Chapter 150

"I don't have to go to the three treasures hall for anything. If you have anything to say, why should we cover it up before?"

Yue Yan's face showed a moving smile without any flaw, but in fact he was full of spitting at him.

After the Shouyi incident, Yue Yan's acting skills soared in front of Yue Qingting. He pretended to be a brother and sister with him. Even Yue Qingting believed him.

Yue Yan asked bluntly, "when is the land in Jiangbei development zone going to start construction?"

"It's still early." Yue Qingting truthfully replied, "we still have a lot of details to contact with the authorities. It will take at least three months to finalize the final implementation plan."


Yue Qingting looked at him thoughtfully and said: "why do you care about this all of a sudden? Don't you care about Lauren's business? "

"Because I'm going to... Withdraw the bid."

"What?" There is uneasiness in Yue Qingting's surprised eyes.

"You know how we won the bid." Yue Yan's tone is not happy, which means that Yue Qingting plagiarizes.

Indeed, 80% of the winning scheme of Luolun real estate comes from Tianheng team.

On the day of the bidding meeting, Luolun real estate took the lead in launching the slogan of getting rich together, implying that the one-stop monopoly of Tianheng group has widened the gap between the rich and the poor, while Luolun real estate aims to provide the most solid support for the entrepreneurs of emerging industries and lead many industries to go hand in hand. The soul of the scheme is the macro planning for the new CBD, "Coincidentally" and has not yet spoken Tianheng group hit the majority.

Yue Qingting did the plagiarism scheme alone. Yue Yan didn't take part in it, but he knew it was tricky. In the end, he chose to turn a blind eye to Lin Yiqi.

They looked at each other for a long time without expression. It was Yue Qingting who broke the deadlock first. He covered his palm on his forehead and pressed it twice, just to hide the hatred from his eyes.

After the adjustment, he said with a smile: "ha ha, brother, what are you talking about? I have no idea! "

Yue Yan's expression was serious, and he didn't have time to talk and laugh with him: "Qingting, you have spent so many years in our mother-in-law's family. You should be very clear about the rules of the family."

Yue Yan's words froze Yue Qingting's smile. This is the first time that he separated you and me from this foster brother.

He continued: "the Yue family is not a businessman, but a powerful person. The most taboo thing is that the word" wealth "is in charge, which is unfair and just. Tianheng's indictment has been delivered to my desk, and now taking the initiative to withdraw the bid is the best means of reconciliation. "


"Qingting, you are half of the family in law. Lauren is yours in name, but all the money goes into the family in law's pocket. Don't affect the reputation of your wife's family just because of your personal fault. I know that I can't force you to maintain your wife's family as your own, but at least for the sake of your family's support for so many years, you should be more considerate in doing things in the future! "

Yue Qingting forced his anger and asked, "is this the family's idea, or your brother's idea?"

"It's my consideration. You've experienced the virtues of the elders of the Yue family. You haven't got a firm foothold yet. Don't make them criticize you. I will help you clarify the family side, and I will try my best to make up for the loss of this target. "

Yue Yan's few words are not only clear, but also sound like he is thinking about everything for Yue Qingting. Yue Qingting is forced to go to Liangshan, so he can only comply with Yue Yan's wishes.

"I see. I'll tell them to write a withdrawal statement. Thank you for reminding me

Yue Qingting and Yue Yan exchange a tacit smile. Yue Qingting gets up and walks out of the office. Yue Yan is still sitting on the guest chair. When they pass by, their smiles become cold at the same time.

Yue Yan gets the withdrawal statement, which means he gets Lin Yiqi's calming needle. But he is not in a hurry to tell Lin Yiqi the good news, because he has to go to Tianheng headquarters to make a deal with Fang Shu to complete the more difficult follow-up task.

Yue Yan is very confident about this trip. If you trade a piece of land in a development zone with great prospects for a piece of remote land with undetermined value, would any fool be willing to trade it?

Fang Shu readily agrees to meet him and asks him to wait in the coffee shop on the first floor. Yue Yan thinks he'll put on airs, but he doesn't think he'll go to the appointment in less than ten minutes. As soon as the president comes in, the rest of the staff who are drinking afternoon tea are retreating. After all, no one dares to listen to the president's corner.

Fang Shu takes a sip of coffee and shakes his head discontentedly. He thinks it's not as good as Lin Yiqi's. Since drinking what she made, he will never let Tang Wei bring coffee downstairs.

Yue Yan's attitude is very good, which is different from the last time when he forced Fang Shu to sign the humiliation Treaty: "Mr. Fang, I will not beat around the bush. This is the withdrawal statement of Jiangbei development zone."

Fang Shu deliberately put on a surprised expression: "hmm? Didn't you let the court convey yesterday that we'll see you in court? How did you change your mind today You lawyers are really very clever and unpredictable. "

"Yesterday is yesterday, today is today. Now that I know you're going to dig ground on her head, I won't sit back and ignore her!"

"Ha ha ha! What a spoony Fang Shu laughed so hard that he completely lost the style of the president, but the next sentence changed back to the overbearing tone, "it's just... I don't want to change it!"

Yue Yan said that he was helpless: "I always thought that Fang Zong, who can make such a huge business empire prosperous, is very smart. It seems that I made a wrong judgment. But even if you lose the land of the Development Zone, you should not retreat to the site of Hualan city? I'm afraid you'll lose everything in the end. "“ Don't bother Mr. Yue. Even if I lose, I'll be happy and willing to lose. " Fang Shu's words are true, because he knows that as long as he holds the orphanage in his hand, Lin Yiqi will come to please him again and again, just like in the morning. In fact, he doesn't care about that piece of land. He just wants Lin Yiqi to spend more time on him. It's not difficult to speculate a domestic popular tourist attraction with his ability, so it's no matter whether the deal is done or not. Yue Yan was so angry that he didn't realize that Fang Shu was more stupid than a fool. He hated Fang Shu and said, "are you determined to do this?"“ Yes! I will never give in to what I like. "“ In that case, there is nothing to talk about. " Before he got up and left, Yue Yan said, "I'd better go to Fang Zhuo. He looks much smarter than you." Fang Shu watched him leave angrily and then went back to his office. As soon as I went in, I saw Su Ying was in trouble with Zhou Ling. He kicked the plate on the tea table, and the cakes in it all fell apart“ How dare you bring this afternoon tea to me? It's gone Zhou Ling's eyes were red, and she answered yes. Fang Shu came to them, but Su Shu didn't stop: "Fang Shu, you've come just in time. What's your new assistant's ability? It's far worse than Lin Yiqi! "“ Can you forget about her? " Fang Shu glared at him and went straight back to his president's chair. Without paying attention to Zhou Ling, he looked at the computer and said, "go out, you don't have to bring new ones." Zhou Ling said gratefully, "OK, Mr. Fang!"“ well! What's your attitude, woman? The other bundle is delicate and charming, and it looks gloomy to me? Fang Shu, you must take good care of her! Do you know how to deal with people? "“ Sorry, Su Shao! I know it's wrong... "Fang Shu interrupted her and said," ignore him and go out. " Zhou Ning's face was more embarrassed, so she packed up her plate and ran away. Fang Shu raised his head when he heard the sound of closing the door. He accused Su Shu and said, "do you have to embarrass her every time you come here? Just love to fight for Lin Yiqi? "