Be a man. The most important thing is to be happy.

Zhu Yan understood this sentence quite well.

With a goal, he can dance around the court excitedly.

Sun Xingjian also hesitated. Should they send someone to defend Zhu Yan.

It's their turn to attack. It's still full pressure. After all, there are more people to attack.

Sun Xingjian pulls to the left, directly shakes his body, presses Zhou can with speed from the right, and throws his right hand horizontally behind Judy!

Judy just caught the ball in his hand, and a palm also touched the ball at the same time. The ball fell to the ground. Julie immediately grabbed it. The man bullied teacher Judy into his arms, and his right shoulder resisted Judy's sinking shape. It was a magnificent thing with amazing elasticity in the top!

If Zhu Yan was fat, he would be excited at the moment.

But the man was very calm. He broke the basketball directly under her right rib. With a flat push, Zhu Yan easily sent two points.

Judy is a fool.

It's very fierce. Is it a robot?

After strenuous exercise, her crystal sweat appeared on her snow-white skin, which was even more pleasing to the eye!

However, Li Mobai broke the ball from himself twice in a row, which also aroused Judy's competitive heart, an old American sports top student.

Pan Ying ran forward, patted teacher Judy and comforted her, "it's all right. It's all my fault. I didn't stop the boy."

Judy: it's okay. We can win

Li Mobai: "...!"

"Fat man, obscene development. Don't wave!" Li Mobai shouted.

Zhu Yan: "...!"

"I wipe. You're talented. That's really brilliant!" Zhu Yan stopped dancing and silently gave Li Mobai a thumbs up.

Obscene development, don't wave.

This is a classic line in a national mobile game.

Pan Ying stared at Li Mobai, hummed, ran to the bottom line and served.

The opponent continued to attack. Sun Xingjian pressed the center line and dragged forward. He didn't move forward and threw the ball to Judy.

Yang Meimei Judy carefully observed the defensive formation. Suddenly, a cross cut drove Zhou can's body. After the beautiful basketball alternated left and right under the slender legs, she quickly turned around with her left hand to kill the inside line.

At this time, sun Xingjian took a step forward to hold Huang Feilong. There was only one Li Mobai in front of her.

Judy smiled triumphantly, his body was in the air, and the ball in his hand passed from the back of his head to pan Ying at the bottom line.

At this time, pan Ying has no defense and has a good chance. Maybe it's a little far away. I'm afraid she can't hit the standing shot. She takes the ball from the bottom line and takes a little two steps forward. Only then can she raise her body and throw it.

As soon as the ball was shot, I heard a loud bang. The shot ball was shocked back by a strong reaction!

The next second, a figure appeared in the air. Pan Ying couldn't believe it. She was actually covered with a big hot pot.

The figure that fell at the same time was a hateful face, a face that made him gnash his teeth when he remembered it.

Li Mobai, who cut his beard on the way, made a helpless expression and whispered, "you should vote directly."

"You!" Pan Ying angrily ran out to pick up the ball and shook her hand to Judy.

Judy didn't look at it and immediately sent it back to pan Ying. Pan Ying jumped again and as like as two peas, the ball went back again.

Normal people will get up from where they fall.

However, pan Ying will fall again wherever she falls.

The time difference between the two falls is less than ten seconds. This makes the always conceited monitor and class flower can't stand it.

I'm so old that I haven't been so angry.

Pan Ying, who has always been proud and conceited, is anxious and angry. The next second, her eyes seem to contain tears.


Not really.

It's just a basketball game.

Do you want this.

Didn't you say friendship first and competition second?

Seeing pan Ying's wronged appearance, the foreign beauty Judy leaned over and said painfully, "don't be sad, the teacher will help you teach him a lesson."

In fact, Li Mobai was wronged. He didn't mean it.

Just now when Judy passed the ball, he judged the right direction, but pan Ying, a silly girl, was too hasty. Gave yourself a chance.

Pan Ying picked up the ball from the field and passed it to Judy. Judy, who was full of milk and fat buttocks, pulled to the bottom line. It seems that she wants to beat Li Mobai.

Li Mobai was half bent and absorbed. Her steps seemed empty. Judy seemed to have a look of anger. After all, Li Mobai even gave pan Ying two hot pots just now. She was a girl, which hurt people's hearts.

As a teacher, although we should not be partial to either side.

But. As both women, Judy wants to avenge pan Ying.

Li Mobai stared at the well-defined pretty face in front of him. No wonder Zhu Yan was distracted just now. Compared with oriental girls, this face with the characteristics of Western beauty has a magic that makes you sink in and want to see it again.

Natasha is already in great shape.

Judy is more popular than Natasha.

It seems that Lao Mei has finished blasting old hair in this regard.

Of course, Li Mobai is not as promising as Zhu Yan. His heart is like water. It's a strict defense against Judy.

The ball alternated left and right under Judy's beautiful legs. Suddenly, after receiving the ball with his left hand, which should continue to dribble between the beautiful legs, he did not beat it to the right as before, but turned around with the ball on the right leg as the axis and got rid of Li Mobai obliquely.

Li Mobai reacted very quickly and grabbed the front with a lunge. Unexpectedly, Judy didn't insert forward, but received the ball with her right hand. Once again, with her left foot as the axis, she leaned against Li Mobai and turned left!

It was a very difficult double change, pull back and turn around!

Huang Feilong has been squeezed in front of sun Xingjian again. Judy has no defense in front of him. He is facing the basket. He jumps up, shakes his hands, makes a small arc and shoots.

Perfect. The passing shot is perfect. Only the sun Xingjian outside shouted, be careful, the ball that had just left Judy's fingertips was jumped into the air by a person behind her, pulled to her waist and landed on the ground!

Judy is still wondering why the ball is missing?

Li Mobai has another long pass. Sun Xingjian runs obliquely and jumps to break the ball. After all, he is still a little ahead!

Li Mobai passes the ball to Zhu Yan again. Zhu Yan gets the ball, another three-step layup, and the ball scores!

With the cooperation of Li Mobai, Zhu Yan scored six points in a row, while pan Ying's Banhua team didn't score a point.

There were boos on the field.

The combination of handsome boys and beautiful women was beaten by the beast team, which is really sad for the majority of spectators.

Huang Feilong ran over, beat Li Mobai on the chest and shouted, "good job. You can. No worse than sun Xingjian!"

Li Mo was white with black lines on his face.

In fact, he was most afraid of being compared with others.

Once compared, there is more right and wrong.

In fact, he doesn't have much desire to win or lose. But that doesn't mean others don't. Meaningless comparison, it's better to stay away.