it." After Ning Tiantian finished, she closed her eyes in disgust.


"Brother ink, he's ugly." Then, sweet and make complaints about the next words.

"It's ugly." Li Yan Mo echoed.

In fact, when he heard it was a boy, he didn't look at it.

Although they used Chinese, the medical staff still understood and couldn't help laughing.

Do you want to dislike your children so much!?

At this time, the second child also came out.

"Still a boy." The nurse said again. After looking at the faces of the two little guys, she said, "Oh, it's still different. They don't look the same."

"Oh." Ning Tiantian has not yet recovered from the shock of the child's ugliness. At the moment, after hearing the nurse's words, she answered casually.

As for Li Yanmo, he didn't care too much because he was not a girl.

Two babies already born: too much!

Soon, the third child came out.

"You are lucky to be a boy again." The nurse said again.

"Boy again?" At this moment, Li Yanmo couldn't sit still any longer. Suddenly, he got up from the chair, and finally he was willing to look at the three little guys on the table next to him.

Sure enough.