Chapter 247

Today, Qiao Fanna got off work three hours ahead of schedule. When she got home, she threw her mobile phone aside. Then she went to the supermarket to buy food. When she got home to cook, she had the food just now.

She wanted to make up for the neglect of her husband and children recently, but it turned out to be self defeating. Seeing that they were worried about themselves, she really wanted to tear sun Weiwei's ugly man apart.

Qiao Fanna enters the bedroom to look for a mobile phone. As soon as she opens the door, she hears a life-threatening ringtone. It happens to be Guo Qing.

She picked up the phone and walked out of the balcony. "Hello? I was just looking for you... "

"Oh, boss! Don't talk about it. Listen to me first Guo Qing was so anxious at that end that she said, "you've lost contact for several hours. It's noisy outside!"

Giovanna looks up and sighs in silence. In the entertainment industry, she is not surprised by these surprises.

"Come on, who's doing it this time?"

"It's not sun Weiwei's old fox, too much! She posted a microblog saying that she had seen your photos from Jiang Ziyan's home in the media, but they were not exposed because they were all public relations by you. Also satirizes you the background to be huge, can cover the sky with one hand, that speech ambiguous, difference directly said the hidden rule three words! What's most hateful is that she deliberately deleted her microblog every second, and then hired Shuijun and we media screenshots to spread all over the Internet! "

After hearing this, Qiao Fanna thought about it carefully. Except for the groundless accusation of the hidden rule, it seems that what she said is true, but without a real hammer, what can she fear?

She wondered, "is that all? This kind of bluff is not like sun Weiwei. "

"No! Her intrigue is ring by ring. Now the photo of you coming out of Jiang Ziyan's home has been spread on the Internet, and reporter Yang is also looking for you! What's to be done, boss? "

"It's really a lawsuit. It's hard to fight..." Qiao Fanna was lying on the balcony, listening to the bell ringing in the distant clock tower. Her heart was inexplicably quiet. "First remove all the photos on the Internet, and then let the Ministry of justice issue a statement to blame those who spread rumors."

"All right, boss! But there's one more thing you need to know. "

"I said, can I have a good sleep tonight?"

"Well, it's not bad news."

"Say it

"Half an hour ago, xingmang official blog issued a statement. I sent the screenshot to your wechat. You can see for yourself!"

Without saying a word, Qiao Fanna hung up and opened wechat. She can understand every word in the screenshot, but when they are organized together, how can she not understand them?

Xingmang official blog wrote: in view of the recent rumors about the cooperation between our company and an artist, which has a profound influence and caused confusion to the majority of fans, I am very sorry. In order to give an account to the fans, our staff have confirmed with the board of directors repeatedly before. We hereby announce that xingmang entertainment has no plan to sign a new contract in the near future, and strongly condemn some employees who betray the original company, are mercenary and behave badly, and will never employ them.

Qiao Fanna dials Guo Qing again: "can you explain to me, what is the situation of xingmang?"

"Boss, who are you going to ask me? I thought it was the result of your negotiation with president Fang! "

"I..." Giovanna said for a moment.

I will never stand on the opposite side of you.

"No? I thought he was just talking... "Said Giovanna to herself.

"Boss? Boss, what are you talking about? I didn't hear you

Giovanna regained her spirits: "nothing. Forget it. Let's just ignore the stars and do well what I've told you. "


Fu Yi recording studio——

Sun Weiwei and later stage staff are focusing on Revising the audio track of Fu Yixin's advertisement. Suddenly, someone breaks into the house and shakes the two women in the house.

Sun Weiwei looked back and saw that it was Fu Yi. Instead of being afraid, she looked disgusted: "what's the matter? It's frightening! You don't need money to repair the broken door? "

"Sun Weiwei! I'm going to ask, "what are you doing?" Fu Yi stopped at her and roared, regardless of her face.

Sun Weiwei gave him a white eye of warning, and then ordered the later personnel to go out and wait. After the outsider left, sun Weiwei's face became more bitter.

"Who do you think you are? Yell in front of me! Without me, with you today? "

Fu Yi pointed to her nose with his index finger: "don't talk about this with me! I told you last night not to offend the people of Ming Hui. Why don't you listen? Now it's all right. The star mischief contract, which had been firmly established, has also been destroyed. You've offended the two old dads. What are you doing? "

Sun Weiwei bared her teeth and was not willing to show weakness. After she took off his hand, she pulled a chair and sat down.

She did not take Fu Yi's worry seriously. She even felt happy: "I just can't stand that woman's arrogance! Why should I be soft on her if I steal my Ming Hui and don't leave me a way to live? Now she has a bad reputation for cheating. Whether it's true or not, if you mention her in the future, someone will associate her with cheating. That's enough. "

"Sun Weiwei, what a mess you are

Sun Weiwei scoffed with disdain, "what does the statement of xingmang mean? Is the board's opinion an edict? Ch ~ Fu Yi, can't you understand me after so many years? As long as you raise your own value, a few months later, Xing mang will still come to ask you to sign a contract. They will give you whatever you want. They don't have the courage to yell at me? "

Fu Yi slapped his hand on the table with a helpless and resentful tone: "sister Weiwei, my dear sister Weiwei, it's you who should see the situation clearly, isn't it? Don't you know that the president of xingmang went to Minghui to see Qiao Fanna in person today? The world has changed a long time ago. Do you think it's still your world? "

"What President? Where did xingmang come from? "

When Fu Yi saw her ignorant face, he knew that she was getting cold, and his patience had disappeared, whether he was talking to her or going on with her.

Fu Yi sighed, frowned and said, "Fang Shu, the new president of xingmang, have you ever heard of this name?"

"Fang Shu..." Sun Weiwei tried to search for information about the name in her mind, vaguely remembering where she had heard of it, but there was no accurate answer.

Fu Yi answered simply and rudely: "he is the only successor of Tianheng group. He is the kind of person who can destroy you with his mouth."

Sun Weiwei's brain is like a volcanic eruption, roaring and exploding.

Tianheng group, for her, is a four word, even in the entertainment industry is famous. It has not only xingmang entertainment, but also Tianheng film and fou video app with a market value of more than one billion.

However, how can a big man like Fang Shu condescend to an entertainment company? Isn't that ridiculous?

Sun Weiwei refused to believe it, and even satirized Fu Yi with a smile: "where did you hear the news from? Have you thought about it? "

Fu Yi was not angry but laughed. He had expected that she would react like this. A arrogant person like her would not know her weight until she went to the steamer hell.

He thin lips light Yang, smile more contemptuous, "who knows, now everyone is in the pass, don't know Qiao Fanna's husband is which big person, can help her parachute Ming Hui, also give her tens of millions of diamond ring. Do you want to guess who it is? "

Sun Weiwei's face slowly lost its color, and her hands on the handle of the chair suddenly tightened.

Fu Yi continued in a lighthearted tone: "also, I think of something I heard a few years ago. Li Heng, the boss of Ming Hui, are you familiar with him? It is said that Fang Shu exposed him when he was put there... Do you think that the mysterious chairman of Ming Hui who has not appeared for many years is also him? "

"Oh, no! unable! She's not that lucky Sun Weiwei stood up excitedly, like an ant on a hot pot, circling in the narrow recording room. She was nervously biting her fingernails, and her fat was shaking.

"I think she deserves all this." Fu Yi glanced at her. "It's you. You don't have the ability to bark all day. I'm fed up with you! If you want to fight with her, I won't stop you, but from today on, I won't accompany you any more! "

At the end of his speech, Fu Yi strode toward the door.

"Stop! You can't go! If you dare to leave me, I'll make all the good things you've done these years public! When I die, I'm going to take you as a cushion! "

Sun Weiwei crazily holds him, she desperately raises her neck and yells at him, but at the moment, she doesn't look fierce at all, on the contrary, she looks like a pitiful stray dog.

Fu Yi's eyes fell on her fat and greasy hands. Didn't she know that she was a cleanliness addict?

He struggled to shake off, repressed the nausea in his heart, and replied: "Sun Weiwei, I advise you to stop! Threatening me will only add an enemy to yourself, and you will die more miserably than you do now! "

Sun Weiwei got up from the ground and jumped at him again: "barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. If you don't accompany me to play this play to the end, I can destroy you! I have plenty of evidence of your wickedness in hand

Fu Yi dodged, opened the door, and gave her the last advice: "who in the circle doesn't know that you are an agent with strong control desire and abnormal behavior. If you have the ability, you will expose it. At that time, we will see whether we believe in you or me. When were you not in charge of those plans? I'm at best an accessory to exploitation. In the future, take care of yourself. I'll never see you again, sun Weiwei. "

Fu Yi had been waiting for this day for a long time, so when he left, there was no nostalgia at his feet.

Sun Weiwei rushed out of the door and roared in the corridor: "Fu Yi!! You wait for me! I can't kill you. I'm your grandson! "

Fu Yi turned and walked into the elevator, pressed the close button and shut all the noise out of the door. Not only that, from this moment on, he will isolate all the doubts from the world, because he has this capital and he still has a trump card in his hand.

Fu Yi went back to his car, pointed to the number of the recent call, and without thinking, dialed: "Secretary an, can I see you now?"

The other side replied without emotion: "yes. Have you thought about it? "

"Well, sun Weiwei and I have completely ended our cooperation. I want to sign a contract with Fengling as soon as possible."“ We have already made arrangements for your work and can sign a contract at any time. I'll send the location to your mobile phone and bring your name stamp. "