Chapter 130

Fang Shu walks to the gate mechanically. He deliberately makes his back look natural and unrestrained. But every time he waves his hand and strides, it's like he's set an angle, which is as accurate as copying and pasting.

His retina lost the function of focusing for a moment, and he could only walk forward with intuition, until someone broke into his eyes, and the picture in front of him began to be clear.

Lin Yiqi came back. She was only separated from him by an iron door at the moment. Her feet unconsciously stepped back two steps, or she was afraid that Fang Shu would do something special to her, so Du Wei was cautious.

"I'm not going back with you!" she said

Her lips were closed, and her feet moved closer to her.

Lin Yiqi saw Yue Yan not far away through him, and his attitude became tough: "I'll stay and take care of Yue Yan!"

After hearing this, Fang Shu's face turned white for a while, and the veins on his forehead were indistinct. His eyes moved down, and finally fell on Lin Yiqi's flat abdomen. He wanted to open it up to see when she was married to Yue Yan!

Lin Yiqi didn't know what he wanted to do. He just felt that the square bundle of lifelessness made her shudder more than the square bundle of impatience.

She accompanied him as a wooden man and lost patience: "if you want to be cruel, just say it. Don't look at me like that!"

Fang Shu finally had a reaction this time. With a sly smile, he opened his big palm to net the back of her head and put her in front of him. The finger of the other hand poked Lin Yiqi's belly like a knife, and drew from the bottom to the stomach.

Lin Yiqi was shivered by his strange behavior, and his whole body had goose bumps. Then he heard him whisper in his ear: "freedom? Ha ha ~ I will let you slowly see the price behind it. Cherish it. You don't have much time. "

He wiped Lin Yiqi and was ready to leave. Before Lin Yiqi woke up from his nonsense, his hand caught his arm consciously.

"What do you mean? Make it clear before you go Lin Yiqi black face questioned him, he looked ahead, refused to answer.

She insisted on asking again: "Yue Yan had an accident. Did you find someone to do it?"

Then she heard a sneer from Fang Shu, and the handsome face she had been infatuated with suddenly became disgusting.

He pulled back his arm with a little effort, and at the same time he made Lin Yiqi stagger. After Lin Yiqi stood still, he found that he had gone a long way.

She looked back at Yue Yan not far away, and found that he was smiling at himself. His smile was more dazzling than today's sunshine, but she couldn't give him any response he wanted.

She lowered her head and laughed at herself. She should have thought that how could she only torture her by the means of square thunder?

After getting Fang Shu's acquiescence, her guilt for Yue Yan doubled. She promised Yue Yan that she would take revenge!

Lin Yiqi takes away all the bad mood in his eyes and trots back to Yue Yan. Yue Yan's first words to her are: "Congratulations, from today on, you have completely got rid of that scum!"

"... ah? What are you talking about? "

"Don't you understand? I said you're free, your mother, I've redeemed you! " Yue Yan raised his hand to her and wanted to give her a high five.

But Lin Yiqi clapped it open, eager to know the whole story: "how did you do it? How could he let me go easily? "

"It doesn't matter. You should focus on something more meaningful now. For example, to restore student status, for example, to join our Yuqing Office.... "


These days, Lin Yiqi is worried. She accompanies Yue Yan to live in VVIP building. For fear that she will not be prepared, she lets Fang Shu's people go back. However, she didn't. Fang Shu just disappeared in her life. After that day, she didn't even hear from Tianheng group.

On the morning of Yue Yan's discharge from hospital, he threw two familiar agreements in front of her. Then she really realized that her relationship with Fang Shu had gone out.

After breakfast, Qin yunpei and two servants come to help Yue Yan with his discharge.

"Son, you haven't fully recovered. Why don't you go back to your mother-in-law's courtyard with your mother? Just don't go back to your empty villa alone. You don't even have a servant. Who will take care of you?"

As Qin yunpei tidies up his clothes, he persuades him. Lin Yiqi silently helps, burying his head without saying a word.

Yue Yan was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at the two figures who were busy for him, and he was so happy that he could hardly close his mouth.

He said to Qin yunpei: "who said that my villa is empty, my sister is preparing to apply for my nanny, she also said that she will serve me in place, mom, do you want me to employ her?"

Lin Yiqi suddenly turned back and shot a cold arrow at him: "Yue Yan, what are you talking about in front of your aunt?"

"Which of my words is not true? You've been sleeping with me for so long, and now you want to turn over? No way Yue Yan complained like a little daughter-in-law.

Qin yunpei doesn't smile. She has been used to watching the two fight for wisdom and courage together for a long time, and never stops.

Because of the relationship between his career and his family, Yue Yan always seems inhuman and aggressive. Only in front of Lin Yiqi can he show his childish playful nature. She hopes Lin Yiqi will stay with him, so that she can see more smiling sons. Lin Yiqi was confused and turned to Qin yunpei to complain: "Auntie, don't listen to him. We're not that kind of relationship!"“ All right! All right! Does it matter? Even if you live together, aunt will not say anything, aunt is very open-minded! " Yue Yan chuckled: "cough! Since my mother doesn't mind, I'll just accept you to live in my house! You'll come back with me later! " Lin Yiqi is about to seriously reject it when Qin yunpei, who is aware of Yue Yan's intention, suddenly cuts in“ Yi Qi, Yue Yan, he still needs someone to take care of him. If you are not busy, go and watch him for me. Don't let him make trouble everywhere. He doesn't like to live in the courtyard of Yue's family, and he doesn't want my aunt. I really don't worry about him alone... "Qin yunpei's excuse extinguished her refusal. It's true that she has nowhere to go now and has no money. Besides, she is responsible for Yue Yan's injury. No matter how she recovers, she can leave at ease. It's a good way to have the best of both worlds to stay at Yue Yan's house“ All right, Auntie! For your face, I'll take care of your son for you! "“ Thank you Qin yunpei held her hand in her hand, "you are such a good child! Call me if you need anything at home. I'll buy it for you. If he bullies you, you can tell me. I'll help you clean him up! " Lin Yiqi glanced at Yue Yan and said, "don't be partial to him then."“ OK, I promise to be on your side! Yi Qi, from today on, I will give Yue Yan to you with ease! "