Chapter 119

Lin Yiqi meditates and looks at Zhou Ling's face tenderly, which is full of the maintenance of the other party's bundle. A girl with a simple heart like Zhou Ling can really protect her for the sake of the person she likes.

And what about her? She thinks that she is not suitable to fall in love, let alone fall in love with people like Fang Shu. They only hurt each other when they are together.

She is very envious of Zhou Ling and hopes that she will be happy, but she will no longer be amorous and tug for them.

She finally let go: "it's not his fault, it's not your fault, it's the fault of the person who broke the door. That person is unforgivable. I will kill her if I know who it is!"

Lin Yiqi said it as if it was true. His fierce expression didn't look like putting it on to frighten people.

"Xuejie... Are you so violent?" Zhou ningse shrunk his neck and his face was wrinkled.

"Ah, you are really stupid and naive!" Lin Yiqi rubbed her hair helplessly, thought for a while, and said, "next time you encounter this kind of thing, you'll find something to smash the door, or... Hey! By the way, can't I use the room phone? "

Lin Yiqi then remembers that she forgot to cut off the phone. She goes to the bedside to have a close look and finds that the telephone line is intact. Can Fang Shu not think of calling the front desk for help? It's impossible!

In fact, Zhou Ling was also very confused. She came over and said, "Mr. Fang has called and said that no one answered."

Lin Yiqi has no time to hesitate. He picks up the receiver and dials the number at the front desk. There is only one ring and he answers

Strange... Is the signal on the ship bad? Compared with the top-level internal configuration of the Hastert, there should be no such omission. But why can't I get the phone for half an hour and can I get it again when the door is opened?

Or is Fang Shu lying?

Lin Yiqi racked his brains and couldn't figure out why. However, he felt more and more strange about the ship.

She fell asleep late that night. She was very tired all day, but she couldn't sleep at ease. The next day, everyone woke up naturally. When the leader knocked on the door, Lin Yiqi was told that Fang Shu had to return early because he had official business to deal with in China.

Fang Shu left without a word, and Lin Yiqi was inevitably disappointed. After lunch, the boat will dock. According to the schedule, they will go hiking in the valley or experience some breathtaking aerial events.

Before getting off the ship, Lin Yiqi grabbed a staff member and wanted to inquire about yesterday.

"Excuse me, do you sometimes have bad signals on board?"

The staff member replied politely: "our cruise ship is equipped with the most advanced navigation communication equipment in the world today. The communication signal to the Antarctic will not be affected, let alone on the Danube River."

"Then... Why can't I get through to the guest room phone yesterday?"

"Oh? Is it between 7 and 8 last night? "

Lin Yiqi recalled, nodded.

"Well, yesterday, the senior management of Hastert company came to inspect the work and routinely check various facilities. That's why they were affected. We have a sign at the front desk. Maybe you didn't notice it. "

"So it is! Thank you for telling me! "

Lin Yiqi finally showed his face in a depressed night and went to play happily.

After the outdoor trip, Tianheng and his party went back to Fangshu's castle, where they had a rest for two days, visited the town, tasted local food, and then took the opportunity to return home.

After getting off the plane, Lin Yiqi has his own special car to pick up and take off, and does not travel with ordinary employees.

Tianheng also ushered in a rainy autumn day. On the way back to the hotel, the rain is still getting bigger and bigger. The windshield is full of big broken raindrops, and the road ahead can't be seen clearly.

The driver turned on the fog lights and emergency lights and moved on slowly. As he was on the evening flight, there were not many vehicles on the road when he returned to the city. Lin Yiqi was not so worried when he sat in the back.

She was just closing her eyes and listening to the light music coming from the earphone. Suddenly, she felt that the speed of the car slowed down and finally stopped.

"Miss Lin, the traffic police are checking the car."

Lin Yiqi opened his eyes and saw that there were three traffic policemen standing in front of the car with black umbrellas. He motioned the driver to get out of the car for inspection with his baton.


After getting her consent, the driver got off with his driver's license. Lin Yiqi sat in the car and silently observed their law enforcement. Only after the driver and the traffic police had said a few words, the two traffic police forced the driver into the police car, and the other traffic police came up to her and knocked on her window.

She pushed a button to open a seam and asked, "what's the matter, comrade policeman?"

"Get out of the car!"

The tone of the traffic policeman was not friendly. Lin Yiqi was a little upset at the moment, but he didn't mean to disobey him. He just wanted to ask clearly: "can I ask, what's wrong with the driver?"

"I told you to get out of the car!"

Lin Yiqi's mouth irritated him even more. His angry eyes were wide open, and the roaring saliva sprayed on Lin Yiqi's face. Not only that, she even saw the muzzle of the gun on the windowsill!

The rainy night was as dark as ink, but with the help of the ceiling lamp in the car, she was sure that she was not wrong. It was a gun! She couldn't think about it. She immediately gave him an ugly smile and said, "don't get excited, comrade police. I'll come down now." Lin Yiqi put his hand on his chest and made a surrender. The gun of the traffic police came to her waist and forced her to get on the police car. After sitting down, she was surprised to find that the driver next to her was tied up in all sorts of ways. Leaning on the back of the chair, she had lost consciousness, and her mouth was still stuffed with a towel. It turns out that she did not commit a big crime that should be shot, but was kidnapped by a kidnapper disguised as a traffic policeman!! Just when she realized that she was a fish in a pond, the kidnappers didn't give her time to think about countermeasures. They quickly knocked her back neck with the handle of a gun. As soon as she was dark, she turned into a "living corpse" like the driver When he wakes up again, Lin Yiqi has no idea what year and month he is living. Her first reaction was that she wanted to throw up the towel in her mouth and yell to God: "go to your mother's God, I've been kidnapped three times!" But she couldn't do it. She could only hold a towel and let out a long whimper. Even the cockroaches ten meters away turned a deaf ear to her. Naturally, no other living creature would know that she was imprisoned here. In the past, she would not have considered the advice of superintendent Hao, but now she has come to realize that if she has the chance to go out alive, she will definitely catch all the kidnappers from the police, which is enough to vent her anger! After she calmed down, she tried to see her environment clearly. The wall is made of iron sheet, and the regular ups and downs on it are very familiar, but Lin Yi couldn't remember where he had seen it. The room was rectangular, wide and long. There was only a round window as big as a basketball, which let in some sunshine. Lin Yiqi couldn't see the scenery outside the window because she was tied to an iron ring welded on the floor and couldn't move. Sadly, she leaned her head against the wall, her face as gray as death. She had nothing to do except wait for the kidnappers to come and report to her family. In order to attract the jackals and tigers hiding in the dark, she kicked the iron wall with her feet. Soon, the three fake traffic policemen opened the door and came in wearing casual clothes. At that moment, Lin Yiqi's only thought was: I was locked in a containe