The old man is loyal to the country and a soldier of iron blood, but he also has family worries brought about by the war years.

The top ten families of China have provided great help for the establishment of the whole country since that chaotic era, so they continue to this day. Almost all the important posts in the country's future are members of the top ten families.

This leads to some disadvantages.

With the development of the times, people who rely on their own ability must get rid of the trouble of being restricted by the top ten families.

In recent years, several families have begun to lose or choose other ways.

The above people allow the high development of individuals, but absolutely do not allow the huge family to support each other and control the development of important positions within the family.

Everything belongs to the state. We can never say which family we belong to. This is intolerable by the state.

Beishi, the political center, was the first to show signs of decline. The military aristocracy who originally controlled Beishi had been driven to the northern border. It was deserted and friendly with neighboring countries. There was no place for promotion. Now the Qin family has almost no business development.

The two families in Xishi originally stayed in the most difficult place to develop, so compared with other families, they were not the focus.

The nies and yuans are relatively smart. Although they stay in Nanshi, they have never been proud of their merits. Their children develop independently and try not to get together. Moreover, it is gradually developing in the direction of Commerce, which is more encouraged by the state.

So the most troublesome thing right now is the situation in Dongshi.

Nie Zhao is a good blade. He helps the people above to divide all rights clearly. He is independent of the Nie family. He is also a real person of high level. He is also a smart person and has a handle on his life experience. For the people above, he is not only interested in cultivating talents, but also good at using them.

For Nie Zhao, this happens to coincide with his own development and is a win-win thing. Even if there are risks, there are also opportunities. He agrees with the above view that this is the best for the country. After all, he has seen the bad side of the country caused by too many family forces. Not all family members will think that the interests of the country are higher than those of individual families For the sake of his own interests and the interests of his country, Nie Zhao naturally agreed.

But for Nie Zhao's relatives, Nie Zhao is pushed into the most difficult path. Even if he may be brilliant in the future, he has to go through the ordeal before his great duty. My grandfather is afraid that no one will really protect Nie Zhao after his death.

Even if Nie Zhao's ability has been recognized by the above, the above is also willing to cultivate Nie Zhao, and pull him to the highest position in the military region, believing that he can help break up the military region's influence and remain indestructible. But there are still huge risks. The above knows Nie Zhao's life experience and is willing to cultivate it, and the prerequisite is that outsiders do not know that once Nie Zhao's life experience is revealed, he will make any contribution Labor may be offset in the eyes of those who want to.

It's better not to be famous, not to be the target of public criticism, no one to trace his life experience. Then he will always be safe. This is the humble thought of an old man who has lost his beloved daughter and wants to protect his grandson.

Nie Zhao and the old man looked at each other. He knew the old man's mind, but he was a man and a soldier. How could he always hide under the old man's wings? He had wings, he could fly by himself, he had his own beliefs, and he needed to realize them.

Of course, there is also a little selfish.

"Grandfather, don't you want me to be the most proud soldier for you? You see, I will, and you're right. If you want to deal with the hermits, the ten families must first learn to obey the country, but they can't become the second hermits. "

The old man's face changed. Although he knew for a long time that he would come to this step, he didn't expect that Nie Zhao's goal would be so far away.

It's a hermit. It's not the ancestor of Chinese people.

The threat of the hermits and the top ten families to the country is just like the threat of guns and knives to the human body.

"You Alas The old man is proud of cultivating such offspring, but he is more sorry for his daughter's worries. He can't live a good life with such a child. The old man will even reflect on whether he shouldn't let him be a soldier in the first place.

"Isn't grandfather curious? Yin nationality, the invisible existence, don't you want to know what it is like there? "

"Don't want to know," the old man replied But did not see his grandson's eyes firm to stubborn look.

Nie Zhao had a good chat with him for a while, but he finally coaxed him. For three consecutive days, Nie Zhao did not leave the hospital. During the day, he chatted with him, played chess, watched TV, accompanied him in the ward at night, and never went home. After that, the old man was really tired and wanted to drive Nie Zhao away.

Nie Zhao finds time to meet Nie Xuan and Chen Liuzhi, and then gets together with Yuan Shang.

When he heard that Nie Zhao was going to Dongshi, yuan Shangzhen was surprised and seemed to expect that. In Yuan Shang's opinion, Nie Zhao would not be afraid to go anywhere. What's more, without Tao Rong, he would go anywhere.Yuan Shang is also ready to leave his job regardless of her parents' opposition. After Lin Jie has been away for a long time, his heart has long been deserted. He wants to travel. According to those lagging clues, he can walk slowly along the way Lin Jie has gone. It's also a kind of forgiveness to see the scenery she has seen.

Yuan Shangquan has been a lot of peace, no more Yingyan around, but all this may come too late.

Looking at Yuan Shang's present appearance, Nie Zhao was a little envious. At least yuan Shang knew where he was wrong, and he didn't even know why he was abandoned.

Before Nie Zhao left, Yuan Shang reminded Nie Zhao, "Dongshi is the site of those two families. The Zheng family will not talk about marriage debt. If it wasn't for Zheng Weifeng who spent too much energy on his treatment, Zheng Shunjia would have been pestering you long ago. After she learned that you were single again, I heard that Zheng Shunjia had a celebration party directly."

Nie Zhao's face was expressionless, as if he didn't care at all.

Then yuan Shang's face became more and more serious. "And the Shi family, their family is the worst against your family. They have to compete with everything and rob everything. They have a real bull's temper, and they have a good relationship with each other. The brothers are united, and their interests will be cut off. Your family You, in particular, are their eyesore