Li Mobai once lamented in his last life that he is a witness to history.

We've hit all the big things we can't touch in our lives.

It has witnessed the rise of the country and the hardships of ordinary people's life.

In Li Mobai's opinion, it's really not easy for ordinary people to get a salary of 5000 or 6000.

First, buying a house is a difficulty.

Empty six wallets and get in the car. Then began to pay off the mortgage.

Marry a daughter-in-law and have children. Raising children requires a lot of money.

The pressure is really too much.

There's another premise. You have to be healthy.

If you're not healthy, it's all in vain. One disease destroys all.

The most irritating thing is that you have to be strong not only yourself, but also your friends and parents. Even close relatives must be healthy.

If a person has something three long and two short, half of your life will have to be sent in.

It's hard for ordinary people.

This is why many people begin to hate those successful businessmen from worship.

Originally, we were ignorant. I saw your cowhide. Think you're a dragon slayer who broke the old order. I'm a great man, so I worship you!

Excited to call you father horse!

There are some big men, 100 million, for many people, they can't earn money in ten lives. But others said that it was just a small goal!

What is a small goal? I don't care about anything else. I'll make 100 million first!

It'll be done in less than a day.

Listen, listen, is it human? The gap between the rich and the poor is not a little big. It's big and scary.

A society is most afraid of class solidification!

As the old saying goes, running water does not rot, and the cardinal does not bark.

Don't think about these troubles. Li Mobai asked his old father to see that chicken farms and pig farms were set up.

The old father went to find a way about the money. If you have no money, go to the bank for a loan.

Find a professional to be a technical consultant.

What can Li Mingwu say. I can't say anything. Then do as your son says.

They raise chickens and pigs. It seems that it won't be long before we have to consider setting up another pig slaughterhouse.

I hope my son is reliable. Not in Yanjing.

Li Mobai asked Professor Zhou Bainong for help and asked him for his ideas.

Professor Zhou said that large-scale aquaculture is the inevitable trend of aquaculture in the future.

The model of farmers' free range is wasteful, with less income, and the health problem can not be guaranteed.

In the next few years, it will be eliminated one after another.

As a reborn person, Li Mobai certainly knows this truth. So he wants large-scale breeding!

He hoped that Professor Zhou Bainong would help him recommend the top players in the industry to be the technical director.

Money is not a problem!

Professor Zhou Bailong readily agreed.

This is actually the best thing for both of us. Because Li Mobai needs expert technical guidance.

Experts also need a large enough platform to study and conduct various experiments to find various possible problems.

It's like a car produced. No matter how you check the possible problems on the assembly line, it's not as good as asking him to run 100000 kilometers first.

Practice makes true knowledge!

Zhou Bainong assured Li Mobai that some experts would agree to it.

After hanging up the phone, Li Mobai stared at the computer screen in a daze.

He wondered what he was going to do next?

The first is to get through all video websites and novel websites with the help of penguin's huge traffic. This thing is already being done now.

Then, open penguin's login permission. Users can also choose to log in with Penguin account when logging in to their · other · network · station.

This is actually very important. Greatly improve the loyalty of users!

Implement an account that can log in to all websites. So that users do not have to set so many account passwords, which not only facilitates users, but also makes the cornerstone of penguin more stable!

As for Yao guangqun: "...!"

"Yes! Yes. I'll ask the technical department to improve and strive for excellence." Yao guangqun is convinced by Li Mobai.

Because Li Mobai is a real cowhide!

He can always give excellent advice.

The effect is very effective!

Basically, any idea of Li Mobai can greatly improve the market share of penguins!

It's really awesome.

Li Mobai knows that this penguin will be an important pillar in the future. It is a long sword that relies on heaven.

So he attaches great importance to it!

Fortunately, Yao guangqun's ability is really speechless. Under his leadership, penguins have developed rapidly.

Although it is said that primary school students are the main force for the development and growth of penguins. Let Li Mobai feel ashamed.

But there's no way! All Li Mobai can do is let penguins take off the hat of the stronghold king.

If you don't follow the old path of your previous life and see what project is good, you can directly rely on your huge number of penguin users to come to the cottage. With the name of penguin in front, go brazenly whale and swallow the blood and sweat of ordinary people!

This is what Li Mobai dislikes most.

Because such a practice is no different from a hooligan.

The antitrust law deals with such evil giants.

A fine of several hundred million is light!