Mom may be laid off.

I'm going to find her a business that makes a steady profit. There is no doubt that Li Mobai's words were mercilessly ridiculed by his parents.

Li Mobai is not angry. He immediately asked, "Dad, mom, do you know gnawing chicken? Do you think gnawing chicken business is good?"

Dai Ruyu: "the business of that foreign thing must be good. A chicken leg costs seven yuan. How much is a chicken? It's full every day. You have to earn a lot."

Li Mingwu also nodded slightly.

Things sell very expensive. Business is still so good, can't you make money?

Li Mobai: "let's make one too. Can't we make money?"

The husband and wife were stunned when they heard this from their son. This drives you crazy. What are you doing?

"Mom, don't look down on people. In this way, you can buy some chicken legs tomorrow. When you buy another chicken, I'll write you something and you'll buy all the formula. I'll teach you to do it. Make sure it tastes good." Li Mobai pointed out the maze to his mother.

Dai Ruyu suddenly chuckled. Li Mobai is inexplicable. I'm talking about business. Why are you laughing.

"OK. I see. You just want to eat chicken. OK, mom will buy it for you tomorrow. We really haven't eaten chicken for a while. Buy a fat one tomorrow. Kill the stew. The family will have a good meal." Dai Ruyu said with a smile.

Li Mobai: "..."

This, this, your brain circuit, really. I don't know whether to praise you for being smart or stupid.

"Oh, mom. I'm serious. I'm not kidding. Don't buy old hens tomorrow. Just buy ordinary chickens. After you kill them, I'll teach you how to do it." Li Mobai stamped his feet anxiously.

This mother is really. At the critical moment, her IQ drops. It makes people anxious.

"All right, just listen to your son once. Just buy it tomorrow." Li Mingwu spoke for his son in the spirit of watching the excitement.

It's just a chicken. We can still afford it.

Dai Ruyu nodded helplessly. Li Mobai wrote quickly, wrote down all the spices he wanted to buy, and told his mother to buy them all.

Early the next morning, Li Mobai waited for his mother to come back after the purchase of large and small bags.

Then chef Li went online.

"Mom, take care of it. Chop the chicken first. Remove all the chicken heads and buttocks. Chicken wings, chicken legs and a piece of chicken breast are all useful. The fried chicken nuggets eaten from the chicken are actually these raw materials. Let's marinate them first. These seasonings are prepared in proportion."

All kinds of food books that Li Mobai read in his last life came in handy. He prepared a rich material powder and pickled it.

Dai Ruyu was silly.

Where did she come into contact with this thing? She is a good hand in making braised meat, stewed ribs soup, fried green vegetables and mushrooms. But this fried chicken is really the first time I've seen her.

"We'd better have a refrigerator. Cover it with plastic wrap. Marinate it all night. It will be more delicious. But now there's no condition. When mom's business is good and you make a lot of money, we'll buy a full set of new household appliances." Li Mo said with white eyebrows.

Hearing this, Dai Ruyu slapped his son on the back of the head.

I know how to make fun of your mother.

After half an hour, add oil to the pot. When the oil is heated, put the pickled chicken into the pot and fry.

Because there is no special frying pan for fried chicken at home, the heat is a problem. Generally speaking, it will taste better if you fry it first, pick it up and then fry it again.

Li Mo taught his old mother some skills. Dai Ruyu listened carefully.

This day's lunch is a combination of Chinese and western.

The yellow and attractive fried chicken makes people drool.

"Grandpa, try it. Grandma, you can also eat less. This thing can easily lead to high blood pressure. Dad, mom, what do you think of the taste“

Li Mobai distributed fried chicken and looked forward to the comments of his family.

”Delicious. "This is the consensus of the family.

Fried chicken is a huge impact on the taste buds for the first time.

Dad instigated the chicken legs cleanly, and the chicken bones reflected light.

Although it's not easy to eat chicken these days, it's the first time my father has done this. It shows that it's really delicious.

Grandpa also smashed his mouth and said it was delicious. He only hated that he was old now and his teeth were bad. If he went back ten years ago, he would have to eat all the chicken bones.

The family burst into laughter.

Dai Ruyu commented after eating: "delicious is delicious. However, if I eat too much of this stuff, I will be tired of panic. I ate one and felt oil coming up from my throat."

Mom, this description is really amazing.

Li Mobai: "..."

"Mom, you usually eat too little meat. We saved it for us. This time you can't stand eating fried chicken like this. That's why you feel like this. But you can't carry it if you eat four or five yuan at a time. But normal people, unless they have a mine at home, who would like to eat like this. If you eat chicken, you can sell it for seven yuan. Let's sell it for four yuan. Mom, you think it's good for you Is it moist? "Li Mobai said with a smile.

Dai Ruyu's arithmetic is still very good. She immediately began to calculate.

"This chicken was bought by an acquaintance for only nine yuan and fifty cents. You sell eight yuan for these two legs? And two chicken wings? And chicken breast? And the rest of the meat? It can sell for twenty. Apart from spices, oil money and so on. Well, the profit is considerable." Dai Ruyu was a little excited.

Li Mingwu has traveled far and wide. He said: "there should be a market for this. It's much cheaper than eating chicken. Today's children want to eat eating chicken. However, the price is too high. Those parents with dead wages are actually very distressed. If they have a cheap choice, they will definitely choose a cheap one."

Hearing her husband's words, Dai Ruyu was moved.

Grandpa stopped the grandmother who wanted to oppose, and then said he supported his daughter's opening a shop. He has some money at the bottom of the box that he can lend her.

The couple quickly refused. Although it's kind, you can't take the money.

If you let your aunt know, you can't turn over rivers and seas. You have to tear down the roof. They can't afford it.

If you want to encourage your mother to take this step bravely, it's more useful for you to practice once than to preach a hundred times.

Mom just stayed in a small circle for too long. It's always around factories and families. Never seen the wider world. So there will be a sense of fear in my heart.

Dad is different. In the same era, he has the interest and courage to try new things. Here is the gap caused by vision.

"Where did you learn these things?" mother wondered.

How can a boy like his son, who doesn't touch the spring water with his fingers, have this ability?

"I saw it on the Internet. This secret recipe was accidentally leaked. It was deleted soon. Now I can't find it. Without this secret recipe, you can't make such a taste. Therefore, you have to keep it secret." Li Mobai reminded.

"Well, it seems that you have learned something useful on the Internet. OK. I know. Let me see. Opening a shop is not a small thing." Dai Ruyu is actually eager to try at the moment.

Who doesn't want to be their own boss? She wants to. Also moved, but not brave enough. At the moment, what we need is to encourage our mother. Let her take this step bravely.

When she tasted the sweetness and made money. Then everything else will come naturally.

That afternoon, my parents whispered for a long time.

Grandpa also ran to say something. Then mom made a decision.

I'll get laid off tomorrow. Buy, break your seniority, take the money and leave.