"I'm not serious either." After Li Yanmo finished, he picked up the story book again and continued prenatal education.

But in the bottom of my heart, I wrote down a romantic surprise in my mind.

Ning Tiantian:.... "

On the eve of new year's Eve.

There were deafening salutes and fireworks in the manor.

At the moment of the gunfire, Li Yanmo raised his hand and covered sweet ears, as if afraid of her being frightened.

After the sound of firecrackers, fireworks are set off.

Bang bang bang bang bang the fireworks burst in mid air.

It's so colorful, so dazzling.

In the end, the fireworks even formed these words - Li Yanmo AI Ning Tian

in the dark sky, only these words were left.

I don't know how to do it. These words can stay in the night sky for several minutes.

"Brother ink, I like this one!" Ning Tiantian screams with excitement.

When she finished yelling, she immediately turned her head. As soon as she wanted to give him a sharp kiss on tiptoe, she heard him say, "I'm just making fun of it. You don't have to be too happy."

Servant: I don't know who it is. I personally made this fireworks by carefully selecting all the materials from the outer packaging to the fireworks.

"Oh..." Ning Tiantian put down her toes and hummed in her heart.

"Of course, I don't mind if you kiss me." Li added.

And he bent over and put his cheek to her lips. "Hurry up, I'll have dinner later."

"Baji!" Ning Tiantian stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss.

"Let's go and have new year's Eve dinner." Li Yanmo straightened up, took her little hand and walked towards the restaurant.

The long table is full of delicious food.

Everybody's already sitting there.

After eating, he began to watch the new year.

It's just because Tian Tian is pregnant, so she didn't keep up with everyone, but went to bed in the bedroom first.

Li Yanmo also followed closely into the bedroom.

"Don't you keep up with the new year?" Ning Tiantian yawned and asked.

"I'll keep you." He said with a smile.

When he laughed, his cold face became soft, as if the warm summer sun fell between his temples.

How warm

In the cold winter, he was banished.

Ning Tiantian giggled and put her arm around his neck and fell asleep.

Country a also has a new year's tradition.

Towards midnight, the sound of firecrackers and fireworks went off again.

The whole world was in a tumult.

Li Yanmo looks at the sweet who is sleeping with a big belly. His fingers pick up again and put them in her ears to cover her ears, so as not to wake her up.

At this time, the baby in the stomach began to move.

Kick kick -

keep moving.

"Are you afraid of noise Li Yan Mo asked, he put sweet head in his arms, then raised another hand, covered in her belly.

Probably sensing someone protecting them.

The kids finally got down to business.

It was a long time before the sound of firecrackers stopped.

Li Yanmo's hands are numb.

He gently retracts his hand and adjusts a comfortable sleeping position for Ning Tiantian.

The first day of the new year.

Eat dumplings.

Ning Tiantian has had an amazing appetite since she was pregnant.

More than three bowls for each meal.

Eat and eat.

Sweet as a pig.