Chapter 17

After finishing lunch, Lin Yiqi and Yu Wenli parted ways. Although there were nearly a thousand people in Tianheng headquarters, the two high-profile people went in and out at the same time. This kind of little gossip can also spread wildly. As an airborne army, Lin Yiqi's eyes were staring at her. It's also good for Yu Wenli to leave.

When Lin Yiqi returns to his seat, he finds the door of the reference room on the opposite side half closed. He thinks that he doesn't care who goes in to look for the information. After a while, a scream comes out of it, which makes her shocked.

She walked in with a serious look and found that there was a lot of space here. There were five bookshelves as high as the school library. She went to the inside and saw people.

Han Kexin? How could it be her?

Lin Yiqi wants to turn around and go, but he can see Han Kexin standing beside the bookshelf like dementia, with a pile of A4 paper scattered at her feet. Knowing that she is in trouble, he can't bear to pretend not to see her.

Lin Yiqi hides his disgust for her and goes over to ask: "are you ok? Didn't you get hit? "

Han Kexin saw that she was the one who came, and he was ungrateful: "what? You sound like you wish I had an accident! "

Lin Yiqi gave out two "ha ha" dry smiles from his throat and explained: "how is this possible? If you're OK, I'll go out! "

"Who is that! You stop for me

Lin Yiqi turned his head blankly: "is there anything else?"

Han Kexin pointed to her, and then pointed to the mess: "you! Sort out all the files on the floor! Make sure the things are in place by 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. "

"Me?" Lin Yiqi felt puzzled, "Why me? Don't you understand the principle that who pollutes and who governs? You are so smart

Lin Yiqi has never been a soft persimmon, and Han Kexin is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In the Ministry of justice, Han Kexin has the support of her minister. Who is Lin Yiqi? How dare she argue with her?

"Oh! Do you think you have the right to ask why in your present situation? " Han Kexin walked past her with her arms around her chest, but she didn't forget to remind her, "if you don't finish it at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, you can't come to work, never! Remember! Not a second later! "

Han Kexin "bang" to the door, Lin Yiqi gas straight jump feet, hands to a head of hair grasp in a mess. She thinks that she is a generous person. No matter how the opponent attacks her, she suffers one by one and pays back. However, she can't bear the pressure from one side. Han Kexin clearly deliberately causes trouble and wants to take the opportunity to drive her away? Then she'll stay!

Lin Yiqi puffed out his disorderly hair in front of his forehead, rolled up his sleeve and opened it. She picked up the paper carefully and found that it was as thick as two civil law books! Do evil! Thousands of pages of cases, or the same type of case documents, do not sleep incessantly, she has to do it alone, the sun will set tomorrow to complete it?

Although the heart is desperate, but she is more stubborn, no longer complaining, began to sort out. This was done for several hours, until the light outside the window darkened and she couldn't see the words clearly. Then she realized that she had missed the dinner. I want to touch my mobile phone to see the time, but I find it's not with me. I have to go out first. When I get to the door, I find that I can't open the door handle.

"No? I don't want to play like this Lin Yiqi felt a sense of foreboding in his heart. Sure enough, with a click, his eyes suddenly turned dark, "damn!"

Lin Yiqi completely lost her demeanor, and in her heart, she said hello to Han Kexin's ancestors for 18 generations. She was sure that she was the snake and scorpion woman. Not believing in evil, she tried to open the lock several times, but the quality of the lock was too good to move. The legal department usually leaves work at five o'clock. Looking at the weather outside, it's almost seven o'clock now. There's no light. It's gloomy and a bit crowded here.

No, she can't wait to die. She slapped the door hard, and the palm of her hand turned red and hot. She tore her voice and cried out, "is there anyone outside? Is anyone there Can you open the door for me? I'm locked in Hello! Come on! Is there anyone

Lin Yiqi's voice echoed one after another in the open office area, but no one would agree. It's cloudy and sunny in spring. There's a sudden rainstorm outside the window. The thunder is booming. The strong wind makes the window sound loud and loud. There's lightning coming in. The bright and dark reference room begins to cool down. She's afraid that a pale face will flash in front of her next second, so she can only hide behind the bookshelf, cover her face, shrink to the corner and dare not move.

It was already 8:00 p.m. when Fang Shu finished his inspection. On his way back, he was caught in a rainstorm and a landslide. As a result, he was trapped on the mountain for three hours. It was already past 1:00 a.m. when he rushed back to his apartment. The light in the living room is dark. Maybe she has fallen asleep.

He went to her door quietly, put his hand on the doorknob, tried to twist it, but didn't lock the door. An inexplicable joy arises spontaneously. However, when he went in, he found that Lin Yiqi was not there. His eyes sank, and he was very dissatisfied with her behavior of not returning home at night.

So he immediately took out his mobile phone to call her, rang for a long time no one answered, and then called Chi's home, Lin Xihua said she didn't go back today, where did she go?

Did you go to find Yue Yan? Fang Shu thought of this, his face was a bit more gloomy, and he continued to dial Ah Wei's number: "where's Lin Yiqi?"

Ah Wei's tone sounds very unexpected: "Miss Lin is not in the apartment?"“ When was the last time you saw her? " Fang Shu picks up the coat he just took off and walks into the elevator“ In the morning, in the administration department on the fifth floor. After I sent her to check in, I went out on business and never saw her again. "“ She's missing. " The elevator mirror reflected Fang Shu's tired face at the moment. When she came back, she was still relaxed. Unconsciously, could the woman easily control his mood“ How is that possible? She should not leave the hotel! Are you working overtime? " Fang Shu didn't agree with his guess: "no, when did the company's legal department work overtime? What's more, it's two in the morning. " Ah Wei found out the seriousness of the matter and said in a hurry, "I'll come to the hotel right away." When Ah Wei arrives, Fang Shu and he go to the security department to adjust the monitoring, and the four security guards on duty help. From the monitoring in the morning, we can see every picture of Lin Yiqi. Fang Shu stands alone, his back against the wall. If we measure the temperature of his whole body now, it should have dropped to below zero. His long, narrow, single eyelids, which were not gentle, were restless and angry at the moment. When he saw Lin Yiqi and a strange man in contact with the picture, his eyes a convergence, his head away. After several confirmations, others found that Lin Yiqi didn't come out again after he returned to the 17th floor after lunch. In order to protect employees' privacy, Tianheng only installed monitoring at the elevator entrance of each floor, so they couldn't determine the specific location of Lin Yiqi. So a group of six people went to the 17th floor to launch a carpet search“ Look for each other separately, and you can't let go of every corner! "“ Yes, Mr. Fang! " In the past, he would calmly sit in an office chair and wait for the result, but this time, he could not sit still. Simply joined the search team, from the outside began to find, toilet staircase ran all over, fruitless. When he returned to the elevator, a security guard ran up to him and told him, "Mr. Fang! There's a room over there that's locked. There's a mobile phone on the desk outside. It's probably miss Lin's Fang Shu answered in a hurry: "take me!" The security guard took him to a closed door. He looked up at the reference room and probably guessed the cause and effect of the incident. His eyes suddenly changed and gave off a violent atmosphere. "The key?" he asked the security guard The security guard was slightly embarrassed: "the key of each floor is kept by the minister. In order to ensure the safety of internal information, the security room is not allowed to have a backup." Fang Shu was silent for a while. He turned and left. When he came back, he was carrying a fire hydrant in his hand: "get out of the way!" The others scattered, Fang Shu raised the fire hydrant and smashed the door lock. With his power, he violently unlocked the door“ Lin Yiqi Fang Shu shouts, "Lin Yiqi!" Lin Yiqi, who is sleeping against the corner, hears someone calling his name. He suddenly wakes up and asks intuitively, "Yue Yan... Is that you, Yue Yan? I am here! Yue... "As soon as Lin Yiqi stood up for 2 seconds, he fell to the ground with a plop because his legs kept a posture for too long. She forced herself to sit up, and a pair of black shoes full of mud appeared in her sight. If he hadn't heard that name, maybe he would have held her in his arms now. She looked up and found that it was him... All the grievances she suffered today poured into her nose and brain in this second. It was also in this second that she found that she fell in love with him“ How can you... "Lin Yiqi." His head was low, the corners of his mouth trembled, and his name was not warm. After interrupting her, he raised his eyebrows and gazed at her. She clearly saw the funny expression on his face, which had been forced to the mouth full of grievances, and was quickly forced to swallow by her, stabbing the organ in the chest very painful“ Look at what you look like now... What are you without me? " The square speech is full of satire. He slowly inserts his hands into his trouser pocket and looks so calm. Where can Lin Yiqi stand more blows, not to mention the blow from the person in front of her... Although she stifled the wailing back, her tears still flowed down quietly, but her face was frozen white, and she could not feel the faint temperature of tears. She stood up against the wall and looked at him without saying a word, but it was enough to make Fang Shuo's hand tremble in his pants pocket. She wanted to confirm the emotion in his eyes again. Yes, it was ridicule, it was disdain. It turned out that she was amorous before. She closed her eyes in despair, and two or three tears ran down her cheeks. When she opened them again, the soul in her pupils had already flown away. Lin Yiqi wiped away her tears, picked up the unfinished file, held it in her arms, and strode toward the door. When she passed him, even Yu Guang didn't stay on him. She just wanted to leave here as soon as possible, leaving the place where she didn't want to come in any more.