Li Yanmo raised his lips and took the envelope. After opening it, the smile on his face disappeared.

On the top of the pink letter paper was a large letter.

The last letter

The more he looked down, the more indescribable his look was.

Ning Tiantian even physiological period this common sense do not have, he a big boy knows, she even thought he was going to die?

Finally let him inherit her homework and give her widowhood?

What's going on here!

Li Yanmo dropped the letter, turned to her in front of her, opened the quilt to see, behind the little girl's buttocks are all blood.

Even the sheets and covers were soiled by her.

"Sweetie, get up, don't sleep!" Li Yanmo gently pushed her shoulder.

This buttocks of blood sleep can be comfortable!

Ning Tiantian opened her eyes vaguely. When she saw him, her tears gushed out again. "Brother ink, sobbing, I thought I would never see you again. I shed a lot of blood and thought I was dead, I'm afraid I would die..."

She threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, tears wet the shirt on his chest.

"However, I can still see your last face before I die. I can die in peace!" There was a strong reluctance to give up in her shrill cry.

She really doesn't want to die at all. She wants to be with brother ink forever!

"Don't let me hear the word death out of your mouth again!" Li Yanmo speechless pushed her away, put his hands on her shoulder and looked at her seriously, "rather sweet, the reason why you bleed is not because you are going to die."

Hearing him say so, rather sweet Leng for a while, "that, that is because of what?"

"It's a special cycle for girls."

"You mean every girl has so much blood?" Ning Tiantian was shocked, but why didn't she hear about cookies? They told her, "but wouldn't she die if she shed so much blood?"


Of course not!

Ning Tiantian looks at him lazy to answer the appearance, suddenly understand that he made a super big oolong.

Li Yanmo turned around and took out her trousers and small interior from the wardrobe and threw them to her, "you go to change clothes first, I'll get you something to use."

"What?" Ning Tiantian asked with a puzzled face.

Li Yanmo felt headache for her ignorance, "something that can suck blood!"

"And something like that?" Rather sweet mutter, Li Yanmo has from Li mother's room "can suck blood" things.

Ning Tiantian took a look at it and felt familiar with her eyes. Then she responded, "it's sanitary napkin."

She had seen it before when she was shopping in the supermarket.

"Don't go in and change it!" Li Yanmo looks at her bloody pants.

Those who know think it is physiological period, and those who don't know think they are abused.

Ning Tiantian ran into the bathroom, excitedly opened her aunt towel, but when she opened it, she was silly. Who can tell her how to use it?

She wanted to read the manual and flipped through the package. It was all foreign words she didn't know, and didn't know which country it was.

"Brother ink, can you come in and help me, I can't use this thing, and there's no manual!" No way, Ning Tiantian can only turn to her omnipotent ink brother!

Standing outside the bathroom, Li Yanmo was silent for a moment and then said, "have you taken off your pants?"