Dong Dong Dong Dong!

He raised his bony hand and knocked on the door. His face was gloomy and horrible, as if he could drip ink.

"Words, words and ink!" When he Tingting opens the door in her nightdress, she can't help but flash a little surprise and doubt in her beautiful eyes, but she is more than happy.

In the middle of the night, he didn't accompany Ning Tiantian of traditional Chinese medicine, but came to him?

Is it that little girl can't serve him well?

Thinking of this, he Tingting quickly tidied up her hair and pulled her nightdress down a little, revealing her full ravine. "What do you want me to do, or we'll go inside..." Say?

Before she finished, her sharp chin was pinched by the man's big hand.

Strong as if to crush her jaw bone, he Tingting tears suddenly came up, instinctively struggling, "you hurt me!"

She didn't understand how the man who was so precious as jade was angry like a tiger at the moment.

"He Tingting, how dare you Li Yanmo's face was full of haze, and the hand holding her chin was more and more hard.

"Me, what's wrong with me?" He Tingting's heart suddenly "clutters" for a moment, can no longer be silly to think that Li Yanmo is to spend time with her!

This is clearly for questioning!

Did he find something?

"Still loaded?" Li Yanmo couldn't help sneering and raised the other hand holding the mineral water bottle. "Do you dare to say that this bottle of water was not put in my room in advance?"

"Well, I..." He Tingting eyes are full of panic color, instinctively want to deny, but his mouth was suddenly vigorously pinched open.


Her mouth was forced to open wide, and fear rose from her pupils.

What is he going to do?


Without waiting for her to guess, Li Yanmo has unscrewed the bottle cap and poured the mineral water into her mouth.

"Mmm No The cold water to the mouth, he Tingting's pupil instantly enlarged, quickly struggling to get up, hands kept patting his arm.

Drink this water, less than five minutes will attack, in addition to go to the hospital must do sports with men, or will die.

She would not think that Li Yanmo would kindly send her to the hospital, or simply use herself as her antidote.

"Don't I was wrong I admit that I put the water Don't give me a drink I was really wrong Put Let me go

More and more water flowed into her stomach along her mouth. She finally panicked and her tears kept falling down. She admitted all of them.

It was she who was so obsessed with him that she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to become his woman directly.

So when she learned that the shooting team had reserved the hotel in advance, she bought the hotel's people to put water in his room in advance.

"You think I'll touch you?" After pouring all the water into her mouth, Li Yanmo immediately released his hand in disgust and pressed the recorder in his pocket to record the evidence.

"Cough!" He Tingting holds the wall next to her and quickly reaches out her finger into her throat, trying to vomit the water out.

"Vomit --"

but not a drop of water!

Her eyes suddenly red, tears kept falling down, some hissing exhausted looking at him, "I have all admitted wrong, why do you still feed me to drink this?"