Chapter 671

Zhao Xiang is crazy!

No one knows how crazy he is!

But there are many versions of his rumors.

Some people say that he did more harm to nature and reason, so he was punished by God.

Some people say he has a bad kidney and likes to buy all kinds of aphrodisiacs. As a result, eating too much leads to schizophrenia.

Some people say he is pretending to be crazy. His purpose is to hide his power and hide his time, disguise himself as a madman and let the family's competitors relax their vigilance. All these are the plans of the Zhao family's old master.

Some people said that he invited the headmaster himself. Because he didn't talk about adding money, the headmaster was angry and used the headmaster to lower his head, so it became like this

Because the fourth version is too exaggerated, few people believe it.

In short, rumors were everywhere for a time, and Zhao Xiang went crazy, which became an established fact.

In Yuanjiang City, there is also less evil that harms good family women.

On the day Zhao Xiang went crazy.

Baker, a famous doctor who had lost his prestige, was humiliated and expelled from Yuanjiang City after being taught a lesson by the Zhao family.

How beautiful it is when you come and how down-to-earth it is when you leave.

That night, the bruised Baker came to the airport with his luggage. Just after checking in his boarding pass for the United States, he came to the lounge and ordered a glass of juice. Before drinking, one sat next to him.

"It's just a failure. Why so sad?"

The man next to me.

"I'm upset now. You'd better not annoy me."

Baker frowned in a very impatient tone.

However, he suddenly realized that the language the other party spoke to him was English, and it was English with some local dialects.

"Is that you?"

"You... Aren't you the referee jack at that time?"

Baker's eyes widened.

"Oh, old friend, are you surprised to see me?"

Here comes jack, who is also an American doctor.

Baker looked a little flustered and hurriedly said, "Dr. jack, this time I came to China to do this kind of thing. Please don't tell my teacher, i... I will change."

Jack waved his fingers and said with a smile, "in China, there is a saying that if you change something, you will be encouraged if you don't. If a person makes a mistake, it's not a big deal. As long as you sincerely repent, God will forgive you."

"Well... Then you won't tell my teacher?" Baker said cautiously.

"Of course, I'm not such a careful person." Jack shrugged. "In fact, I came to you this time to discuss something with you. You're not interested in joining my Jack medical team?"

"When... Of course! It's my pleasure!" Beck said excitedly.

He has now declared that he has swept the floor.

Even Zhao Xiang, the last supporter, was cursed by the headmaster and turned into a madman.

After returning to the United States, his many bad deeds will be exposed sooner or later, and his life will be difficult in the future.

However, as long as we can get on with the doctor jack, it's only a matter of time!

After all, he is a man who always admires Steven!

"Dr. jack, it's really my dream to join your medical team!"

"Please, let me join!"

Beck pleaded.

"Dr. Baker, are you sure you don't think about it? I can tell you about my medical team later," Jack smiled.

"No, no, no, it's not necessary at all. You can see my current situation, Dr. Jack. As long as you are willing to take me in, even let me be an ox and a horse!"

Baker hurried.

Jack nodded and was about to say something.

At this time, Baker's cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and looked at it. His face suddenly changed.

The caller ID is his teacher: Steve trump.

"I... excuse me first."

Baker laughed.


Jack nodded and smiled.

Baker picked up his cell phone and hurried to the bathroom.

After taking a few deep breaths, he pressed the answer button.

"Baker, you hateful bastard, I know what you did in China. You really let me down!"

On the phone, an old man roared angrily.

"Teacher, please listen to me..."

Beck said with a sad face.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear any explanation from you now!"

"Do you know that when people mention you Baker, they will think of my Steven's student! Shit, you have completely ruined my reputation. From today on, you and I are no longer teachers and students, and you don't want to see me again!"

The other end of the phone was angry.

"No, no!"

"Teacher, you can't do this. Please give me another chance? Teacher, teacher..."

In a panic, Baker kept pleading on the phone.

On the other side of the phone, there was only a ruthless hang up sound.


Baker smashed his cell phone to the ground, filled with regret and despair.

From today on, he has nothing to do with Steven trump, the first doctor in the United States

Baker, in pain, turned to leave the bathroom and ran into Jack.

"Are you all right, Dr. Baker?" Jack said.

"The teacher already knew about my fraud and kicked me out of his door... Now I have nothing."

Baker said with a wry smile, "Dr. jack, you don't dislike me, do you?"

"Ha ha, of course not. My medical team is always welcome as long as you are willing to join."

Jack made a ha ha and took out a stack of thick documents from his briefcase. "Dr. Baker, this is the contract of Jack's medical team. You can read it carefully. If you want to join, sign here."

"Don't look, I've decided to join Jack's medical team from today on."

Baker took the pen directly and signed his name without looking at the contract.

"Well, Dr. Baker, but it's an emergency," Jack said with a smile.

"Dr. jack, I've joined. When can I take me to your clinic?" Baker asked expectantly.




"Then... Ah ah ah!"

The moment a shrill scream just sounded, it suddenly stopped!

A sharp scalpel stabbed Baker's heart accurately, and then a hand with white gloves covered his mouth.

Beck widened his eyes and looked in horror at the smiling man like a devil

Life is already passing fast

"Shh, keep your voice down. This is the airport. It's bad if you bring the police here."

Jack said with a smile, holding the scalpel and stirring it back and forth in baker's chest, "in fact, you really should look at the contract, because it clearly says that to join Jack's team, you must first become a corpse."

"You, you..." Baker sobbed and wanted to speak, but it was hard to say.

"Are you curious why I found you?"

Jack smiled and said, "in this case, I have to re introduce myself. My name is Jack. I'm a hermit. My biggest hobby since childhood is to stab others in the heart with a scalpel."

"Oh, by the way, have you ever heard of Youwang? It's a very interesting place... I work in Youwang now, and I rank sixth in the Diablo list."

"The customers on Youwang all affectionately call me Jack the Ripper."

"By the way, speaking of this, you should know why I came to you? Yes, it was arranged by the top management of the Zhao family. They can't let people like you continue to live in the world... So I'm sorry."

"Finally, welcome to Jack's medical team."

"But it's your heart."

The voice fell, and the scalpel in Jack's hand cut faster.

Soon, a fresh heart was taken out.

Jack put his heart into the prepared black fresh-keeping bag, then washed his face in front of the washstand, whistled and swaggered out.

As soon as he got to the door, Jack bumped into a man and stopped.

"I said I smelled a familiar smell during the game. It turned out that it was really a companion."

Jack looked at the old green man in front of him and said with a smile, "but I'm curious. Will people like you be willing to work for others?"

"First, we are not companions. Second, you don't need to know so much."

"Third, I came here to cut the grass and root according to my master's order."

Qingyunzi looked at Jack with an expressionless face. There was no emotion in his voice, but there was a majestic murderous spirit hidden.