Grandpa communicated with Natasha in Russian. This is amazing and unexpected!

Natasha was equally shocked. She couldn't believe that the old man of Ming Dynasty could speak Russian. Although it is the characteristic Russian of the Ming Dynasty, she is still surprised.

"When we went to school, the foreign language we learned was Russian. At that time, English was not popular. If we wanted to enter the University, we had to know some Russian!" Grandpa explained proudly.

Li Mobai: "...!"

"Cowhide. Grandpa is mighty!" Li Mobai said convinced.

Grandpa's student stage coincided with the honeymoon period between the Ming Dynasty and Russia. The relations between the two countries are highly friendly! Russia gave Ming a lot of aid programs.

Tens of thousands of Russian engineers came to the Ming Dynasty to help establish a complete industrial system. At that time, there was no doubt about the help to the state of Ming.

Therefore, at that time, learning Russian was a trend!

There are guests at home. He is also an international friend. Of course, you have to give it a good treat. After all, this is the most important thing in the Ming Dynasty.

Li Mingwu called his wife. Let her come back early. There are guests at home. Let's get together!

Dai Ruyu hurried back on her bicycle!

Li Mobai took Natasha to visit her home, especially her room.

Natasha's eyes lit up when she saw Li Mobai's laptop. She asked Li Mobai if the computer could access the Internet?

Li Mobai: "... Of course. The Internet speed may be a little slow!"

"No problem. I want to send an email to my family. Share my photos with my family during my trip!" Natasha said excitedly.

Such a reasonable request, of course, should be met. Li Mobai readily agreed. Then Natasha began to take out the memory card in the camera and upload it.

Li Mobai's computer is now the top computer. Natasha said the system was smooth.

Nonsense, Li Mobai only works, does not install junk software, and does not play games. Of course, it feels great.

Because the awesome speed is not enough. It takes time to upload photos. Mom just came back. So they went downstairs and let the computer upload it by themselves.

As soon as the old mother saw Natasha, good guy, her eyes widened in an instant.

Well, isn't the girl in good shape. Tall and big. In the state of sheming, even the hottest Shao Fu doesn't have such a great figure.

Different from Li Mingwu's careless character, Dai Ruyu's first reaction was to worry about whether his son was spoiled by the foreign girl. Go astray or something.

The child is still young. Health is the most important thing. You can't do it blindly. It's a lifetime thing to break your body.

I have to say, it's being careful!

However, Dai Ruyu looked at his son's vigorous and energetic appearance again. I'm relieved again!

Um. That means he wasn't sucked dry by Natasha. That's okay!

Indeed. Li Mobai is now like a fully charged charging treasure. There is no chance of discharge at all. Naturally, there will be no collapse.

If Li Mobai had any dark circles under his eyes. If you walk more softly, it is estimated that Dai Ruyu will have to call the police.

This ocean horse is sucking my son up. Comrade police inspector, you don't care!

Although I'm a little afraid. But Dai Ruyu managed to arrange a table of good dishes quickly.

Ming cuisine is invincible in the world. No rebuttal!

My ancestors thought about eating. No one can compare with them in this regard.

Although it's just a homely dish. But Natasha said it was great. Great. It tastes great.

Russian recipes, sausage, bread, Da lieba! Plus vodka, sour cucumber or something. Can this be compared with the delicacies of the Ming Dynasty?

It's just a simple home cooked dish. If there are several complex classic delicacies, such as farewell my concubine, it is estimated that Natasha's eyes will pop out.

At the dinner table, Natasha didn't mean to praise. Good guy, give Dai Ruyu to Meimei. My heart is in full bloom.

All the little disagreements with Natasha in my heart were put down at the moment. She warmly asked Natasha to eat more. You're welcome, just like at home.

The atmosphere of this dinner, not to mention how great.

Li Mobai can feel it. In fact, the family has not been so lively for a long time!

The big guys ate and drank. The dinner lasted more than two hours.

Natasha is cheerful and well-educated. You can talk to your family!

Dai Ruyu also tentatively asked Natasha what she did at home?

Natasha said that her father was an officer and her mother was a doctor! Grandpa is a university professor, grandpa is the chief engineer of a large factory!

Good guy, this proper Kochi family. To tell the truth, such a family background, if placed in the Ming Dynasty, is not what the Li family can climb up.

That's the truth.

Although it is said that it is no longer a feudal society. However, the gate valve still exists.

Apart from other things, for now, city people just look down on country people! I feel rustic!

This is based on the fact that everyone is ordinary people. Just because the registered permanent residence is located in different places, even in a city, there is a contempt chain. If one side is a social elite, not to mention it.

Thanks to this time, the Li family also got up.

Under the gradual operation of Li Mobai, he has little savings and is developing towards a better future. Gave Li Mingwu and his wife a little confidence. Otherwise, they must be very oppressed now.

Grandpa looked at the beautiful Russian girl and Li Mobai. He thought it would be good if the two young people could develop.

Hey. What a pity. The fly in the ointment is that Li Mobai is still too young. Although I'm an adult, I haven't finished college yet. It's too early to get married and have children. Sorry.

After learning about Natasha's family, the parents' attitude became more enthusiastic.

No wonder we can cultivate such an excellent independent girl. It turns out that there is such a native family support behind it. That's amazing.

Dai Ruyu let her son learn from Natasha. Li Mobai was confused.

What do I study? Learn how Natasha plays pure men? Learn how she stood me up? If so, I strongly refuse!

After dinner, Natasha wondered if she had to help with the housework or something. Dai Ruyu sternly refused.

make fun of. There is no reason to let foreign friends work.

"You two have fun. Li Mobai, take good care of others. Be warm!" my mother told me.