Yan Qi suddenly surprised, just want to cry against.

At this time, Nie Zhao suddenly said, "can I have a look at the so-called evidence?"

The young police asked people to take the evidence directly. Because it was evidence, it was sealed.

Nie Zhao is inconvenient to take out, just looked carefully, turned around and asked not far away, "is this dress really yours?"

Uncle Yan's family is under attack, but they haven't figured out what to do. Hearing Nie Zhao's words, Meng Fengying is the first to rush out and scold: "this is not Tao Rong's, do you still want to lie with your eyes open?"

Tao Rong and Nie Zhao both look up at this ferocious looking old lady. They are really like evil spirits. They say that Tao Rong is a granddaughter who is related to her by blood. No one believes that there is a grandmother who regards her granddaughter as an enemy and wants to kill her immediately.

The attitude of Tao family and Yan Family towards Tao Rong is very strange. It's not too much to say that we should abandon our shoes. Even if there is a little family affection in it, there will be contradiction, hurt and sad psychology, rather than trying to send her to prison.

Looking at the performance of these people, Nie Zhao feels more and more strange. He can't help but turn his head and look at Tao Rong, wondering if she will show real sadness.

But Tao Rong really didn't have it at all. She just looked at Meng Fengying with sarcasm in her eyes and said in a clear voice: "grandma, don't worry. I didn't deny it. There's my name on it. It's embroidered by me. How can I admit my mistake? This is my dress."

Did not expect that Tao Rong did not sophistry, but frankly admit, this is to let other people did not expect, immediately to scold the voice of the export is also blocked in the throat.

Meng Fengying choked and blushed. "It's good to admit it. If you can admit it so calmly, at least you're a person!"

Tao Rong said gently: "grandma, what I have is mine, not mine. It's useless for you to force me to admit it. I hope grandma's attitude towards me now will be impartial and fair after she really knows who the killer is."

Tao Rong's eyes had already looked at Yan Qi when she said that. Tao Rong's obvious performance immediately angered Yan's family. Aunt Yan and Meng Fengying immediately started to scold her. They felt that Tao Rong was just a wolf. They wanted to drag all their children into the water. It was extremely vicious.

But Tao Rong didn't pay attention to their abuse any more. Instead, she turned her head and looked at Nie Zhao. But she didn't know when Nie Zhao had bowed his head and looked down at the clothes inside through the transparent evidence bag.

Suddenly Nie Zhao's eyes brightened, as if he saw something.

Nie Zhao immediately raised his head and asked the young policeman, "did you pass someone else's hand when you found this dress?"

"When the victim was sent to the hospital, we received a call to the police. We were afraid that the scene would be damaged, so we immediately contacted the village head to help maintain the scene," the young policeman said

The village head also came forward and said, "when I came here, there were already villagers around to discuss, but no one was close to me. I have confirmed that."

Nie Zhao raised the corner of his mouth and said, "so, apart from the prisoner and Yan Jie, no one has touched this dress since then?"

When Nie Zhao asked this question, he asked everyone, and everyone shook his head.

Nie Zhao asks Tao Rong again: "before you go home, do others have a chance to touch your clothes?"

Tao Rong shook his head and said, "No

Tao Rong saw that Nie Zhao's mouth was obviously elated. It seemed that he had found some key evidence, so he asked these questions with confidence.

is it what Yan Qi wears her clothes, such as the lipstick that is colorful as before, if it is, it can prove that Yan Qi crosses her clothes.

Yan Qi, who also thought of this, was a little relaxed. She felt that she could leave evidence on her clothes unless it was any color. However, in order to avoid leaving flaws and deal with Tao Rong in time, she had never used lip gloss since she thought of this plan, and she would not even leave anything fragrant on her body.

She has learned a lesson, and will never make the same mistake again.

See Nie Zhao's line of sight to see come over, Yan Qi obviously than just calm too much.

Nie Zhao asked Yan Qi, "since you are another suspect, have you ever touched this dress?"

Yan Qi and Nie Zhao face-to-face is still very stressful, especially Nie Zhao also has an unforgettable face. She really doesn't understand what's good about Tao Rong. Sun Huada and Wen Yifeng used to protect her, but now she comes to such a handsome soldier brother. Why is she? With that face? Hum! She's almost finished anyway.

Nie Zhao's eyes are so destructive that Yan Qi can't bear them from all aspects, so she hides behind her father, "why do I have to touch her dirty clothes, so dirty, a pile of dust, I still dislike it, let alone contact, I haven't even looked at her one more time, I haven't seen her for nearly a month, how can I have a chance to contact her I've never been in touch before, not even close to it. "

Yan Qi is determined to remove herself clean. In addition to today's contact, what she said is true. Since Gan Xiaomei's affair, she has never met Tao Rong, and she doesn't know what the dead girl is busy with all day. She can't catch anyone, which makes her plan to stay for so many days.Yan Qi put aside the clean, heart also relaxed a lot, but in the face of her Nie Zhao did not waver, but look more relaxed.

Nie Zhao turned to the young policeman and said, "open the bag."

The young policeman was stunned, and uncle Yan turned his mind and immediately cried out, "what's the matter? Do you want to take the opportunity to destroy the evidence? "

Although I think it's impossible, uncle Yan is also worried. After all, there is only one evidence that can hold down Tao Rong. There can't be any more problems.

Nie Zhao said: "I think I have found the evidence of who is the murderer, the evidence is in the clothes, so let you open it."

"The evidence is the dress. Why did you open it? It may be your procrastination." Uncle Yan said with a cold face.

Young police also hesitated to look at Nie Zhao, clothes are they put away, to carefully check the words or back to the police station is more appropriate.

But Nie Zhao insisted, "if Yan Zhishu doesn't believe us, you, the village head and the police can open it together. According to what I said, we can find evidence. Tao Rong and I promise not to interfere, and the villagers around will witness."

Nie Zhao all said so, as if there was no reason to refuse.

Uncle Yan said coldly, "what if the evidence is wrong?"