Li Mobai and Hai Mingwei made a serious analysis of the world.

The imperial sister is worried about the expansion of Li Mobai's ambition. He wanted to do everything and failed in the end.

After all, through the ages, too many heroes fell on this greedy word.

Li Mobai knew she was kind. After all, people's energy is limited.

A food industry has been busy enough for a long time. It's really unrealistic to get involved in so many industries at the beginning!

And some industries don't want to get involved. They don't have contacts. Basically, no matter how well you want to start, you will pull over, because you don't have any details!

But Li Mobai can use people.

He knew that it was difficult to kill a sky with his own strength. So he has a wide range of talents.

As for the details. Haimingwei is his inside story.

The relationship between myself and the imperial sister now is even higher.

I risked my life to save you. This friendship must be worth some money.

Haimingwei was moved by Li Mobai's confidence. Immediately put forward a proposal, as long as Li Mobai can make a down payment of 1.5 million in the early stage.

When the money was in place, the bank lent. Before the loan is paid off, the Li family only has the right to use and manage the food factory, and other relevant property rights will not be transferred temporarily.

When the loan is paid off, the next handover procedures will be carried out.

Li Mobai: "...!"

Haimingwei's proposal is really flawless.

But for Li Mobai, it's a little heartbreaking. Good guy, where are you anti thief?

I thought I should enjoy the privilege of our relationship. I didn't expect it. Or be treated as passers-by!

It's terrible.

"How's it going? Don't you mind!" Hai Mingwei still cares. Li Mobai really wants to explode in situ.

"That's a wonderful idea. It's watertight. Do I not let you trust me?" Li Mobai turned his eyes.

Hai Mingwei: "...!"

Hearing this, a trace of intolerance flashed on her face. However, she still expressed a clear attitude: "friendship is friendship, and principle is principle."

Even if it's a close relative, Hai Mingwei has to follow the rules.

Li Mobai was speechless. ok In the future, you can simply change your name to haiqingtian.

After dinner, Li Mobai thought of the strange thing dug out under his old ginkgo tree. He asked Hai Mingwei if she knew any experts in archaeology.

"Well, don't you have an Archaeology Department in Yanda? But I remember it seems that the population is withering. It seems that only single digit students can be enrolled every year. But the professors in it are academic leaders. I don't know them. But I can help you inquire!" Hemingway was generous this time.

Li Mobai nodded. He planned to take some photos after he had a camera and ask the academic bulls for advice!

"When will you go back to Yanjing?" Hai Mingwei suddenly said a little sad when they walked out of the hotel.

Li Mobai: "tomorrow's ticket. When you get off the plane, you have to rush to class!"

Haimingwei nodded and said with emotion, "I suddenly want to go back to Yanjing to work!"

Li Mobai didn't understand the meaning and said, "why? You're homesick."

Hai Mingwei: "...!"

"I think your sister wants to go away." the imperial sister suddenly blew up inexplicably.

Li Mobai was confused. What's going on? It was fine just now?

"You, lend me your car. I have a driver's license!" Li Mo's eyes greedy for Haimingwei's black car! The atmosphere is calm. It looks very classy.

Haimingwei shivered with anger, and her slender jade hands clenched into fists. She wanted to hit Li Mo's white face hard, but finally she stifled it.

"Get out of here quickly." Haimingwei angrily left.

Li Mobai: "you gave me a ride. Let me walk back?"

"Find your own way!" the imperial sister ignored him and stepped on the accelerator and left.

"Crazy!" Li Mobai raised his middle finger at the car exhaust pipe.

Gas returns to gas, and I expect others to be my backer. We can't really turn our face.

According to Li Mobai's instructions, Zhu Qingzhi contacted Starcom. Sure enough, they do have plans to run away.

It is impossible to carry out business without waiting for the release of policies. Spending a lot of money every day is too much for an ordinary technology company.

Starcom has also thought about discussing cooperation and accepting investment with some Ming enterprises. But few people are interested.

They are all human spirits!

What if you're a swagger?

Your technology, industry and information technology department is prohibited. No matter how advanced it is, it's bullshit.

At first, Starcom asked for $5 million. Directly kicked out by the local tyrant. I almost didn't catch them as psychopaths.

Five million?

Are you a bandit going down the mountain?

How dare you!

What a black heart!

After being thrown at by all kinds of people, Starcom finally recognized the situation. Know you're nothing!

The quotation is getting lower and lower!

It's 1.5 million!

Now what Starcom headquarters means is to get rid of it and try to recover the losses as much as possible.

But even so, no one is interested!

The emergence of Zhu Qingzhi is a life-saving straw.

The two sides had in-depth communication and exchange, and Zhu Qingzhi basically had a bottom in his heart!

"About 1.3 million, you can win it. Starcom Mingguo branch has begun to lay off staff. The headquarters of Murray is very dissatisfied with the actions of Mingguo branch in recent years. There are a lot of opinions," reported Zhu qingzhihui.

Li Mobai: "...!"

"Normal, understandable. After all, I've been losing money over the years. I didn't make a penny, and it's reasonable to have opinions." Li Mobai is also a boss now. He can understand the boss's mood.

No matter how generous the boss is, it is impossible to sit back and watch the following branches lose millions and make no progress.

Unless it's running for charity!

But the problem is, how good it is to give money directly to charity. Why go around in such a big circle?

"1.3 million? HMM! Acceptable. Try to bargain again. They are eager to get away with killing as many as they can. I don't think there will be any statement for another 100000 or 80000!" Li Mobai thought.

"OK! I see. I'll report to you the latest situation as soon as possible." Zhu Qingzhi said quickly.

Li Mobai and Ben Hemingway were a little depressed, and now they feel much better!

1.3 million won Starcom's PHS technology. It's really not a loss!

Made a lot of money.

What is it called? It's called the future.

It seems that this rebirth is good.

Men have to rely on themselves. Women are unreliable!