Chapter 155

Growing up, Zhen Yu firmly believes that he will eventually marry Yue Yan.

Even if she knew that Yue Yan had been decided to marry Shen's baby early in the morning, even if she knew that he, who was always not serious, had suddenly had someone to treat him affectionately from college, she never wavered in this belief.

Zhen Yu's father is yuechao's mentor. He promoted yuechao to the position of secretary of the Municipal Political Commissar. He is even willing to be suppressed by yuechao in the officialdom, which shows that they are deeply in love.

While Zhen's father cherishes this old daughter, Zhen Yu, relying on her deep background, is domineering and reckless in Danfeng city. If you want to say who is the most unlike a celebrity in Danfeng City, she must be at the top of the list.

When he was four years old, Zhen Yu was led by his father to attend Yue Yan's birthday party. That day, Yue Yan wore a black tuxedo and wore a crimson bow tie around his neck. He walked alone from the long stage. At the age of five, Yue Yan was able to make a mature speech independently. She swore that she was the most charming little fart she had ever seen in her life.

In her world, to like something is to want something, so she is sure that she likes him. Then she jumped down from her seat and ran to the stage. Just as Yue Yan was making a wish on the stage, she raised her head and asked him, "what wish did you make?"

The noisy Yue Yan opened his eyes slightly, his voice was tender, but his tone was firm: "what's the matter with you?"

"Of course it's none of my business! I want you to make a new wish! Maybe... When I grow up, I will marry Zhen Yu! "

Zhen Yu's Wuji Tongyan immediately causes a roar of laughter. Zhen Yu's father feels that he has lost face, so he winks at Zhen Yu's mother and asks her to take her back to her position. Aware of the danger, Zhen Yu didn't delay for a moment. She climbed onto the stage with her skirt and stood beside Yue Yan. With a very serious expression, she said to him:

"You are very good. I like you very much!"

Yue Yan doesn't have a good impression of the bold Zhen Yu, and he is sure that he doesn't like this kind of girl.

So he refused to accept her advertisement as he used to say: "in fact, like is the same as wish, it doesn't work to say it out. So you say you like me one second, maybe from the next second, this kind of like doesn't exist, you go!"

"No! I will like you for a long time Zhen Yu clenched his fist and retorted, "also, you must marry me. I will give you a baby as powerful as you! I'm not kidding! I, Zhen Yu, do what I say! "

At the end of the speech, Zhen Yu puffed out the candle for him. Yue Yan's thick sword eyebrows shrink quickly. As soon as he thinks that the cake is covered with Zhen Yu's saliva, he feels uncomfortable. He pulls off his birthday crown and turns away.

After that day, Zhen Yu was so obsessed with her father that she finally got the chance to borrow from her husband's family.

Not only did she go to the same school with her two brothers and sisters in law, but their bedrooms were also close to each other. From time to time, she would get into Yue Yan's bed in the middle of the night. After being caught by him twice, Yue Yan would not forget to lock the door before going to bed every day.

After growing up, Yue Yan's character has changed from introverted and withdrawn to extroverted and rebellious. He is the most unruly of the younger generation of the Yue family. However, although he has completely changed, there are still two things that will not change.

One is cleanliness, the other is... I don't like Zhen Yu.

Zhen Yu's unremitting pursuit did not move Yue Yan, but inadvertently got another person's favor.

Yue Qingting came to Yue's family after she borrowed her for a year. At that time, he was young and ignorant. He thought Zhen Yu was like himself, so he was very friendly to her. Moreover, her face was the most beautiful in the school. He thought that if he could grow up with her, he would get happiness again!

But he never thought that when he graduated from junior high school at the age of 15, he took down the second button on his school uniform and wanted to give it to her, but she threw the box into the river without hesitation like a hot potato.

She said to him in a tired tone, "don't ask me out alone in the future. Please take back your feelings for me. I won't accept it! My life has reached a level. I will never make friends with people below this level, and I will not lower my level for love. My friends and my future lovers must be rich, but you? Let's not dream

That day was Yue Qingting's first night away.

He sat on the Bank of the river, blowing the wind of the river all night. Several times, he wanted to close his eyes and go to the river. For him, death is much easier than living.

But the faces of his family, his father who died unjustly, his mother who jumped out of a building in despair, his brother who was missing, all the time flashed through his mind. After that night, he seemed to realize the rules of the world. He was determined to become stronger and the strongest!

He wanted to punish Yue Chao, who had his family destroyed, and he wanted to take away all the attention of his beloved. Yue Yan realized what suffering was. From now on, he will hold everything he wants in his hand, and will no longer be the fish of others.

Not long after Yue Qingting returned to her home, Zhen Yu was sent abroad by her father because she had made a big mistake. This is the only way to protect her. Now that the limitation period is over, she can go home at last.

When she got off the plane, she called Yue Yan on the first phone. On the phone, she heard the familiar name. In the past, she couldn't go back home to pick up these coquettish and cheap people who were close to Yue Yan. Now it's different. She can finally cut them one by one. Moreover, under the negotiation between Yue Dynasty and Zhen Fu, their marriage will be held next month. She has ample reasons to drive Lin Yiqi away. The second call, she called Yue Qingting. After learning the specific location of Yue Yan from his mouth, he drove nonstop. When Yue Qingting was in a mess at the gate of the castle, he was sitting in the car of Zhen Yulai, watching the play with a smile on his face. When Zhen Yu comes out, Lin Yiqi has already disappeared. She looks angry and wants to break the door when she returns to the car. Yue Qingting said, "how about it? Did you get rid of Xiao San? "“ it ticks me off! it ticks me off! I'm so angry Zhen Yu screamed in the car, "you have to help me find a way to kill her! Or I can't swallow it“ I dare not move her. The forces behind her are complicated. I advise you not to go to this muddy water. " Yue Qingting pretended to be kind“ With her? A stepdaughter of a clothing factory, and a crazy mother, are you glad to brag in front of me? It's been a long time since my legend spread in Danfeng City, isn't it? "“ Miss Zhen, you've been gone for ten years, and half of the families in Danfeng have fallen. How much influence do you think you can have? "“ Good! Then I'll show you what I do Do you have the key to Yueyan's house? "“ No, as far as I know, it seems that only my mother has it. "“ Good! Drive to Yue's courtyard! "