The young policeman said: "in terms of procedure, we need to continue the investigation, but the fact is already in front of us. It's just going through the procedure. It's not that she can deny the crime if she doesn't admit it."

"Well What if she could turn herself in now? " Nie Zhao asked softly.

As soon as Nie Zhao said this, Tao Rong turned her head and looked at Nie Zhao. She was not angry, but suddenly she didn't feel right. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked back and forth between Nie Zhao and the young police.

The young policeman scratched his head and said, "if a minor turns himself in, he must be lenient. If his family doesn't sue him, he can perform better. Maybe education will come out after a period of time. But now... "

The young policeman was hesitating. Suddenly, Yan Qi rushed to the young policeman like crazy and said: "I turn myself in I turned myself in. Everything was an accident. I played with my brother and wanted to scare Tao Rong. But I didn't expect such an accident. I didn't really mean it. I didn't really mean it. Please forgive me and turn myself in. Please don't leave me a record. Please. "

The worst situation has just been heard. Yan Qi doesn't want to admit it. She doesn't even want to admit it. But her spirit has collapsed and she can't make it any longer.

Even if she does something bad, it's still the flesh and blood of the Yan family. They won't sue themselves. The Tao family always listen to the Yan family. As long as they suppress Tao Rong and don't let her sue, they will be OK.

If she doesn't want to go to prison, she won't even die. That's a stigma. How can she live when she comes out? What about her studies? Her whole life is over! She must not go to jail.

Before that, Tao Yu didn't have to go to jail, and he certainly didn't have to.

Now that she has the opportunity, she must grasp it. Now her mind is in a mess, and she can't care about anything at all. She is in a hurry and anxious, as if she is falling into a cliff. Suddenly, a rope appears around her that can hold her. But her body is falling rapidly. Even if she hesitates for a second, she may not be able to grasp the rope. She is going to die, and she has no idea I can't think about other ways carefully. This is the only way to survive.

Yan Qi keeps asking for forgiveness. No matter what the reason she gives, the fact is very clear. It's Yan Qi who disguises as Tao Rong and harms Yan Jie. She designs everything.

This time, the truth came out.

"Yan Qi! Are you out of you mind? That's your brother! " Aunt Yan finally burst into tears.

Meng Fengying directly rushed up to beat Yan Qi, in her heart or grandson is the most important, "you almost killed ah Jie, if ah Jie had an accident, you pay for your life!"

Because the police stopped Meng Fengying, there was no way to get close.

Yan Qi kept crying, she knew it would be like this, but she really had no other way.

Uncle Yan was also shocked by the fact that he could not stand steadily. Fortunately, there was a village head nearby to help him.

Tao Qian, who had been watching coldly, now jumped up and said, "I still want to frame our daughter. Who is the one with a black heart?"

Yan Xiangru is not happy. She is scared to death. "I said, elder brother and sister-in-law, how do you discipline your daughter? Isn't that cheating? You really nearly killed our family. "

Yan Xiang wants to say a few more words, but he is immediately counselled after uncle Yan stares at her.

Uncle Yan stepped forward to look at Yan Qi and said, "is it really you?"

Yan Qi dare not look at Uncle Yan, "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean it. It was an accident. How could I harm my brother?"

But Uncle Yan didn't believe it.

At this time, the young policeman finally said, "enough. Let's go. It's time to get on the bus."

Finally, Yan Qi and Tao Rong went to the town police station with the police. This time, Tao Rong was the victim.

Tao Rong's family didn't accompany her. Instead, they said that they would come back early. Their attitude was quite different from that just now.

Villagers also continue to comfort Tao Rong, as if just abusing her is not like them.

And Yan's family went to the police station with them.

Tao Rong looked at Nie Zhao, who was sitting in a car with him. He didn't understand and said, "Why are you going with me?"

Nie Zhao opened the spare medicine box in the police car and said, "there are some things to be explained."

"Did you conspire to lure Yan Qi to surrender?" Tao Rong said calmly.

As soon as the words came out, the police almost drove the car out of the curve, and the young police in front of them looked back awkwardly, "is it showing up?"

Tao Rong shrugged and said, "because it's a coincidence, I don't believe I have such good luck. And you deliberately in front of Yan Qi said the benefits of surrender, which is too strange, the time card is so good, panic, Yan Qi would rather surrender than risk imprisonment. Besides, only captain Nie has ever heard my cousin call me Baifan. So it can only be designed by you together. "

Next to Nie Zhao a little surprised looking at Tao Rong, did not expect that this girl is so smart, reaction so fast.The young policeman said with a smile: "if she is as smart as you are, you may not be able to win her this time. To tell you the truth, if she does not admit it, our case is really difficult. In fact, if strictly speaking, the evidence is not very tenable, naturally you will not be convicted. I'm afraid that our interrogation means will be the final decision, But after all, it's not as convenient for her to turn herself in. So while there was a lot of noise, Captain Nie discussed this method with me. Later, he will have to explain it to the family of the victim. It's estimated that it will be better to make another noise. In fact, we are also for their good. I hope they can understand. Fortunately, she turned herself in smoothly. "

Because the case was solved, the young police were very happy.

Nie Zhao is no reaction, just ready to disinfect cotton, said: "turn around."

Tao Rong knew that Nie Zhao was going to deal with the wound on his forehead, but he didn't twist it. He turned to face him and asked him to wipe it.

It's just the moment when the cotton is applied to the wound, it still hurts badly.

Tao Rong's soft voice hissed a, Nie Zhao's action is a meal, the hand can't help but speed up.

"After being so experienced with Qi for so long, will you be hurt by ordinary people's stones?" Although Nie Zhao is questioning, it is obvious that he has already made a statement, which sounds like ridicule to Tao Rong.

I wanted to reply that I didn't pay attention to it, but for this reason, Nie Zhao, who was a soldier, seemed a little weak.

So Tao Rong was silent.