Chapter 180

The day before the funeral, Lin Yiqi stayed at home and didn't even get off the building. He was busy holding a conference call with the orphanage.

It's a pity that he refused Fengling consortium's request for cooperation. Fortunately, qiusong's progress is smooth. I heard that many officials from Hualan city have come to discuss with Wang Shuqin recently.

Lin Yiqi specially urged qiusong to rebuild the orphanage in order to seek stability rather than profit. Now it is the commanding height of the outbreak of public opinion. Further delay will only lead to the fatigue of the public focus, so we should choose the appropriate plan as soon as possible and reap the fruits.

After arranging a lot of complicated finishing work, it was time for dinner. A piece of bread she chewed at noon could not hold, and her stomach began to ache.

Lin Yiqi went into the kitchen, took a cup of warm water, drank most of it, and opened the empty refrigerator. His heart was full of sorrow.

Even if she didn't go to the hospital for reexamination, she could feel that her health was getting worse and worse during this period of time. Maybe she was spoiled by those childe brothers. It's not the princess's life, but she got a princess's disease. What a coincidence.

Just as I was thinking about it, one of them came to me.

Lin Yiqi did not care about his pale face and messy hair. He wandered through half the room, opened the door and stood in front of Fang Shu like a ghost.

She said weakly, "what's the matter?"

The square beam is supported on the door with one hand to prevent the door from falling at any time.

His eyes are calm, but from his extended facial features, he is in a good mood today, and even can barely joke, "what else can I do for you at dinner time? You're leaving tomorrow. Shouldn't you invite the landlord to have a break up dinner? "

Lin Yiqi sneered and shook his head? Is that necessary? "

Fang Shu bent his eyes, but his smile was as light as mist. "What do you mean, you want to break ties with me?"

After that, he took her hand, stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, and vaguely spat out the words, "I do."


Lin Yiqi is on the point of swearing, but Fang Shu covers his mouth.

Fang Shu's eyes are like a frozen wall built in an instant. His index finger hisses on his lips, suggesting that Lin Yiqi's eyes shot at the stairway.

The floating factors in the air also precipitated. Lin Yiqi raised his ears and heard that "PATA", "PATA"... A regular and slow sound of footsteps came from under the stairs.

Lin Yiqi and Fang Shu look at each other. They have a tacit understanding and react at the same time.

One goes back and the other goes forward. In a twinkling of an eye, it becomes the posture that Fang Shu blocks Lin Yiqi in the door. From the gap between Fang Shu's body, Lin Yiqi holds his breath to peep at the situation of the stairway.


Fang Shuo's voice became Cangwu and powerful, which was very different from that when she teased her just now.

Gradually, the sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer. Lin Yiqi sees the comer's gray clothes from the corner. Then the comer turns around and finally sees his true face.

"Yue Yan..."

Lin Yiqi unconsciously calls out his name. Fang's tight body immediately relaxes. He consciously steps out of Lin Yiqi's door and puts his hands in his bag, waiting for Yue Yan to come to him.

Yue Yan's eyes are glued to Lin Yiqi. The two people who were so familiar with each other are not as good as strangers.

Strangers at least have the kindness of ignorance, and between them, today is only the deep pain.

How can Fang Shu tolerate these two people's frowning in front of him? Naturally, he has to take the initiative to attack and make a mockery to relieve his resentment.

"Lawyer Yue broke into the house to steal the headlines of your grandfather tomorrow?"

"Fang Shu!" Lin Yiqi drank him mercilessly, "I don't ask you to mourn sincerely, but please keep the most basic respect for the dead!"

Lin Yiqi hates such a square bundle of unscrupulous words. She has long been used to his vicious words. It is inevitable because of the abnormal relationship between them. However, the dead is the biggest. What's more, she can't see it as Yue Yan's close relative.

On the other hand, the client has been standing there like a wooden pestle, gazing at her silently, only when Fang Shu, such an idle person, does not exist.

In a flash, an invisible anger sprang up in Fang Shu's body and raised his eyebrows. He tried his best to contain the eruption. He pretended to be generous and said, "OK! Have a nice dinner. "

With that, Fang Shu wiped Yue Yan's shoulder and went downstairs. He tried to express himself every step of the way - I don't care, I'm not angry, I kill people and break the law

Hearing that Fang Shu had returned to the first floor, Lin Yiqi sent away his anger, leaving only a thin peace to face him.

"What are you doing here?"

Yue Yan's bright eyes are full of red blood, and the sense of shrewdness in those Danfeng's eyes is gone. Now it looks like an ancient beautiful man who was in a panic and failed to succeed. Looking at Lin Yiqi is like looking at an exciting moon, singing his inner pain.

"If I hadn't followed Fang Shu here, would you not have been in front of me all your life?"

Yue Yan's words were a death knell in her mind. His sadness invaded and assimilated her.

Lin Yiqi's eyes suddenly fell. She didn't dare to look at his face. In the process of falling, she accidentally took a look at the black cloth he was wearing on his left arm. As if he had been strangled by his throat, she made several swallowing movements before speaking.

"Come on in."

Yue Yan goes in without hesitation. After Lin Yiqi closes the door, he wants to pour a cup of hot water for him. Unexpectedly, Yue Yan has no time to wait. He forces her into the corner with a stiff face and asks in a hoarse voice——

"I'm the one who made the mistake first. You hide from me, I think! But why do you hang out with him? You play with me together, don't you? What are the things I've done for you before? "

Yue Yan's big palm firmly clenched her shoulder. The violent shaking made her stomach surge. She struggled to get rid of the discomfort.

But Yue Yan didn't realize that she was in pain. Instead, he increased his strength. It was a kind of morbid addiction. He uncontrollably wanted to hurt her. The more he loved her, the more he wanted to crush her and fill his body.

Lin Yiqi's lacrimal gland is very disheartened. She has tried her best to endure it, but the pain of being scolded by close people is thousands of times more than being scolded by outsiders.

She said with a cry, already in a state of collapse, "why do you all want to question me? I'm really fed up with it

"I've had enough! How can you be like this? " Yue Yan was distressed to lose her. "Since you knew Fang Shu, you are not the one I know anymore. How many secrets do you have in your heart? You are even closer to him than to me! I really don't want to doubt you. As long as you explain clearly, I will believe you, OK? "

Lin Yiqi held his tears and said, "what do you want me to explain?"

Yue Yan buries his head and suddenly closes his eyes to adjust his mood. A drop of tears falls on Lin Yiqi's instep. When he looks up again, his eyes are bright after the rain, but the light stings her heart.

"Tell me, when did you... Begin to... Defecte?"

"Yue Yan... What are you talking about?" Lin Yiqi's volume goes up in a straight line. If there is an emotional thermometer to measure now, her anger value has burst.

"You rich people are really paranoid of being killed! He thinks I'm in love with you, and you accuse me of collusion with him! I'm afraid I'm the most powerful double agent in the world? "

Yue Yan was pressed down by her arrogance. Seeing her red peach blossom eyes, he couldn't lift his breath and quarreled with her.

He tried to placate her and himself in a gentle voice.

"Don't cry... Don't cry... I don't mean to blame you!"

Yue Yan reached out to touch her cheek. She turned her head away mercilessly, leaving him a disappointed face.

"I just want to know if you were involved in my grandfather's death?"

Yue Yan's long ending is ethereal and weak, but she has the ability to cut her heart.

When she looked at him, the smile was still with tears.

"Don't you think that's ridiculous? Why did your grandfather die? Do you need to ask me? Ask yourself

Yue Yan stares at the finger that she pokes on her chest. Lin Yiqi's tears have become beads.

"Don't you remember? You're the one who pissed your grandfather off. I didn't do anything! Why did you take me to the ancestor worship ceremony? Huh Dare you say that? "

"I..." Yue Yan was stunned at the moment. His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't make any sound except monosyllabic.

Lin Yiqi said with a sad smile, "look, you don't dare, do you? Because I'm just a tool for you to fight against others. Of course, you dare not admit how bad your behavior is! Yue Yan... Can you ask me when your heart became black? "

Yue Yan's throat seems to be sealed. He wants to say, but what should he say?

He did have a different purpose to take her to the grand ceremony of ancestor worship, but looking at the current situation, they were like meeting on a high hanging steel wire. He and she came from their respective cliffs, with lethal weapons in their hands. If they were not careful, they would both fall off the cliff.

He would rather admit that he is a timid man and dare not take half a risk in her affairs.

Yue Yan's silence pushes Lin Yiqi away. She retreats step by step. He sees her go to the desk, take something and walk towards him again.

Lin Yiqi has not yet had time to destroy the U disk display in front of him.

"Do you know what this is?"

"... I don't know."

"This is the evidence of your corruption! Do you know how desperate I am when I am pressed for the truth? Yue Yan, I care about you so much. What do you do to me? "

After Lin Yiqi said that, he smashed the U-disk on him, and then his chest bounced to the ground, making a sound of fragmentation.

Her collapse has not stopped, "I do not ask you to help me, I know you do not have the obligation to help me, but you should not hurt me when others, but also help me cut a few knives, I am also a person, I again cold-blooded, I will pain here!"

Yue Yan grabbed her hand slapping her chest and asked in panic, "what did you say?" Make it clear! How did you get it? "“ Do you have time to care? Pick up your evidence and go away. Don't dirty my floor If you see me in court, please pretend you don't know me. I don't want to meet you any more. " Lin Yiqi coldly draws back his hand and turns his back“ Besides, don't let me get hold of what you do. I've done my utmost for you. Next time, I will send you to prison without hesitation. " Yue Yan squints at her petite and strong body, trying to hold her in his arms, but also overdrawn courage. But then again, he is the one who lacks courage all the time! Nearly six years, he tried to maintain a simple relationship with her, but unknowingly, he was stirred like a tangled yarn by outsiders, and could not straighten it out any more. If he is earlier, it doesn't need to be too early. Just be early. Would it be a different ending for her to express her mind earlier and stand in the camp where she is preparing to love? Now, however touching his words are, they are in vain. At the end, he can only like a sad third party, ask the most ridiculous question - "do you love him?"