The doorbell rang again, but Fukuyama fell asleep and didn't mean to get up and open the door at all.

Qin Guo moved his body, "zero?"

“……” No response.

"Fukuyama zero?" Qin Guo raised his voice.

“……” Maybe I was really tired all the way. I just had two or three hours' sleep, which was really not enough. Therefore, Fukuyama zero had a good sleep.

"Fukuyama zero, wake up Qin Guo raised his voice, "Fushan zero, Fushan..."


Outside, the door was kicked open!

It was so loud that even the room was shaking.

"Ah! Earthquake, Qin Guo, run Fukuyama jumped up with a cry.

Space, instant quiet.

Fukuyama is standing on the bed. His clothes are not neat and he is still in a panic. Qin Guo is sitting beside the bed with a blank face. At the door, there is a small version of Gu Yichen, accompanied by several strong men.

What's going on?

At the door, Gu Luoyan coughed and kept his grace and kindness.

"Did I disturb you both?" It's obviously a young age, but speaking like an adult, "I heard someone calling Fukuyama zero in an urgent voice. I thought something was wrong."

It's strange that he is tired of knocking at the door and loses patience!

Fukuyama zero reaction, jumped out of bed, "little guy, what do you break in to do?"

"Daddy asked me to pick you up to the presidential palace," Gu said gracefully. "If you're done, come with me. If you're not done, wait until you go back to the presidential palace."

With that, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Fukuyama zero. "The beds in the guest rooms of the presidential palace are more comfortable and soundproof than here."

There is something in the story.

With that, he turned to walk in front, like a fraternal little prince, elegant, delicate and elegant.

In the car, Gu Luoyan briefly explained his plan to them.

"Don't get involved in this matter any more. I'll be fully responsible for it, whether it's the Mu family or the people on that island," Gu Luoyan said. He was very responsible, and then nodded to Qin Guo. "I'm sorry, because some people in our country are restless and have hurt you. I'm sorry for that."

“…… No No more... " Being apologized by a child, Qin Guo doesn't know how to react. Moreover, the child is still a prince.

"People on the island, I will protect them. You don't have to worry about the medicines you need. Give me a medicine list, and I will complete all of them for you. And the doctor, I will ask more for you to help you."

"Move fast," Fukuyama said seriously. "It's better to finish it all in a week!"

"Three days!" Gu Luoyan was very confident.

Fukuyama zero a little surprised, "little brother, talk is responsible, three days time, you can find the Mu family stronghold?"

"Brother Fukuyama, don't underestimate my ability," Gu said with a polite smile. "As the ruler of the country, how can I not do this?"

Clearly, his smile is very gentle, but always let people smell the taste of ambition.

"Won't your daddy come back?"

"Well, daddy is old, and now he is traveling with mommy. I am in charge of the whole country, so don't doubt it." Gu Luoyan said politely.

The car, all the way to the presidential palace.

Very spectacular building, similar to the castle, but different from the monotony of the castle, white building, without losing its dignity, but also very gorgeous.

It covers a large area. It took another five minutes to get to the side of the building from the gate. Along the way, there are gardens, grasslands and a huge fountain.

There are soldiers on guard all the way, which fully reflects the prestige of a king.

Looking at these buildings, Qin Guo's head hurt inexplicably.

He seems to have seen buildings similar to majesty somewhere. She vaguely remembers that when she was a child, she seemed to be playing hide and seek beside a very strong stone pillar.

"Guoguo, come out. We're going home." A woman came over and took her hand.

She can't remember the woman's appearance, but she seems to be in uniform, very dignified, but her arms are very gentle.

"What are you thinking?" Fukuyama asked, "you don't look very well. Are you not feeling well?" With that, Fukuyama's finger was on her wrist.

"I'm fine. Maybe I didn't rest last night."

"I've prepared a guest room for you. These days, you can stay here at ease," Gu Luoyan said with the host's attitude. "Let's have a rest. Breakfast will be delivered soon."

With that, he turned to the people around him and said, "take them to the guest room."


When Fushan zero and qinguo disappeared, Gu Luoyan was sitting on the sofa. His face, which had always been gentle, was a little impatient.

The bull is blowing big!Pick up the water on the table and drink, small head, desperately trying to find a way.

What to do?

Although there is a way, but three days is not too tight, ah, he is not sure!

What to do? What should I do?

And at this time, the mobile phone rang, is Gu Yichen called.

The anxiety on the face disappeared in an instant. Instead, it was the confidence of strategizing.

"Daddy, get up?" Gentle voice, to hide their emotions very well.

"Well, son, did you get them?" Gu Yichen asked lazily.

"Daddy, are you worried about my efficiency?"

"It's a tricky matter. If not, I'll go back for a few days. Your mother will be taken care of by Xia Xia and mu Ruchen."

"Daddy, when you come back, I've finished the work. You can travel well. Really, you can't concentrate on playing." Gu Luoyan sighed like an adult, "take good care of Mommy. Don't let me worry about you."

"Son, listen to me, this matter must be decided quickly. Otherwise, the Mu family will surely find out some scapegoats and hide the real criminals to continue their inhuman experiments."

"Three days!" Gu Luoyan said confidently, "I will get things done in three days!"

"Oh? Are you sure? " Gu Yichen obviously did not believe it.

"Just wait for my good news!"

"If not?"

"If you don't give me a month, I'll give you a shoulder!"


Hang up the phone, Gu Luoyan face confidence instantly disappeared, replaced by, is full of anxiety.

It's impulsive again.

Three days. If he can't finish it in three days, he'll lose face and hair!

No, in order to maintain his face, let himself still look omnipotent, he must solve all things in three days!

"Prince, your breakfast is ready." The servant came to remind him.

"No more!" Where is he in the mood to eat?

"The princess said," if you don't eat on time, let me tell him that she will come back to teach you. "

"You dare!"

"The princess also said, if you dare to threaten me, let me tell her."

“……” Gu Luoyan collapsed his shoulder, "OK, I'll go to dinner."